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    paul wood

    Old Contemptible
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    Everything posted by paul wood

    1. I think you mean Burma 1930-32. Nice group and Next to Abor and Malbar the scarcest IGS 08 clasp. The majority that turn up on the market are to the Burma Police. Given the climate not a nice posting for a British unit. Paul
    2. Paiforce groups turn up but usually they are just War Medal for that theatre, often they come with pre-war or post war groups. Here is an example of a pair sold by Morton and Eden in 2002 Second World War Persia and Iraq Command Pair, 201567 Major R.A.F. Winsloe R.A.S.C. Defence and War medals, War Medal with verdigris on obv, very fine, with forwarding slip (2) £60-80 The lot is sold with related buttons and badges and considerable documentation, including: Persia and Iraq Command Certificate of Good Service, 1 Jan. 1945; quantity of photographs, mostly taken during Iran-Iraq service (some duplicated); Baghdad to Beirut 1944, booklet for the Leave Convoy (with map); Paiforce, The Official Story of the Persia and Iraq Command 1941-46, H.M.S.O., 1948; Commission as Captain, R.A. (Territorial Army), 30 Sept. 1947; Royal Artillery Association Rally 1948, souvenir booklet; 16th Column Club, Third Reunion Menu, 15 Jan. 1949; T.A. accounts, etc. Also included in this lot are: a copy of Rackets in India, Bombay 1930, by Colonel A.R. Winsloe, C.M.G., D.S.O. (son of Col. R.W.C. Winsloe); photographs of India taken by Col. Winsloe; and two other photographs related to his rackets playing.
    3. The NGS Persian Gulf 1909-14 was issued to 7,127 Naval Personnel including Indian Marine, 37 NGS were additionally awarded to Army Personnel. Amongst the Naval awards were 28 to the Basian Coal Depot staff and 19 to the Heniam Coal Depot staff. Paul
    4. Lucky my pet dealer isn't like that, he buys odd things that I have failed to notice in auctions and usually works on a 20-30% margin which I can live with, mind you he has a high turnover. and therefore prevarication can result in losing the item. Paul
    5. Owain, are they normally of this rather poor quality? Paul
    6. With the Osmanie and Medjidie Stars he must have been attached Turkish forces I and sure there is an excellent story to be found as well as an excellent moustache. All the best, Paul
    7. Most interesting do you have a better image of the inscription on the memorial or do you have the details? Thanks Paul
    8. The high end orders of the Russian Federation are very rare on the market unlike the various medals which are as common as cornflake packets. Paul
    9. Good to see good images of the later examples in order to avoid being screwed by some crook on E-bay. Paul
    10. The badge was established 4 March 1913, your example appears to be silvered metal, difficult from the image to be absolutely sure as to its authenticity. They turn up from time to time. Paul
    11. Radmilo, If you ever visit London I will take for a serious nights drinking at the Flora Sandes pub in Thornton Heath, there is small display to her in the bar. Paul
    12. A very nice early piece probably 1870s or 80's Paul
    13. RAV. is a known Belgian medallist he produced a medal for the Cercle Royal Africain Des Ardennes Aux Combatants de Campagnes D' Afrique in 1935, A portrait medal of Leopold III undated. So will date from 1930's, possibly a Belgian Air Force Day commemorative. Paul
    14. Rrumballaku's book is excellent, I managed to purchase it from a fellow member of this forum, who is quite fond of Zog related material. With Google translate (even with its quirkiness) one can get a reasonable idea of what it is saying. If you are interested in Albanian material and you haven't got a copy get one. Paul
    15. Indeed Bison you are absolutely right the Order of Nostra Senhora de Guadalupe was founded on February 18th 1822 during the brief empire of Augustin Iturbide. Orders from this period are of the highest rarity and are quite different from the later versions. The Order was re-established by Santa Anna in 1853, in 1863 the Order was re-established by Maximilian in July 1863, the design is similar to the Santa Anna type the only difference being that the eagles on the badge are crowned, such was that the robes for the Order of the St Anna type were still useable.. Following the execution of Maximilian in 1867 the Order became obsolete. Paul
    16. Sadly there is not a book on Orders and Decorations of the same vintage now that would be most useful. Paul
    17. Matthias with that luck are you sure you haven't done a Dr Faustus, fantastic collection. Paul
    18. Given relatively frequent changes of regime in France during the first half of the 19th century one comes across a number of hybrids Napoleon/1st Restoration, Napoleon/2nd Restoration,2nd Restoration/July Monarchy, your type, Presidency/Napoleon III. I suspect some of our French members may be aware of other hybrids. Paul
    19. Thus a July monarchy piece with a replacement centre. Paul
    20. Fantastic more knowledge on this field for which there are few sources. Paul
    21. Dave, Thanks for your comment it is difficult to know the status of the award as it is impossible to find information relating to its award. What I do know is the group was as is no later than 1960s as all the nice naval groups in the sale were purchased in the 1950s or 60's, the Belgian Military Decoration also poses questions as it was not awarded to allied servicemen until much later. Whatever and why there are these enigmas it is still a very nice armoured trains group, certainly given the period that the group appeared for sale it is unlikely that these were added for fraudulent purposes. Possibly a member of the family mounted the group as they assumed be correct after his death. Paul
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