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    Steen Ammentorp

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    Everything posted by Steen Ammentorp

    1. Okay - just to throw in a name here I am taking a wild guess here. Could it be Colonel Kodama Yoichi (小玉与一)? Now my guess is based solely on the fact that he was CO 39th Infantry Regiment on the 22nd February 1936. However this seems to be too late and the wrong branch according to the other information here. I will leave it to the rest of you to rule him out as I just thought that we needed a name. Kind Regards Steen Ammentorp The Generals of World War II
    2. With reference to the date given above the commander of 68th Gds RD was Major-General Georgii Petrovich Isakov, and I believe the unidentified Major-General 'Kra?ikov' would have to be Major-General (as he were at the time) Konstantin Vasilevich Krainiukov, member of the military council (Political Commissar) of Voronezh Front. For a bit more details on these two gentlemen please see: http://www.generals.dk/general/Isakov/Geor...viet_Union.html http://www.generals.dk/general/Krainiukov/...viet_Union.html Kind Regards Steen Ammentorp The Generals of World War II
    3. While I am sure that Pete already know it I just want to give a link to a website that I learned of yesterday. Finnish Generals & Admirals in the Russian Armed Forces between 1809 - 1917 http://dbgw.finlit.fi/kenraalit/?p=haku Sadly it is only in Finnish but nevertheless an interesting site. Kind Regards Steen Ammentorp The Generals of World War II
    4. As you see here my entry on him is quite blank http://www.generals.dk/general/Rassokhin/V...viet_Union.html Any chance of making the bio info more readable? Kind Regards Steen Amnmentorp The Generals of World War II
    5. I just want to mention that the commander of 78th Rifle Corps was Lieutenant-General Aleksandr Ivanovich Akimov. Hope you don't mind the correction Kind Regards Steen Ammentorp The Generals of World War II
    6. And the citation for same with Truman's autopen signature (I presume) as mentioned in the thread. Kind Regards Steen Ammentorp The Generals of World War II
    7. As referred to in this thread http://gmic.co.uk/index.php?showtopic=8394...t=0entry80903 here is the certificate for the LoM to Lieutenant-General V.S. Bodrov. Sorry for the quality. Kind Regards Steen Ammentorp The Generals of World War II
    8. My guess would be many. I have scans of the certificate and citation to Lieutenant-General of Artillery Vasilii Semenovich Bodrov as an Officer of the Legion of Merit due to the courtesy of the general's grand child. However I am unable to upload them. Kind Regards Steen Ammentorp The Generals of World War II
    9. Somethings goes wrong when the database is creating the url. I'll have it looked into - Thanks. In the mean time please use the search funktion or this link http://www.generals.dk/nation/Soviet_Union/Ch.html Kind Regards Steen Ammentorp The Generals of World War II
    10. Regarding Turovsky then he is one of those generals that will be included in the next update of my database. His full name is Petr Pavlovich Turovskii and he was made a Major-General of Signal Troops on the 2nd of November 1944. Sadly I don't have anything further on him yet - well now I do of course - but except that nothing, sorry. Kind Regards Steen Ammentorp The Generals of World War II
    11. Actually I'm not sure. I would think that ПЛИЕВ should be Pliev but perheps this is out of date??? Kind Regards Steen Ammentorp The Generals of World War II
    12. Gerd, Just a small correction. This would be Issa Aleksandrovich Pliev (Perhaps a typo?) http://www.generals.dk/general/Pliev/Issa_...viet_Union.html Kind Regards Steen Ammentorp The Generals of World War II
    13. Ed, A suggestion would be to check whether he is listed in Michael Parrish's Soviet security and intelligence organizations 1917-1990 : a biographical dictionary and review of literature in English. The book include info on a lot of odd persons within or associated with the security organs. Sadly I don't have access to it at the moment, but I could have it checked rather quickly asking the Royal Library in Copenhagen. Just let me know. Kind Regards Steen Ammentorp The Generals of World War II
    14. Great another piece to the puzzle. Kind Regards Steen Ammentorp The Generals of World War II
    15. Dave, Could you be a bit more specific on what kind of reference books you are looking. On my recent trip to Prague I did pick up some works that also contains info on the Legion http://gmic.co.uk/index.php?showtopic=688&pid=61361&st=20 . However I such easily be able to come up with some additional titles if I just knew a bit more what you are looking for. Kind Regards Steen Ammentorp The generals of World WarII
    16. Rick, I am sorry to disappointment you on this but I don't think that our friend here made it general ? at least not during the war. Neither Armee unter dem roten Stern : die milit?rischen Kr?fte der Union der Sozialistischen Sowjetrepubliken by Kurt Mehner & Jaroslav Stanek or http://www.rkka.ru mention him. While there not completely consistency between the two I would expect that at least one of them would mention him had he been a general. Kind Regards Steen Ammentorp The Generals of World War II
    17. Not really my area but I do have a little info on this fellow beside was has already been mentioned. He commanded the XII Corps during the Russo-Turkish War 1877-1878 during two periods Nov. 1876 to Jul. 1877 and again Feb. 1878 to Sep. 1878. Source: G. Zivkovic: Heer- und Flottenf?hrer der Welt Now a Google search on him did bring up some information on him though of course I had the luxury that his first name and patronymic has already been identified. Nevertheless combinations of different transcriptions for ham gave plenty: petr OR piotr OR pyotr AND vannovkii OR vannovskiy OR vannovsky Perhaps this best hit was this short bio of him from Wikipedia (Though I am no fan of this): http://lexikon.freenet.de/Pyotr_Vannovsky Kind Regards Steen Ammentorp The Generals of World War II
    18. Btw. I stand corrected on his year of birth Thank you. Kind Regards Steen Ammentorp The Generals of World War II
    19. Hi, You will find a short bio of his military career here: http://www.generals.dk/general/Vasilev/Vas...viet_Union.html Another one of those who wasn't that lucky in 1938. Kind Regards Steen Ammentorp The Generals of World War II
    20. Hi Christophe, I don't have any additional information as such; however you may find a description of the "drama" here: http://www.redstar.ru/2003/05/08_05/3_01.html http://mechcorps.rkka.ru/files/mechcorps/pages/biograf_k.htm http://www.ir.spb.ru/gelman-217.htm The story does (as I read it) vary a bit, nevertheless a fascinating story. Kind Regards Steen Ammentorp The Generals of World War II
    21. That was fast ? You are of course correct. I would have thought it would be more difficult. Did you know the story? Kind Regards Steen Ammentorp The Generals of World War II
    22. Okay I guess it is my turn now. On the 26th of June 1941 this recipient of the Order of Lenin, two times the Order of the Red Banner, XX years RKKA and a major-general (corps commander at the time) was severely wounded by a German air strike. The general was so badly wounded that he was considered lost, so he was buried as dead, before the medical staff evacuated as a result of the advancing Germans. However on the insistence of a political officer of the army staff that the body be recovered, soldiers returned to the place to dig up the body only to find that he was still alive. The general continued to serve retiring in 1959 and did not die until 1987. Who was the general? Btw. I should mention that his awards: the Order of Lenin and two times Order of the Red Banner came later in the war and is not related to this episode. Kind Regards Steen Ammentorp The Generals of World War II
    23. It is the famous fountain in Volgograd (perhaps better known as Stalingrad). Kind Regards Steen Ammentorp The Generals of World War II
    24. Hi, I was wondering whether anybody got some info on this HSU Major-General Anton Ivanovich Slits (Антон Иванович СЛИЦ) as there is no info on him at www.warheroes.ru. He commanded the 42nd RD during the war and according to www.rusarchives.ru died in 1945 (b. 1894). I am particularly interested in hearing a bit more about the circumstances of his death. Kind Regards Steen Ammentorp The Generals of World War II
    25. So far I have been unable to find much on this guy besides his full name Dmitrii Semenovich Samygin and that he was promoted to Major-General on the 9th July 1945. Kind Regards Steen Ammentorp The Generals of World War II
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