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    Glenn J

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    Everything posted by Glenn J

    1. Andreas, there is no candidate serving in the Prussian Hofstaat in 1914 with that combination of awards. Similarly I could not find a match in 1908, 1911 or 1913. I do, however agree that this combination of awards is typical of a lower ranking official at the court such as a Kammerdiener, Büchsenspanner, Hoffurier etc. The Stallmeister were somewhat senior in rank, holding either the rank of a counsellor IV or V class which put them in the category of the "Höheren Beamte". As such they were typically festooned with "officer" grade decorations. Regards Glenn
    2. And before his award of the Württemberg Friedrich Order Commander's Cross (permission to wear published in the 5 March 1902 edition of the Militär-Wochenblatt). Regards Glenn
    3. Andreas, I think most definitely Wachs. Sometime after his award of the Rumanian Star in 1900/01 and before that of the OV2b and JM3 1902/03. Regards Glenn
    4. Marcin, I do not know if your photograph is an original. What I am saying, is that the same image was reproduced in the regimental history of FAR 201. Regards Glenn
    5. Marcin, confirmed from a copy of the same photograph in the history of FAR 201 (and his signature plus the HOH3X and China Denkmünze!) See also this small Wikipedia article: http://de.wikipedia.org/wiki/Alfred_Fletcher Regards Glenn
    6. Hi Marcin, Major Alfred Fletcher(1875-1959) of FAR 52 and II./FAR 201. Later commander of the Baltische Landeswehr. Regards Glenn
    7. Nick, I don't have the exact date to hand but between May 1899 and May 1900 as a Major in Fuß-Artillerie-Regiment Nr. 2.. Regards Glenn
    8. Nick, Oberstleutnant z.D. Julius Wienrich, Artillerie-Depot in Metz in 1912/13. Wearing the uniform of Fuß-Artillerie-Regiment Nr. 2. Regards Glenn
    9. Nick, According to Trost: Instituted on 15 April 1887 in two classes. 1st Class Cross of Merit (Yuko Sho) 2nd Class Medal (Shain Sho) The medal of silver with a flying bird (Hoo) over the red cross surrounded Paulownia and Bamboo branches. Red ribbon with two blue outer stripes on each end and a blue rosette. Awards of the Japanese Red Cross Medal were not shown in the Prussian Army Lists or the Berlin-Adreß Kalender, consequently Pol.-Lt. Kusserows' award is "invisible". Regards Glenn
    10. Gavin, the Germans were certainly more relaxed in this respect than the British and all foreign awards and decorations could be worn following the gazetting of such after approval by the sovereign etc. The only restriction on the Double Dragon was that subaltern officers of the Army and Navy (Leutnants and Oberleutnants and their equivalents) were to wear even neck grade orders on the medal bar until promotion to Hauptmann/Rittmeister/Kapitänleutnant etc. Regards Glenn
    11. Post #17 Johannes Kusserow - Berliner Schutzmannschaft. Regards Glenn
    12. NIck, strangely, Trost makes no mention of the Erinnerungsmedaille. Here are two scans from the 1908/09 Deutsche Ordens-Almanach. As can be seen, here, like the naval medical officers' list, Dr. Nenninger is shown with the Erinnerungsmedaille. The Verdienstmedaille has the abbreviation ChnVM. Regards Glenn
    13. The German naval officer in post #4 is Korvetten-Kapitän Herwarth Schmidt von Schwind, 1866-1941, a later Vizeadmiral. At the throat he is wearing a Braunschweig Henry the Lion Commander's Cross and a Third Class, 1st Grade Double Dragon. His two Russian Commander's Crosses; Anne and Stanislaus are clearer in this thread from 2008. http://gmic.co.uk/index.php/topic/27173-henry-the-lion-commander-cross-pic/ Regards Glenn
    14. Nick, Just to add to the last posting: the Deutsche Ordens-Almanach of 1908/1909 lists both the Chinese Erinnerungsmedaille and the Verdienstmedaille. It would appear that both were very similar in design. Regards Glenn
    15. Nick, just checked L.J. Trost's "Die Ritter- und Verdienstorden des XIX. Jahrhunderts" published in 1910. It states that the Verdienstmedaille (Kung-p'ai) was awarded to both men and women and was awarded in four classes: 1st Class in Gold 2nd Class in Gold 1st Class in Silver 2nd Class in Silver The ribbon is described as a light blue moiré patterned ribbon with a rosette for the 1st Class awards. Regards Glenn
    16. Nick, that is the description in the Stammliste des Marine-Sanitäts-Offizierkorps of 1906: CgM: chinesische goldene Erinnerungsmedaille. The CDIII1 is a Double Dragon Third Class, 1st Grade. See also this photograph here of a Saxon NCO wearing what was gazetted as a Chinese Silver Merit Medal in the Saxon Militär-Verordnungsblatt for comparison: http://www.flickr.com/photos/paranoid_womb/7217297280/ Regards Glenn
    17. Is that not his Chinese Golden Commemorative Medal on his bar? the CDIII1 was a neck order. Regards Glenn
    18. He is a medical officer: Stabsarzt d.R. Dr. Schinke. Probably Dr. Alois Schinke of Landwehrbezirk Gleiwitz. Regards Glenn
    19. Gunnar, he is not listed as being promoted to Rittmeister in the Saxon MWB. Alfred Barth is shown as being an Oberleutnant d.R. with the Fuhrpark-Kolonne of the 123. Division in 1916. Regards Glenn
    20. Charakter in March 1918. No Johanniter in 1911 but maybe awarded one after his first retirement. Regards Glenn.
    21. Charles, Most certainly. Krause, volume 2, page 594 states that it should be noted that the officers of wartime raised cavalry formations always wore the uniform of their peacetime parent unit unchanged. Regards Glenn
    22. The intendance branch had red nebenfarbe and that button is Prussian. Regards Glenn
    23. Charles, not to mention the brown leather pouch belt. A couple of thoughts: the colours appear to match JRzP Nr. 3 and the board is that of a Generalmajor. Perhaps it is the board of an Oberst retired with the uniform of JRzP Nr. 3 and then recalled to service in WW1 still as an Oberst and then later promoted to Generalmajor. Karl Frhr. v. Langermann und Erlencamp who retired in 1912 and commanded a reserve dragoon regiment in the war fits this scenario. Regards Glenn
    24. Charles, apart from the Kaiser who was the "Chef" of Regiment Königs-Jäger zu Pferde Nr. 1, there were no instances of General officers being appointed à la suite to any of the Jäger zu Pferde Regiments. Regards Glenn
    25. Jon, die Intendantur des III. Armee-Korps wurde am gleichen Ort das Hauptquartier ausgerichtet. Siehe Nr. 103. Glenn
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