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    Bob Hunter

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    Everything posted by Bob Hunter

    1. I feel somewhat the same about Chris' French Colonial Service Medals...
    2. "Heiko Potter and the magic clasp" I think we need a map! Any chance the Namibian border has changed since then?
    3. Interesting item, Robin. I always thought that trombone players in mounted bands should get hazardous duty pay!
    4. This has been a particularly interesting and enlightening thread. Thanks.
    5. Is the large "S" in post #12 an indication that Friedrich Siebrecht also made the silver merit cross?
    6. What about the alleged misspelling of "NASSOB"? Does that fit your "good enough" theory in terms of quality control? PS I lust after your China bar!
    7. Very fine bar, Claudio! Congratulations to you and to your 'eyes and ears', RR.
    8. Don't be discouraged, Mark. Stick around and keep trying. Imagine how bad your collector friend must feel as he learns some of his treasures are bogus. At least you have the benefit of the forum. There are plenty of righteous medal bars available for purchase and you'll find some you can't live without.
    9. What happended to the magazines? The Sauer H model was a very advanced weapon for its day and superior to the Walther PPK but the Walthers were better connected politically than the Sauers who joined the party at a late date.
    10. Mark, I use lower case letters to spell evil one since he really ain't as bad as Stogie makes him out.
    11. You are off to a great start with your cross collection.
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