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    Glenn J

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    Everything posted by Glenn J

    1. Chip, back from my Christmas travels. Regards Glenn
    2. Indeed! I found three Infantry Leutnant d.R. Brink who survived the war and who were commissioned prior to mid 1917: IR. 62 (1916) FR. 73 (1914) IR. 85 (1915) Another two were KIA and can be eliminated. Regards Glenn
    3. Seconde-Lieutenant: 5.1.71 Regards Glenn
    4. Chris, I have looked through the chapters dealing with mid 1918 twice in Bloem's and he does not sem to get a mention. I can check Ernst von Sch?nfeldt's history at the MGFA next month. Regards Glenn
    5. Unfortunately I do not have an 1893 Rangliste (the last he would have been listed in). The 1892 shows him with an RAO3. He presumably received the RAO2 either shortly before or just after his retirement in 1894. The following from the 1892 Rangliste and the 1904-1905 Ordens-Almanach respectively. Regards Glenn
    6. Which would fit for Hauptmann Philipp M?nch as the Adjutant of the 4. Infanterie-Division and exactly as per his entry in the Offizier-Stammliste of Infanterie-Regiment Nr. 50. Regards Glenn
    7. In this particular Stammliste his leading first name is given as Eberhardt although it appears he was generally known as Philipp M?nch. Regards Glenn
    8. Gordon, I thought that this would have been relatively simple. However....... No one of the name M?ngh with an EK from 1870. Therefore must be M?nch. Only one officer from the former state of Hannover with that name and an Ernst-August Order - Philipp Eberhard Rudolf M?nch - later Generalleutnant z.D. However he was dead in 1907
    9. Paul, Kurt Louis Franz v. Pawlowski, born 9 January 1883 at Marburg in Hessen. Killed a battalion commander in IR 364. Commissioned into F?silier-Regiment Nr. 80 as a Leutnant (ohne Patent) on 22.3.01. Received a Patent of seniority of 22.6.01 P. Served as an instructor at the Pl?n Cadet School from 1 Oct 08 to 1 Apr 11 and then attended the War Academy. Transfered to IR 174 on 1 April 1911. Hauptmann on 8.10.14 (O2o). Regards Glenn
    10. Generalmajor v. Sannow. Regards Glenn
    11. Well if it is Sannow you are in luck because that would be Oberstlieutenant (later Generalmajor) Ferdinand (v.) Sannow who also won the Pour le m?rite in Infanterie-Regiment Nr. 16. Regards Glenn
    12. Probably Sannow. WIll check the register this evening. Regards Glenn
    13. Jeff, I have not yet decided how to "distribute" this. If there is some interest I will copy it to cd as a pdf file for a nominal fee at some stage. webr55, they are generally in order of name and again sorted by rank. There are actually four full pages of Schmidts! Here are some awards on the non-combatant ribbon. Regards Glenn
    14. The 1905 was the last "full" year but "Nachtr?ge" were published up to 1913. I am currently pulling all the first names of hundreds of Officers and Military Officials from the 1906 & 1907 Nachtrag. Regards Glenn
    15. Came across a wonderful "little" title on my last research trip to the big city: A complete register of the winners of the 1870 Iron Cross with first names and units Some 1200 odd pages it contains the names of the winners from all contingents in all classes. Regards Glenn
    16. Robert, Bavarian Chevaulegers. Most probably from the 4. Chevaulegers-Regiment K?nig at Augsburg. Regards Glenn
    17. Hi Komtur, this from the Stammliste des Marine-Sanit?ts-Offizierskorps 1919: Regards Glenn
    18. Komtur, Oberstleutnant z.D. Georg v. Schroeder (as identified by Daniel), formally Bezirkskommandeur Detmold. Awarded the Ehrenkreuz 2. Klasse on 26 April 1905. He retired as Bezirkskommandeur Detmold on 22 May 1905 and is not listed in the 1905 Rangliste with this order. He was awarded the EK2 as a Sekonde-Lieutenant in Pommersches Feldartillerie-Regiment Nr. 2. Formerly the Abteilungs-Kommandeur of III./1. Westf?lisches Feldartillerie-Regiment Nr. 7, he was placed "zur Disposition" on 15 June 1898 with the charakter of Oberstleutnant and appointed as Bezirkskommandeur Soest on 20 July 1898. He was transfered to Detmold shortly afterwards (date not published). Regards Glenn
    19. A German online book search engine - ZVAB - Zentrales Verzeichnis Antiquarischer B?cher: ZVAB Regards Glenn
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