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    Glenn J

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    Everything posted by Glenn J

    1. Rick, just came across this. Our man made it to General Awarded the charakterisierter Rank of Generalmajor on 18 June 1914 on the occasion of the 100 vear Centenary celebrations of the 1. Schweres Reiter-Regiment. Regards Glenn
    2. Rick, Oberst Anton Manz (5.8.57-6.2.54) !! commanded the 7. Chevaulegers-Regiment from 1 October 1905 to 20 August 1907 Oberstleutnant: 20.7.04 Oberst: 12.10.06 z.D.: 20 August 1907 Regards Glenn
    3. And two more: Hauptmann Karl Eduard Wilhelm Lange Hauptmann Ernst Raab Regards Glenn
    4. Couple more first name entries fro the pre war Hauptm?nner: Hauptmann Moritz Franz Otto Grebel Hauptmann Joachim v. Hellermann Regards Glenn
    5. The remaining field officers are here: Major Kurt Ernst Wilhelm Freiherr v. Linstow Major Heinrich Ludwig Ernst Eberhard v. Voss Major Erdmann v. Sierakowski Regards Glenn
    6. Very interesting indeed! The course commander is Oberst (later char. Generalmajor) Maximilian Freiherr v. Preuschen who was commanding the Kriegsschule at Engers in 1914 and commanded Leibgarde-Infanterie-Regiment (1. Gro?herzogl. Hessisches) Nr. 115 from 31 May 1916 to 21 December 1916. He commanded 3. Niederschlesisches Infanterie-Regiment Nr. 50 from 10 July 1918 to 21 August 1918 and finally commanded the Truppen?bungsplatz at Munster. Char. Generalmajor on 27.5.20. Regards Glenn
    7. Hi Paul, Baurat L?tjohann was a long serving Landwehr Officer in the 1. Garde-Landwehr-Regiment originally commissioned on 12.7.79. Premier-Lieutenant d.L.: 20.9.90 Hauptmann d.L.: 27.1.97 D He retired from Landwehr service on 19 December 1905 with permission to wear the Landwehr Army Uniform. He had already been awarded the BZL3b in 1895/96. Regards Glenn
    8. Chris, Kassenverwaltung? Gro?en Bagage Regards Glenn
    9. Rick, Christian Oberzahlmeister Hermann Ludwig Klebbe, born 26 November 1858 at Elbing in West Prussia. Volunteered for the NCO School at Wei?enfels on 9 October 1877. Entered Fu?-Artillerie-Bataillon Nr. 14 on 1 October 1880 as an Unteroffizier. 21.10.83: Sergeant 05.04.89: Transfered to Infanterie-Regiment Nr. 114 08.04.89: Feldwebel 09.12.89: Wachtmeister u. Zahlmeisteraspirant in Feldartillerie-Regiment Nr. 30 11..09.1895: Zahlmeister of III./Infanterie-Regiment Markgraf Ludwig Wilhelm (3. Bad.) Nr. 111 05.10.04: Attached to Infanterie-Regiment Nr. 172 05.01.05: Transfered to Infanterie-Regiment Nr. 172 12.12.06: Oberzahlmeister 01.04.11: Transfered to F?silier-Regiment Nr. 40. Regards Glenn
    10. Jerome, these officers ARE Bavarians from the 1860s. The first and last but one photographs are of military officials of Doctors with the equivalent rank of an Oberlieutenant. The green lanyard (Schnurgeflechte)which most are wearing is the distinction of the J?ger or Sch?tzen worn prior to August 1869. Judging by their age, these guys are probably Landwehr types. Regards Glenn
    11. Paul, according to his entry in the Lohmann/Hildebrand he was missing since 4 February 1945, probably killed at Cranz in East Prussia. Kapit?n zur See z.V. since 1.11.44. Regards Glenn
    12. Rick, Alfred Richard Menchen, born 14 November 1877 at G?rlitz. Educated at the Realschule and then the Gymnasium at G?rlitz before entering Infanterie-Regiment Nr. 23 on 8 March 1896. Promoted to Portepee-F?hnrich on 17.11.96. Seconded to the Military Physical Training Establishment (Mil. Turnanstalt) from 1 October 1900 to 28 February 1901. Assistant Instructor at the Mil. Turnanstalt from 1 March 1901 to 31 July 1901 and from 1 October 1901 to 28 February 1902 and from 1 March to 31 July 1902. Battalion Adjutant from 11 July to 30 September 1907. Regimental Adjutant from 27 January 1908 to 30 September 1912. Assigned as Adjutant of Landwehr-Inspektion Breslau on 1 October 1912 on promotion to Hauptmann. He was apparently taken prisoner at some stage in the war as he was promoted to Major on 4.3.20 (Patent of 18.10.18) in Reichswehr-Sch?tzen-Regiment 92 on his release. Regards Glenn
    13. Hardy, Makes sense to me - Assault Battalion Course. The General is v. Gerok. Regards Glenn
    14. Hi Rick, Hermann Erythropel (Landwehr-Bezirk IV Berlin) was commissioned as a Leutnant der Reserve into the Th?ringisches Husar-Regiment Nr. 12 on 16 November 1899 (Patent 16.11.99 W7w). In 1902 he was living at Magdeburgerstra?e 15 in Berlin. By 1906 he is shown as a Dr. jur. and Gerichtsassessor in Breslau at Margaretenstra?e 25 on the books of Landwehrbezirk I Breslau. Promoted to Oberleutnant der Reserve on 21.12.09 he his shown back in Berlin in 1911 (Landwehrbezirk IV Berlin) as a Regierungsrat in Berlin-Sch?neberg at Meranerstra?e 9. Promoted to Rittmeister der Reserve on 22.3.14. Regards Glenn
    15. Just back Seems these guys waited years to fill "dead mens' shoes". This from the 1900 Siekmann's Taschenkalander f?r Beamte der Milit?r-Verwaltung showing Herr Keim's seniority as a Zahlmeister-Aspirant. A Zahlmeister-Aspirant since 27 November 1889, he held that rank for 16 years before his first appointment as a Zahlmeister in Infanterie-Regiment Nr. 125. He returned to his old regiment in 1907/08. Regards Glenn
    16. Rick, his entry in the Lohmann/Hildebrand. Regards Glenn
    17. Prinz Franz was appointed Inhaber of the 20. Infanterie-Regiment on 5 November 1913. Presumably Rupprecht would have picked up his dad's Inhaber appointments in time Regards Glenn
    18. Hi Claudius, Hauptmann Werner Gropius: Spent his entire pre-war career in Feldartillerie-Regiment General-Feldzeugmeister (2. Brandenburgisches) Nr. 18. Attended the Kriegsakademie from 1 October 1913 until the mobilisation in August 1914. Killed on 28 September 15 at Somme-Py. F?hnrich: 18.10.03 Leutnant: 18.8.04 (Patent 19.8.03 Y2y) Oberleutnant: 18.8.12 F10f Hauptmann: 28.11.14 Regards Glenn
    19. Slight complication in the fact that at least another Beck was commissioned as a regular veterinary officer in 1915. Firstly Rick's Dragoon 17 Dr. Beck. Posted to Dragoner-Regiment Nr. 17 on 19 November 1912 and promoted to Oberveterin?r on 22 March 1915. An Unterveterin?r Beck was commissioned into Artillerie.Regiment Nr. 67 as a regular Veterin?r on 24 March 1915. Regards Glenn
    20. Chris, there must be a typo in the original source (Offizier-Stammliste of the GFR). He must either have been born in 1869 or entered the regiment in 1899. Perhaps your death certificate gives his age? Regards Glenn
    21. Chris, Bernhard B?ttcher was a former regular Senior Non Commissioned Officer of the Garde-F?silier-Regiment who returned to service on mobilisation in August 1914. Born 20 September 1879 at Trebnitz i.d. Mark he attended the NCO Pre School in Neubreisach. He entered the 7. Kompanie of the Garde-F?silier-Regiment on 1 October 1890 eventually rising to be the Company Sergeant Major of that Company before retiring on 1 April 1910. He was then employed as an official with the firm of A. Borsig in Tegel until mobilized as an Offizier-Stellvertreter with the Ersatz-Bataillon of the Garde-F?silier-Regiment on 2 August 1914. Promoted to Feldwebel-Leutnant on 10.9.14 and to Leutnant der Landwehr 1. Aufgeb. on 19 June 1915 (Patent 22.3.15). At the time of his death he was commanding 5./G.F.R. He was the holder of the EK2. Paul, I think you must have the wrong B?ttcher? Regards Glenn
    22. David, the Regiment had two commanding Officers during the Franco-German War. The first, Oberst Edmund v. Schweinitz was killed in action on 18 July 1870 at St. Privat. He was replaced by Oskar Freiherr v. Lindemann who commanded the regiment until retiring on 23 February 1873. Regards Glenn
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