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    Paul R

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    Everything posted by Paul R

    1. What a dumb a$$. People like this only hurt the cause they are trying to push forward.
    2. I second that. The pre 1938 insignia is a rare treat to behold. Yours are the only ones I have seen. I would love to see a pre-1938 NCO tunic, with the red Official style boards!
    3. Thank you Garth, so much for sharing your fantastic collection. IMHO, they are the highlight of the forum! You have some of the finest pieces I could only dream about seeing again!! That is a stunning board. It is only the second I have ever seen!
    4. That is one great Air Signals Battalion of the RLM tunic!! Definitely a keeper! Lets keep the signals related items going!
    5. I agree with you. I am kinda surprised that he was not discovered earlier. Heck, he was only eight at the time of the battle. I would have figured that the REAL veteran's would have noticed that he was a bit younger looking than expected?
    6. When it rains, it pours. Here is our local fraud, discovered late last week. http://www.sunjournal.com/story/212810-3/R...y_false_claims/ Vets' memorial event disrupted by false claims By Eileen M. Adams and Mary Delamater , Staff Writer Staff Editor Friday, May 18, 2007 PHOTO GALLERY ? Previous | Next ? thumbnails | gallery | Buy a Print RUMFORD - The dedication of the Vietnam Veterans Memorial for Oxford County servicemen has been postponed because police are concerned someone may harm fundraiser Earl "Scott" May, who fraudulently portrayed himself as a Vietnam veteran. "I can't explain why I did it. I guess I felt I could relate better (to Vietnam veterans) if I did that. But I don't want my three kids to catch flak for what I did," May, 45, of Main Street, said Thursday. May and Len Greaney have been working for six months to raise $11,500 for a black granite stone with 38 names to be dedicated Saturday at Rumford's Veterans Memorial Park. Donations were deposited directly into an account earmarked for the memorial, Greaney said. "I was heartbroken. All of us felt betrayed," Greaney said Thursday, "but Scott did do a lot of work." He said he and May decided to cancel the event because local police were concerned someone might do something crazy if they found out May was not a Vietnam veteran. "I accept full responsibility, but in no way should that deter from the hard work I and Len have done. The vets are still my friends," said May, who is president of the Oxford County chapter of the United Bikers of Maine. "No one should pat me on the back, but they should not kick me in the ass, either," he said. May said the road to deception about his military record started in 1991 after he was released from federal prison in Danbury, Conn., for misusing a passport. "I lived my life as someone older than I was because I wanted to put things behind me," he said. May said he served in the 101st Airborne Division, 2nd Infantry Division and the 1st Ranger Battalion of the U.S. Army from 1979 to 1986, is disabled and suffers from post-traumatic stress from his military service. His military record could not be confirmed Thursday. He said he moved to Maine 15 years ago and has lived in the Mexico area for 12 years. Oxford County Deputy Sheriff Dane Tripp, a Marine veteran who served in Vietnam, said Thursday that May's deception came to light the previous Thursday during a meeting of police agencies planning for the memorial dedication that was to include the governor, the Maine National Guard commander, Maine Congressman Mike Michaud and Sheriff Wayne Gallant, another Vietnam veteran from the U.S. Army. Tripp said when May's name was brought up, one of the agents in the room recognized it ,and from there his story unraveled. Gallant said May told him he had been on Hamburger Hill, a 10-day battle in 1969 that was one of the fiercest of the Vietnam war. "After learning his date of birth was 1961," the sheriff said, he "realized this guy was 8 years old when Hamburger Hill took place. The stories and proclamations were all false. "It's too bad because the cause he was representing was an extremely important one. It's not just a message to remember these 38. This was a welcoming time," something Vietnam veterans never got when they returned. "It's very disturbing," he said. Rumford's acting police Chief Mark Cayer, who was at the law enforcement planning meeting, confronted May on Monday, Tripp said. At that time, May initially denied he lied about the Vietnam service and birth year - 1951 - but eventually recanted, Tripp said. "(May's lies are) why all this stuff was canceled," Tripp said. On Wednesday, Greaney said the dedication was being postponed because the speakers, including the governor, withdrew, the United Bikers backed out and the weather was going to be bad, according to a story published Thursday in the Sun Journal. Gov. John Baldacci did cancel his appearance, partly because he was having trouble attending all the events on his schedule that day, but also because there was concern over May, said David Farmer, a spokesman for the governor. "We heard there were some questions about the nature of the event and one of the organizers," Farmer said Thursday. Gallant said it was postponed because "There was a safety issue here. We were so nervous that if this got out, we didn't know what the reaction would be. The guy presenting it is a liar. "We were so concerned because of the families involved" and "the diverse type of groups from all over the county expected to attend. You can't guess what everybody would do when emotions are this high. Hopefully, it could go on, but, hopefully, this guy would not be present." He said May has no criminal history in Maine. Tripp said the deception really hit a personal nerve with him. "It makes me feel very, very upset in the sense that I started to cry because all of my friends," such as David Seamon. "We were there six months, and he got killed. "It really irks me because a lot of good people have done some good things since they got back, and to have some idiot pretend to be something he's not, especially when there was such a great attitude about this monument and everyone was very proud of it ... and (it) gives them the respect they deserve, and now it's all squashed because of some idiot who wants to play Army. I'm very disappointed." A smaller dedication ceremony will take place as part of Memorial Day ceremonies May 28, Greaney said. Among the activities that had been planned was a motorcycle roar-in, including members of the United Bikers of Maine, many of whom are Vietnam veterans. That event will not take place during the May 28 ceremonies. May would not say why. Fremont Tibbetts, the father Vietnam veteran Bruce Tibbetts, whose name is on the memorial, said May's efforts got people together. "Everything Scott wrote about Bruce was true. We opened our hearts up to him," Tibbetts said of a series of articles May wrote about several Vietnam veterans who had been killed during the war. Tibbetts said he doesn't believe Saturday's dedication should have been canceled. "The men that were with my son were coming to the dedication," he said. "It's a shame."
    7. It is nice to see that truly deserving people are being hammered with this law, instead of collectors.
    8. I am sorry. I thought that it was a dress uniform.
    9. Thanks for posting the books and lets keep them coming. What are the thoughts of "Goering's Grenadiers", by Munoz? Bob, Is there any information in Angolia's early book that is not present in his later books on the LW and Heer? Paul
    10. That is a great board!!! Nice find! The sea rescue patch is a gem!
    11. Chris, Is that the type of dress uniform you had?
    12. I dont like the patina either. It seems to have that "multicolored" sheen on the back. I would not feel good about this item at all.
    13. Are these from the same man?
    14. Hi Bob! Thanks for sharing those great shoulder boards. There were actually two cases where the "LS" cyphers were used. The case you mentioned and the second, with a black waffenfarbe, for LW men assigned to the Luftschultz. This set you posted is actually the latter, a Luftwaffe NCO attached to the Luftschutz.
    15. Thanks again Bob!! That stinks that it is on a put together uniform. Is it yours? Any data or militaria related to Luftwaffe Hermann Goering formations will be greatly appreciated. This could include: period photos, insignia, uniforms, documents.
    16. Great stuff Gordon!! I have never seen a General's version of this uniform before!
    17. Any data or militaria related to Luftwaffe Medical Corps will be greatly appreciated. This could include: period photos, insignia, uniforms, documents, and stories from actual veterans.
    18. Luftwaffe Flak The Anti AirBranch of the Luftwaffe was another of the original career fields present when the Luftwaffe came out into the open on March 01, 1935. All personnel who were trained in any aspect of Air Defense and Artillery wore the designated waffenfarbe. The standard waffenfarbe for the Luftwaffe Flak branch was Bright Red. When attached to the Hermann Goering Division and the Luftwaffe Field Division, Signals personnel wore the collar tabs of the said unit, with the Flak waffenfarbe present as an outer piping on the collar tabs, shoulderboards, or both(In the case of the LW Field Division). These men wore the standard Luftwaffe uniform patterns, with their specific insignia. Enlisted: Kanonier- soldat Oberkanonier- Oberschutz KanonierGefreiter- Grefeiter KanonierObergefreiter- Obergrefeiter Kanonier Unteroffizier - Unteroffizier Unterwachtmeister- Unterfeldwebel Wachtmeister- Feldwebel Oberwachtmeister- Oberfeldwebel Stabswachtmeister- Stabsfeldwebel Officer: Leutnant Oberleutnant Hauptmann Major Oberstleutnant Oberst Generalmajor Generalleutnant General der Flak Artillerie- Generaloberst/Head of Flak and Artillery
    19. Any data or militaria related to Luftwaffe Signals formations will be greatly appreciated. This could include: period photos, insignia, uniforms, documents.
    20. More Trade Badges 1. Signals Personnel, B Class Radio Operators 2. Air Signals Personnel, B Class teleprinter Radio Operators 3. Qualified Sound Intercept Operator
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