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    Everything posted by VtwinVince

    1. That is a beauty Claudio, congratulations. I also think that combo is unique, probably to a field grade officer of at least Major rank, if not Oberstleutnant\Oberst.
    2. True, but he's also wearing a Kyffhaeuser-Medaille on his Schnalle, so I would date this photo to around 1933.
    3. Great photo, not often you see the Marine-Fliegererinnerungsabzeichen in wear.
    4. I agree with Alex, very nice with the NSFK-Ballonabzeichen. He also has quite the Schmiss-collection.
    5. All I can say is this situation is not going to help the state of Imperial collecting. This proliferation of fakes will ruin the hobby if the fakers produce slightly better material, which they are clearly working on.
    6. You mean the cases for the MVO? I have some Schiebe-Etuis for the MVK which are brown as well.
    7. Yup, I noticed that a bunch of this crap is being offered again. Here is an example of a very good copy by Blass. It had me fooled for some years.
    8. There are several possibilities for the last ribbon. And the official Bavarian Agricultural Merit Medal awarded during the war looks completely different from this medal.
    9. Great photos, obviously he saw some action with the Turks as a naval aviator. Maybe Alex knows this guy.
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