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    Paul R

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    Everything posted by Paul R

    1. Garth, what a beautiful tunic. IT is hard to believe that it is 100 years old. Is this a service dress uniform or a field uniform?
    2. Here is another set that I have. A nice 1980s set to a crew member of a Polar Ice Breaker.
    3. The 1920s is the soonest I can think of. I know definitely between the World Wars...
    4. I think that it was a steal, even if it is bronze. For ground dug, it is in amazing condition.
    5. Thanks John. I am amazed at how well the Silver has held on over the years. Most I've seen, the finish is almost completely gone.
    6. This is an outstanding and well loved group. I agree- I love the line crossing certificate as well. I was able to get my Shellback certificate while on board the CGC BERTHOLF back in 2012. It was a memorial event.
    7. I want to share with you my CCC in Silver. It is in great condition.
    8. The box engraving was either done yesterday or photoshopped. Also, the name is misspelled, as stated above.
    9. Were men of this rank "saluted" and considered to be officers? How can you tell that the MVK is pre 1905?
    10. Very impressive! What branch is designated on the back of the Armed Forces Reserve Medal?
    11. So that Special Constable medal was most likely for WW2 service then. Very cool!!
    12. My main focus is US Coast Guard, but I do have a stray Navy set that really screamed for me to grab it. Lets see your US mini medal bars. I just realized that I do not have a lot of miniature medal bars. I will add my own and another set as soon as a can grab images. I thought I had more. :-( anyway, lets see what you have.
    13. For some reason, the photos are missing from the original post. I am reposting them here.
    14. Here is a nice pair to a Laborer. I wish I could obtain the citations. A good looking Order of the Red Banner of Labor and Valiant Labor Medal.
    15. Very nice bar for someone who survived the entire war. It is just a shame that they are not named. Did both bars come from the same lot?(do you think that they came from the same man/family?)
    16. For me, this is the central most item on the bar. Are you able to complete any research on this man? I would love to know the deed that resulted in the lifesaving medal.
    17. Oh dear Lord!! What a bar! I have not seen too many NCO attributed bars! I've never seen a Bavarian Lebensrettungsmedaille. Does anyone know what he did during WW2? Also, what is the rank equivalent for a Feldwebelleutnant? Was this man considered to be an officer? Maybe like a Chief Warrant Officer?
    18. I have yet to pick up one of these. They are among the more attractive designs for the crosses. Does anyone have the award breakdown for the first and second classes and noncombatant/combatant?
    19. Holy crap Chris! This is amazing. It is surely one of a kind- museum worthy item! It looks like it is starting to get fragile. How are you going to stabilize it?
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