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    Everything posted by cartoonman

    1. ...And here are most of four other paris, mentioned above, with a little more detail...
    2. As I recall, they were part of a larger collection: my friend got the prinz's tunic; I got the extra (earlier) shoulder boards... If I can dig up an old photo of the tunic... Meanwhile, here's a mediocre (non-EPSON, Rick! ) scan of the first three boards...
    3. ...and the backs of afore-mentioned Schulterklappen...
    4. Hi, Gentlemen! I have a pile of misc. shoulderboards, ww1 and ww2... I can offer what I think they are, as remembered from collecting them in the Sixties, and I would request corrections and additions from people who have seen items like 'em, or have similar items... TOP ROW: WW1: three pairs of boards from the same Bavarian officer (?)... middle pair slip-ons BOTTOM ROW: WW2,+: Reichsbahn?....... DDR?........Forest Service(? green felt backs).... Pioneer I appreciate any/all enlightening comments! I can hardly stand the suspense!!! ---Doesn't Get Out Much
    5. Ich verstehe, wass du meinst, und ich sehe, wie die andere Orden jetzt fest gemacht sind, aber... hab' ich nie so in 'n Foto gemacht! Kann ich kaum vorstellen...! Vielleicht ist es nicht im Ganzen original....? [Trans: I know what you think and I see how the other medals are currently fastened, but... I've never seen a photo with them like that! I can hardly imagine! Perhaps it's not completely original...?] ---Not Trying To Make Trouble
    6. Apparently so! Shamefully so! But your photo brings a more general question to mind... Why, oh why would you leave all those medals with their rings showing??? I know lots of collectors do as you do, but the bars were never intended to be shown that way... Why not tuck 'em in? Very, very gently and carefully...Orden-Ordnung mu? sein!
    7. Thanks, oh Bearded Madman! So, anything goes, eh? Well, then, I think I'll add a "Disneyland" clasp to one of my parade bars...
    8. Hmmmm; Keep it as worthless and embarrassing reminder that I got schnookered, or dismantle it and make back more than I paid for it.... Hmmmmmm
    9. Has anyone a photo of a campaign bar on an EK2 Ribbon? Never have seen such, in my limited exposure... Gotta photo to prove it?!
    10. LEMANS is "a real bar," for 1870-71... The Germans didn't make it that far again until 1940... when they marched past my great-grandfather's house towards Nantes and the Atlantic...
    11. It's been a long time sonce I looked closely at any SS uniforms (not a nice bunch of people... ), and this is outta my area, but... did anyone else wince when they saw the sleeve eagle & etc? AmI remembering wrong, that they were more cleanly manufactured that this one appears to be...?
    12. Oh, I see... everybody has one of these! Gee, just when I thought I was special! I picked mine up from that same jeweler in Munich, near the Hofbr?u Haus... forty+ years ago... are you ready? For... 50Pfennings, about 12 1/2? in 1964... So, anybody ever seen ribbon for sale for these...? :rolleyes:
    13. A little late getting into the thread here... but somebody mention Cartoonman's 19th century favorite??? Yes, it's here, looking for an appreciative home... after nobody but me caring about it, for these past 40+ years... I picked it up in an old jeweler's shop on Pfisterstra?e, in downtown M?nchen, right around the corner from Platzl and the Hofbr?u Haus... all you tourists know that place! The 40-year's on a short piece of ribbon... I also have two of the twety-four year models... ---Cartoonman
    14. Thanks for the note about over-flowing mailbox! Condition rectified.... Thanks also for initial clarifications! TR---DUH! As for USMLM... I didn't know what they were officially called... as for my own activities, no, I was just doing illegal things: Getting too close to the Brandenburg Gate (East side), photographing the Berlin Wall death strip and such from their side, traveling in East Germany while ignoring the requirements for checking in with local authorities, staying "schwartz" (illegally) with un-vetted private citizens, etc., etc. All done as a private citizen; no US gov't compensation! Just story-telling value! ---Cartoonman
    15. Ain't it amazing, what people will do with their spare time... And speaking of spare time, I spent enuff time in the sogenannte Deutscher Demokratische Republik, in the Seventies and Eighties, ducking the Volkspolizei and the Volksarmee, in places I shouldn'ta been, that I can't imagine dressing up like 'em, just for Schnitz & giggles... Additionally, let's not even look at the quality (such as it is) of those tunics...! That said, someplace I have a DDR belt... if anybody wants one... cheap! :cheers:
    16. Has anyone seen or owned a parade bar that contained the mixture of full-sized and field bar ribbons, that was confirmed legit?
    17. Are you saying you personally don't like that collection of medals, or that you suspect some "funny business" went on, to create it? ---Cartoonman
    18. Well, and not to make anybody worry or anything, but if I had a little more to drink , I'd say the crown on my Braunschweig KVK looks a little differnt from this one... not that I can imagine anyone faking one of these!!! ---Bavarian Chauvinist
    19. As to how well-made it was, I should have had my glasses on! But... why do you say, "added... not so long ago"?
    20. Ach, SO! Vielen Dank! Re letzten Punkt: Oder....vielleicht vollteten sie nicht als "der Alter" gekennt werden! (Translation: Oh! Thanks! Re last point: Or...maybe they didn't want to be known as (The Old One!)
    21. Okay, query from One Who Does Not Know: Why on Earth does his second BMVO IV wind up six places to the right of the Hindenburg cross??? Laziness of hte assembler ("Schei?e! I'm not gonna disassemble the whole thing for one lousy MVO! I'll just add it to the end...!") As a former resident of Bavaria who's still partial to the former Kingdom, I don't get it! Somebody please enlighten me! ---Cartoonman
    22. Hi RNLSGC, What are you collecting, everything Feldpost? I believe I have a coupla unused Feldpost letter/envelopes (fold/lick/seal) and maybe other pieces... also canceled envelopes and "ge?ffnet" tapes... Interested? Cartoonman
    23. A fake, or... a real one, applied where it doesn't belong! (Or did he have a non-combat role at Omaheke?! ) ---Cartoonman, Always Open to Possibilities :lol:
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