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    Bill Garvy

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    Everything posted by Bill Garvy

    1. 1. Last name, first name, patronymic OLESOV BORIS IVANOVICH A-471231 2. Born on May 01, 1920 3. Nationality Russian 4. What languages, but the native one, knows, to what extent Russian None 13. Military rank conferred Year and date Order No (PCD) 5. Place of birth Moscow Senior Lieutenant October 30, 1942 № 0550 II A Captain August 12, 1943 № 0669 North-Western Front 6. Party membership Non-party Major December 27, 1944 № 0766 2nd Baltic Front 14. Participation in campaigns (where and against whom) Western Front North-Western Front 2nd Baltic Front Date Dec. 05, 1941 ? Dec. 31, 1941 Sept. 15, 1942 ? Oct. 1943 March 02, 1944 ? May 09, 1945 7. Social position and social origin Worker 8. Occupation (profession) Metalworker 15. Wounds and contusions received Heavy wound on December 31, 1941 9. Marital status (family composition and age) Married Wife ? Olesova, 1922 year of birth, mother Olesova E.M. 16. Government awards Red Banner order, 1942 Red Star order, 1944 For Defense of Moscow medal, 1944 For the Victory Over Germany medal, 1945 10. Civil education (names of educational institutions) 6 grades of school in Riga Data 17. State of health Healthy 1935 11. Military education: a) in the old army None b) in the Soviet Army (graduation mark) Riga, infantry military college ?Vystrel? courses from October, 1943 till March, 1944 November, 1940; August, 1941 21. OLESOV Boris Ivanovich 30. Registed (where) Baltic Military District Riga, Kirovsky Military commissariat 22. Major, Command staff 23. Combat arm: Infantry 24. Group Senior, reserve of 1st rank 25. Registered till December 31, 1980 12. Party education - None 27. Place of service and position (or kind of activity, besides the military register) 33. Service in the White and foreign armies N/A 28. Home address Riga, 55 Terbatas, flat 28 34. Special marks Military card series AK No 45128 of August 12, 1950 Photo Enrolled on service in the Soviet Army, November 18, 1940 Place of unit Position Year Month and day By whose order No Infantry military college, Riga Cadet 1940 November, 18 122nd rifle regiment, 201st Lettish rifle division Platoon leader commander of foot reconnaissance 1941 August At the hospital Under treatment due to wound 1941 December, 31 I detached ? ? , rifle regiment Rifle platoon leader commander 1942 March, 10 Detached reconnaissance company of 43rd Guards Lettish rifle division of North-Western Front Deputy company commander 1942 September, 15 43rd Guards Lettish rifle division Divisional commander adjutant 1942 November, 15 43rd Guards rifle division № 045 ?Vystrel? courses of the detached command battalion Hearer 1943 October, 10 Detached training rifle battalion of 43rd Guards Lettish rifle division Deputy battalion commander 1944 March, 02 43rd Guards rifle division № 010 Staff of 130th Lettish rifle corps, 2nd Baltic Front Commander assistant of operational department at corps commander radio station 1944 July, 15 22nd Army № 02 125th Guards rifle regiment, 43rd Guards Lettish rifle division of the Baltic Military District Rifle battalion commander 1945 November, 07 Baltic Military District № 0114 Detached guards training rifle battalion of 43rd Guards Lettish rifle division, Riga, Baltic Military District Deputy battalion commander 1946 July, 26 Baltic Military District № 01149 Sergeant staff team school of 29th detached Guards Lettish Riga brigade. Riga. Baltic Military District Deputy school commander 1947 April, 01 Baltic Military District № 0330 of March 29, 1047 Transferred to the reserve under clause 43 it. ?б? , under Ministry of War order № 01176 of August 15, 1950 Military commissar, Lieutenant Colonel (signed) /?/ Head of 3rd unit of Kirovsky district military commissariat Major of executive department (signed) Kazakov
    2. Record card Order book No 087737 1. Last name: OLESOV 2. First, middle names: Boris Ivanovich 3. Military rank: Guards Major 4. Sex: Male 5. Year of birth: 1920 6. Place of birth: Moscow 7. Party membership since: C.P.S.U.(B) member since 1942 8. Education: incomplete secondary 9. Nationality: Russian 10. In the Red Army since: 1940 11. Place of service (name of the unit) and position occupied when awarded: commander assistant of 130th Lettish operational department of rifle corps 12. Current place of service and position: second in command of Guards rifle training battalion of 43rd Guards Lettish rifle division 13. Home address of the awardee: Riga, 55 Terbatas, flat 28 14. Record of previous awards Names of orders, medals Their numbers Document numbers Ground for award Checked Order of the Red Banner 32343 Order book № 087737 Order of the Red Star 886800 Temp./Certif.№ 255901 Order to 22nd Army № 0207/N of October 19, 1944 ? Order number and date are not indicated Signature of awardee (signed) ________________________ Data correctness and signature of awardee attested by: Head of the personnel department, 43rd Guards Lettish rifle division Guards Major of executive department (signed) /Zhigadlo/ October 04, 1946 Last name: OLESOV First name: Boris Middle name: Ivanovich Military rank: Lieutenant Position and name of the unit: platoon leader commander of foot reconnaissance, 122nd rifle regiment of 291st Lettish rifle division Awarded Order or medal Date of Decree of the USSR Supreme Council Presidium Ground for award Order of the Red Banner Order № 011 of January 31, 1942 For the battles against German fascism PERISHED Home address: No address Wounded ? Western front Biographical particulars: 1. Year of birth ? 1920 2. Place of birth 3. Party membership 4. Nationality - Russian Awards presented: Order Medal Date of awarding Place of awarding №№ of order medal №№ of order documents Order of the Red Banner July 20, 1942 Checkpoint of 201st Lettish rifle division 323430 87737 Other notes: Submitted a petition for presentation of the award in Ivanovskaya region. June 14, 1942
    3. Received the translations, and am still waiting for the copies of the original documents. I thought I would post what I had, and will post the copies whence they arrive. . . AWARD CITATION 1. First, middle and last names OLESOV Boris Ivanovich 2. Rank Guards Captain 3. Position, unit Commander assistant of 130th Lettish operational department on corps commander radio station of 130th Lettish riflemen. Is recommended for the order of the Red Star 4. Year of birth 1920 5. Nationality Russian 6. Party membership CPSU(B) candidate member, since September 1944, card #7570335 7. Participation in the civil war and other military actions aimed at the defense of the USSR (where and when) During the Patriotic war under Moscow since December 1941 till January 1942. North-Western Front ? since August 1942 till October 1943. 2nd Popular Front - since April 1944 up till now. 8. Wounds or contusions received in Patriotic war (date, month, year of wounds, location at present) Seriously wounded on December 31,1941under Moscow. 9. In the Red Army since 1940 10. Drafted by what district military commissariat Tsesensky city military commissariat, Latvian Soviet Socialist Republic. 11. Previous awards Order of the Red Banner and For the Defense of Moscow medal. /Order of the Red Banner on May 20, 1942/ 12. Permanent home address (of the prospective awardee or his family) Riga seaside, Iriedaine station. Brief description of personal feat or merits Being a corps commander assistant at radio station Captain Olesov in severe conditions of the attack managed to promote units control by radio /in the periods of wire communication absence/. Besides he carried out different tasks of the command in the army. Deserves the government award the Order of the Red Star. Commander of the staff operational department of 130th Lettish rifle corps: Guards Lieutenant Colonel (signed) /GALIMOV/ October 14, 1944 Agree: Corps staff commander Colonel (signed) /Buman/ October 14, 1944 ? (unreadable) by order of the Red Star ? ? ?
    4. Awarded late 1942 to Master Sergeant Mihail Shevlyakov Sergeevich, Communications Platoon Leader, 84 Independent Railway Construction Batallion, 27th Independent Railway Brigade; a beautiful example of a T.4, V5. . .
    5. That must be the forum we corresponded about, and to which I sent you some scans of a "5" from my collection. Would you be so kind as to post a link to that Forum and the topic thread when you have a chance, Micha? Thanks. . .
    6. It probably has the "." after the "6" as illustrated below. . .
    7. Great addition to your formidable collection, Steve. I'm still trying to locate an early L/13 like yours; great score!
    8. Order of Glory, 3rd Class, Nr. 330482 obverse: reverse:
    9. "In the battles with German-fascist invaders Comrade Svistun N.K. proved to be persistent and courageous. On April 6th, 1945, in the vicinity of the village of Fering (or may be Vering?), while dealing with the heavy enemy counter attack, Comrade Svitsen's squad destroyed four squad automatic weapons. ? has been wounded during the battle ? Comrade Svistsun personally replaced the wounded soldier and destroyed one machine gun and killed two Hitlerites, contributing to rebuffing of the enemy counter attack. Deserves the governmental award - the Order of Glory, 3rd degree, for displayed combat persistence and courage," or words to that effect. . .
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