I have an old, WWII German Mauser bayonet I've had for 30 years. Overall, it's in decent shape, but it never had much blue finish on it. A friend suggested I have the bayonet reblued to restore the finish. As this bayonet is like an old friend, I thought I'd look into it. After a quick web search, I discovered there are two main types of blueing: 'cold' and 'hot'. Apparantly, cold blueing is cheap and easy, but the results are often disappointing. Hot blueing sounds better, but I've found little guidance on what it might cost to hot blue a bayonet (just the handle area as the blade is in decent shape). Is hot blueing something any competent gun shop can perform, or is it a specialty thing I'd have to mail my bayonet off to be done? Any advice/experience to share would be appreciated. Thanks! Scott