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    Everything posted by Theodor

    1. Ok, I will start here. Will type the name, to make it possible for internet search. The lists of EK recipients starts in VII Jahrgagn, Nummer 42, XI Kriegsnummer, Dritte Oktober-Nummer. Ritter des Eisernes Kreuzes 1914 (I.) Oberl. von Andrian-Werburg
    2. Indeed, no mention what cross. There are also another lists - same photos, but "Deutscher Heldenfaal 1914/15". Name, unit and date of death. Then I will scan little by little the pages with the EK awarded /will not be very fast, these are quite a few/ and will put the images here - or in a separate thread? The thing is much larger than the scanner, but scanning half page at time will do the trick, I think. And what about the lists with the KIA? Are these interesting to scan? Here are samples - one who got an EK and one who got a bullet :speechless:
    3. Hi guys, recently got Munchner Illustrierte Zeitung papers, 1914 and 1915, probably full file. It contains /each of the papers/ lists like this, with portraits. Probably this is a very common paper, but still if it is interesting for someone, I can scan such pages or look for someone's portrait according to the date. Any interest?
    4. So, each year they make a show for you, to excuse the late liberation? :cheers:
    5. Here is an interesting detail - I think he got the EK2! That's him, with the ribbon. Unfortunately the photo is not dated. As said earlier, in March 1918 he wrote to his brother about a dangerous, life-threatening experience with an U-boat. At the treshold of life and death, in the sea depths... Maybe got the EK for that? Or some earlier experience? Don't know. Have not yet read all letters, the clue may be there. BTW, is there a source about the Navy awards? Some kind of lists, saying who got the EK and when got it, for the German Navy?
    6. This is the most outstanding collection!!!!!!!! :speechless1: :speechless1: If had seen only the photos, with no comments, I would bet my whole own collection, that it is the inventory of some of the biggest German museums, not a private collection :speechless1: Outstanding!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Thank you very much for sharing this with us!
    7. Yes, the belt is similar in appearance - wide, strap through the shoulder, brass parts - but in detail it is very different.
    8. A very nice uniform, Charles! Congrats! :cheers: :cheers: Just the belt - from what country is it?
    9. Gentlemen, thank you very much for the boat details and the important translation! Yes, the letter is even more interesting and important, than I expected!! Meanwhile I managed to find out, that his elder brother /seems the recipient of the German letter/ was Chief of the Naval School. He was such for about 3 and a half years, from 1915 to about 1919.
    10. Did you spot AH in the photo? Still with his WW1-time large mustache, but already using the right hand Heil salute :speechless:
    11. The photo is small! Can not read the cap tallies. Here is a larger view, but not very useful
    12. And here is a photo of Swetogorsky with his comrades. On the back he has written, "These are my four best and most dear friends I live in one room with them. Their good mothers when sending them kitchens /food parcels/, never forget me, too. 1. Flitner 2. Deussen 3. Jehmigel 4. Bru:gmann 5. Me" There is no date and no first names. Only with the second names, it is possible to find anything about these men? They were his roommates - could they be on the U-boat, too? Or on Mine-layer 134? /he has served on that ship, too, a letter dated 31 July 1917 is written from there/. Or studying together?
    13. Among some letters from the man, there is also this one - I think it has been sent to the family a bout the death of their son and brother. Unfortunately only the first page is preserved! But what is it, an official notification about the tragedy, a private letter from a commanding officer or a private letter from a friend? If possible, can someone give me a brief translation? It is well readable, even I can read the words, but can not understand their meaning
    14. Great information, thank you very much, Rick!!! Do you know, is the text of the letter available to read somewhere? EDIT: Just found it! A search for U-104 returned no result, but for U104.... http://gmic.co.uk/index.php?showtopic=1023...=U104&st=20 :cheers: I have some letters from the Bulgarian officer to his brother. In the last one from March 1918, he wrote about an experience "at the treshold of life and death" and expressed great joy from being alive and etc. Also mentioned about the sea depths - so it was Uboat experience. And a month later his luck was over!
    15. Hi guys, I am researching the life /and death/ of a young Bulgarian naval officer - michman Swetogorsky. After graduating in the Naval school, prior to the WW1, he was sent for training in Livorno, Italy. During the WW1 his training continued in the naval bases of Germany /Flensburg, Kiel/. Seems he was going on combat missions with German military vessels. Not long before the end of his training in Germany, on 30 April 1918 he was lost onboard of the U-104 submarine. So, can you tell me anything about that vessel? What type was it, why it sank, is the wreck located? Thanks in advance!
    16. This is known among the local collectors. Also has been shown on exhibition some time ago.
    17. I have heard different stories for this decoration. Some say, 9 were made in the USSR and 7 were given to Bulgarian generals /this was a decoration for Army Generals - Армейски генерал/. Other sources say 5 were made in the USSR, 4 by the Bulgarian Mint. As mentioned, 7 were given to Generals /though some sources say 5 were given/. Some of them are: Dobri Djurov, Petar Panchevski, Ivan Mihaylov, Yordan Mutafchiev, Ivan Kinov. The project was made by Raycho Peev, who made some more Bulgarian orders, medals and award items. The statute of the decoration was published in the main communist newspaper "Rabotnichesko delo" on 9 May 1978. This decoration could not be inherited - once the General is dead, it must be returned to the State, in the face of the National Military-Historical Museum. At least Djurov's star is there, recently saw the display with his Marshal uniform and the star of the neck. /on the other hand, I think Djurov was never a Marshal and such a rank was never in the Bulgarian system - intended, even uniform made, but never official, I think/. Be very careful about good deals!!! The Bulgarian Mint made 9 copies for local collectors, in the early 1990's. There is some kind of secrecy about those copies - it is said there are little differences from the originals, but what - kept secret. The owners signed declarations these would never be for sale etc. etc. but it seems at least one is already sold. And I guess who made 9, could make 19... So, beware! Anything you will be offered, will be a copy, most likely!
    18. Very nice! Here is one from me - the Balkans are ready to meet the "Fortresses" in the winter of 1943/44 :catjava:
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