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    Glenn J

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    Everything posted by Glenn J

    1. Gary, Kapitänleutnant Rudolf Delius appears to have spent most of the war as a torpedo instructor.on SMS Württemberg although he was the recipient of the EK2. He is the only officer of that name who held the rank of Oberleutnant z.S. during the war, although he was promoted to Kapitänleutnant on 13.1.17. Regards Glenn
    2. In 1914, the 7. and 8. Kompanie of Eisenbahn-Regiment Nr. 1 were Saxon. Incidentally, the 4. Kompanie of Eisenbahn-Regiment Nr. 4 was from Württemberg. Regards Glenn
    3. Dave, are you sure you have the right Bühring? Georg Bühring was a already a Zahlmeister (Bestallung from 1. 12. 63). Regards Glenn
    4. In fact, let me clarify my above statement: the Zahlmeisters of the Mecklenburg-Schwerin Contingent (like the Saxons) additionally wore the white piping on the lower edge of the Waffenrock collar. Certainly up to around 1890 the Zahlmeisters of the Mecklenburg-Strelitz contingent wore in complete contrast to just about every other contingent (apart from Braunschweig), a dark blue, red piped Waffenrock with yellow buttons and epaulettes and Brandenburg cuffs. Regards Glenn
    5. Andy's strength figures from "Vom Sterben des Deutschen Offizierkorps" tally exactly in respect to those as given in Appendix 197 of volume 5 of the official history - Der Deutsch-Französische Krieg 1870-71. The total losses as given in Appendix 201 are again pretty much in agreement, with the figure for NCOs and soldiers being the same, although the total casulty figures for commissioned officers are given as 6157 plus 81 medical officers, 4 padres, 3 Zahlmeisters, 1 Intendance official and 1 Provisions official. These figures are totals as at the beginning of the occupation and do not take into consideration any casualties after that. Regards Glenn
    6. Interestlingly the Zahlmeisters of the Mecklenburg Contingent (like the Saxons) additionally wore the white piping on the lower edge of the Waffenrock collar. Regards Glenn
    7. Laurence, I think what you may have been originally thinking about are the Heeresverwaltungs-Verfügungen : Erlasse aus dem Gebiete des Kassen-, Haushalts-, Besoldungs-, Verpflegungs-, Bekleidungs-, Unterkunfts-, Bau-, Kranken- und Veterinärwesens. These are listed in the MGFA catalogue but the Heeresverordnungsblatt mentioned by Gordon above may well prove very useful. I am visiting the MGFA in early March and will see what they actually contain. Regards Genn
    8. Christer, Zahlmeister Ernst Paetzke also originated from Fußartillerie-Regiment Nr. 17 where he was serving as an Unterzahlmeister in 1914. He was employed as an Obersteuerinspektor in Berlin in 1938. He was still listed as an Unterzahlmeister in November/December 1916. Regards Glenn
    9. Chris, if I am not mistaken, the signature is Carl Lange, which makes the gentlemen the former Fußartillerie-Regiment Nr. 17 Leutnant (21.5.06 K). Hauptmann (18.12.15 V2v) and in fact this gentleman: http://www.ostdeutsche-biographie.de/langca85.htm He is listed in the 1938 edition of the Vereinigung der Offiziere und Beamten des früheren 2. Westpr. Fußartillerie-Reigments Nr. 17 which lists him as the editor of the Ostdeutsche Monatshefte. Regards Glenn
    10. Very impressive. In similar vein it would be nice if the Foot Guards RQMSs could get the old 4 bar chevron surmounted by a star back as well! Regards Glenn
    11. Up to 1891, all domestic and foreign awards were listed in the Saxon Army Lists by award. Unfortunately, then, the practice ceased. This is from 1891. Regards Glenn
    12. Dave, The award to him is certainly shown in the 1913 edition of the Militär-Musiker-Adreßbuch für das Deutsche Reich. And Oberstleutnant Scholl is Franz Scholl. Regards Glenn
    13. Andreas, Oberstleutnant Scholl, Regimental Commander Feldartillerie-Regiment Nr. 9 28 November 1905 - 21 May 1908. Regards Glenn
    14. Chris, he was a reserve officer in Ulanen-Regiment König Wilhelm I (2. Württembergisches) Nr. 20 (Landwehrbezirk Ludwigsburg). He was with Infanterie-Regiment Nr. 180 certainly in 1916 when awarded the Knight's Cross of the Friedrichs-Orden with Swords. Regards Glenn
    15. Dave, I think it probably is just a tailor's error. Hans Zeidler was the only officer in the Saxon Army in the rank of Hauptmann in 1911 when that tunic was manufactured. An Oberleutnant d.R. was on the books of the Karabinier-Regiment and an Oberarzt d.R. in Landwehrbezirk II Leipzig. Regards Glenn
    16. Christophe, Diedrich Bischoff was a regular Saxon field artillery officer in FAR 77. Leutnant: 24.5.10 A Oberleutnant: 13.3.16 Hauptmann a,D.: Knight's Cross of St Henry: 1.2.15 Albrechts-Orden Knight's Cross 1.8.16 Regards Glenn
    17. Dave, P.S. What makes you think he was an Hauptmann d.R.? Hans Zeidler was an active officer. Regards Glenn
    18. Chris, Probably not; the only Riecke listed in the Ehrenmal des preußischen Offizier-Korps was a Leutnant d.R. in Landwehr-Infanterie-Regiment Nr. 83 killed on 8 January 1915. Regards Glenn
    19. Chris, according to H.R. v. Stein in a series of articles in the 1976 Zeitschrift für Heereskunde, the battalion was uplifted to regimental strength at mobilization as Pionier-Regiment Nr. 20 and was subordinated to 5. Armee. It was certainly with that army at the siege of Longwy in 1914. Regards Glenn
    20. Sergeant und Hautboist Tiedermann of Infanterie-Regiment Nr. 15 was awarded the Allgemeine Ehrenzeichen on 18 January 1884. Regards Glenn
    21. Hi Mossop, some further information on General Credner's earlier career. Not at all. Regards Glenn
    22. Naxos does have the right Hermann Credner. Major Credner successively served in Infantry Regiments 32 and 28 after leaving the Marine Infantry before retiring in the rank of a charakterisierter Oberst with the uniform of Infantry Regiment 112 on 17 January 1912. He served in WW1 rising to the rank of charakterisierter Generalmajor and command of the 97. Reserve-Infanterie-Brigade in 1917. He had been the first commander of Reserve-Infanterie-Regiment Nr. 226. Regards Glenn
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