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    About reinoudmilitary

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    1. Wow nice collection!! Question, the headset with the speaker is that typically uboat? And is this a rare type? Thanks, Floris
    2. Nice stuff here!! I really like the picturess of Michels manequins!!!! But a boxcollector? That's a new term for me :)
    3. Hi, You asked my opinion on this cap but I only had the standard Tellermuetze (not private purchase capss) in my collection. So I really can't help you with this one, sorry.
    4. Compasses mounted with those "iron balls" on the side are magnetic compasses. Maybe the one you have on the e-boat picture is a Gyro-compass. Regards, Floris
    5. I am looking for the round door of a standard kriegsmarine Kieninger & Obergfell clock, can anone help me?
    6. Not as great as Gordon's cap but a very nice tellermuetze and a complete and wonderfull pair of obergefreiter's shoulder boardswhich I recently found on ebay. The tellermuetze is a normal standard issue with removable blue top. The top has a name tag in it and vague acceptance stamps. The white stiffner in the front bears the number 55 for the headsize. As you can see the capframe consists of the see through cellulose material It's has a very nice "floppy" look. I'm still looking for the capinsignia!
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