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    Gerd Becker

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    Everything posted by Gerd Becker

    1. Here is a single documented Glory 3rd class. Interestingly with an "A"series orders book. Research is in progress. The listed Military Merit Medal is missing
    2. Here is another Type 5 Variation 2, Nr. 305.920, undocumented:
    3. Gentlemen, i would appreciate some help with this badge, i received from a friend today . It looks similar to the Military Sharpshooter badge, but this is of course not a sharpshooter but more a runner. Does someone know the name of the badge or can at least translate the inscription ("ТРЕТИИ РАЗРЯД") for me please? Thanks in advance Gerd
    4. Nice Crosses, Claudio, especially the enameled prinzen one Vizefeldwebel Rick
    5. Dolf, i know that. I really like the early Type 3 ORB?s, but the later ones have their own beauty too. Gerd
    6. Nice examples, Dolf Thanks for posting them here again You have a few variations, which are still missing in my little collection, the Type 3 Variation 4, for example.
    7. Omar Bradley was a famous american WW2 General: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Omar_Bradley Do you have the citations, Dave?
    8. Paul, going by our new database its sometimes between 1967/68 probably. The research could turn out interesting, i guess. Gerd
    9. Here is my latest (in a double sense) Red Banner, a Type 4 with Nr. 542.238 :
    10. Is this one considered a znachok too?: http://gmic.co.uk/index.php?s=&showtopic=6...indpost&p=74880 Its the only other numbered veterans badge, i have seen so far.
    11. I am lost on the name, but the orders are Suvorov 1st class (S/N?) and Kutuzov 1st class Come on, Dave, who is it?
    12. Glad, you could use it Doc Cyrillic Names of Orders and Medals of the USSR: Orders: Order of Lenin = Орден Ленина Order of the October Revolution = Орден Октябрьской Революции Order of the Red Banner = Орден Красного Знамени Order of Suvorov = Орден Суворова Order of Kutuzov = Орден Кутузова Order of Bogdan Khmelnitsky = Орден Богдана Хмельницкого Order of Alexander Nevsky = Орден Александра Невского Order of Ushakov = Орден Ушакова Order of Nakhimov = Орден Нахимова Order of the Patriotic war = Орден Отечественной войны Order of the Red Star = Орден Красной Звезды Order of Glory = Орден Славы Order of the Red Banner of Labor = Орден Трудового Красного Знамени Order of the Badge of Honor = Орден "Знак Почета" Order of Friendship of Peoples = Орден Дружбы Народов Order for Service in the... = Орден "За службу Родине в ВС СССР" Order of Labor Glory = Орден Трудовой Славы Order for Personal Courage = Орден "За личное мужество" Order of Maternal Glory = Орден "Материнская Слава" Medals: Medal for Distinguished Labor = Медаль "За трудовую доблесть" Medal for Valiant Labor = Медаль "За трудовое отличие" Medal Veteran of Labor = Медаль "Ветеран труда" Medal for Bravery = Медаль "За отвагу" Comb...ahem Military Merit Medal = Медаль "За боевые заслуги" Ushakov Medal = Медаль Ушакова Nakhimov Medal = Медаль Нахимова Partisan Medal = Медаль "Партизану Отечественной войны" Medal Guarding the State Border = Медаль "За отличие в охране государственной границы СССР" Medal for Distinguished Mil.Ser. = Медаль "За отличие в воинской службе" Medal Veteran of the Armed Forces = Медаль "Ветеран Вооруженных Сил СССР" Medal for Strengthening Military... = Медаль "За укрепление боевого содружества" Medal Defense of Leningrad = Медаль "За оборону Ленинграда" Medal Defense of Moscow = Медаль "За оборону Москвы" Medal Defense of Odessa = Медаль "За оборону Одессы" Medal Defense of Sevastopol = Медаль "За оборону Севастополя" Medal Defense of Stalingrad = Медаль "За оборону Сталинграда" Medal Defense of Kiev = Медаль "За оборону Киева" Medal Defense of the Caucasus = Медаль "За оборону Кавказа" Medal Defense of the Soviet Polar Reg. = Медаль "За оборону Советского Заполярья" Medal Victory over Germany = Медаль "За победу над Германией в Великой Отечественной войне 1941-1945 гг" Medal Victory over Japan = Медаль "За победу над Японией" Medal Capture of Budapest = Медаль "За взятие Будапешта" Medal Capture of Koenigsberg = Медаль "За взятие Кенигсберга" Medal Capture of Vienna = Медаль "За взятие Вены" Medal Capture of Berlin = Медаль "За взятие Берлина" Medal Liberation of Belgrade = Медаль "За освобождение Белграда" Medal Liberation of Warsaw = Медаль "За освобождение Варшавы" Medal Liberation of Prague = Медаль "За освобождение Праги" Medal for Valiant Labor in GPW... = Медаль "За доблестный труд в Великой Отечественной войне 1941-1945 гг" Medal for the Restoration of the BME = Медаль "За восстановление предприятий черной металлургии юга" Medal for the Restoration of the DCM = Медаль "За восстановление угольных шахт Донбасса" Medal for the Development of VL = Медаль "За освоение целинных земель" Medal for the Construction of the BAM = Медаль "За строительство Байкало-Амурской магистрали" Medal for Development of the NBE Reg... = Медаль "За преобразование Нечерноземья РСФСР" Medal for Development of the PC of WS = Медаль "За освоение недр и развитие нефтегазового комплекса Западной Сибири" Medal for Preservation of Public Order = Медаль "За отличную службу по охране общественного порядка" Medal for Bravery in a Fire = Медаль "За отвагу на пожаре" Medal for Saving Life from Drowning = Медаль "За спасение утопающих" 100 years Lenin Birthday Medal = Юбилейная медаль "За доблестный труд (За воинскую доблесть). В ознаменование 100-летия со дня рождения Владимира Ильича Ленина" Medal 20 years Victory in GPW = Юбилейная медаль "Двадцать лет победы в Великой Отечественной войне 1941-1945 гг." Medal 30 years Victory in GPW = Юбилейная медаль "Тридцать лет победы в Великой Отечественной войне 1941-1945 гг." Medal 40 years Victory in GPW = Юбилейная медаль "Сорок лет победы в Великой Отечественной войне 1941-1945 гг." Medal 20 years RKKA = Юбилейная медаль "ХХ лет Рабоче-Крестьянской Красной Армии" Medal 30 years soviet army and navy = Юбилейная медаль "30 лет Советской Армии и Флота" Medal 40 years armed forces of the ussr = Юбилейная медаль "40 лет Вооруженных Сил СССР" Medal 50 years armed forces of the ussr = Юбилейная медаль "50 лет Вооруженных Сил СССР" Medal 60 years armed forces of the ussr = Юбилейная медаль "60 лет Вооруженных Сил СССР" Medal 70 years armed forces of the ussr = Юбилейная медаль "70 лет Вооруженных Сил СССР" Medal 50 years soviet militia = Юбилейная медаль "50 лет советской милиции" Medal 800 years Moscow = Медаль "В память 800-летия Москвы" Medal 250 years Leningrad = Медаль "В память 250-летия Ленинграда" Medal 1500 years Kiev = Медаль "В память 1500-летия Киева" Motherhood Medal = Медаль "Медаль материнства" 1st class = I степени 2nd class = II степени 3rd class = III степени (cyrillic names from www.mondvor.narod.ru )
    13. Rick, these links are connected to Dr. Enderle as well: http://www.rng-wangen.de/sites/unsere_schu...e/wgesch_06.php http://www.rng-wangen.de/sites/unsere_schu...e/wgesch_04.php http://www.rng-wangen.de/sites/unsere_schu...e/wgesch_09.php http://www.rng-wangen.de/sites/unsere_schu...e/wgesch_03.php The second photo does look a lot like Dr. Enderle in my opinion. Great stuff Gerd
    14. Thats a great named bar, Chris You rarely see these pop up in this quality nowadays.
    15. Great info, Andrew. I have a question, which is a little of topic, but though: Could Artillery Pieces or Tanks or Planes be decorated? Or did they receive a special honor or threatment, when they were successfull?
    16. Extremly nice, gentlemen Thanks a lot for posting your Red Banners. Ron, could you post the reverses of yours as well? I allways like to see the mint-mark and the serialnumber, if possible. That would be great. Beautiful ORB?s everyone
    17. You are right, Rick. They are too light. I can?t read the numbers either
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