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    Everything posted by hucks216

    1. Generalmajor Walther Wadehn Born: 01 Aug 1896 Died: 13 Jul 1949 Gruppenkommandeur III/KG-77 Kommandeur der Annahmestelle 2 für Offiziersanwärter der Luftwaffe Kommandeur Flieger-Ausbildungs-Regiments 72 Kommandeur 10. Luftwaffenfeld-Division Kommandeur 3. Fallschirmjäger-Division Kommandeur 8. Fallschirmjäger-Division Image: Citation
    2. Leutnant Rudolf Wirtgen Born: 04 Apr 1922 Died: 06 Oct 1944 1./JG 2 Staffelführer 1./JG 2 Victories: 14 Image: Soldbuch
    3. Leutnant Kurt Votel Born: 07 Oct 1917 Died: 04 May 1941 - succumbed to wounds received the previous day 3./JG-2 1./JG-2 Victories: 9 Image: Soldbuch
    4. Oberleutnant Hans-Jobst Hauenschild Born: ??? Died: 10 Sept 1943 Highest rank reached: Hauptmann 3./JG-2 6.JG-54 JFS-4 Staffelkapitän 8./ZG-2 Gruppenkommandeur III/SKG-10 Victories: 6 DKiG: 19 Feb 1943 Ehrenpokal: 26 Oct 1942 Image: Soldbuch
    5. Hauptmann Hans-Juergen Hepe Born: 13 Oct 1912 Died: ??? J.88 (Legion Condor) Staffelkapitän 4./JG-2 Staffelkapitän 1./JG-2 Gruppenkommandeur I/JG-105 I/JG-400 Victories: 13 Spanienkreuz in Gold Ehrenpokal: 25 Jun 1943 Image: Soldbuch
    6. Oberleutnant Julius Meimberg Born: 11 Jan 1917 Died: 17 Jan 2012 Highest rank reached: Major 4./JG-2 Staffelkapitän 3./JG-2 Staffelkapitän 11./JG-2 Stab II/JG-53 Gruppenkommandeur II/JG-53 Victories: 45 RK: 24 Oct 1944 DKiG: 29 Oct 1942 Image: Soldbuch
    7. Generalleutnant Eberhard Rodt Born: 04 Dec 1895 Died: 14 Dec 1979 Kdr I/Kavallerie-Rgt 18 Kdr Kavallerie-Rgt 7 Kdr Aufklaerungs-Abt 25 Stab 2.Panzer-Div Kdr Schuetzen-Rgt 66 Kdr 2.Schuetzen-Brigade Kdr 22.Schuetzen-Brigade m.d.F.b 22 Panzer-Div Kdr 15 Panzergrenadier-Div RK: 25 Jun 1940 / EL: 28 Apr 1945 DKiG: 23 Aug 1942 Image: Citation
    8. Hauptmann Erich Ring Born: 09 Feb 1909 Died: 03 Sep 1942 - KIA near Starosselowo Highest rank reached: Major (listed as Oberstleutnant in Volksbund) Chef 5./Infanterie-Regiment 84 Kdr II/Infanterie-Regiment 84 RK: 21 Sep 1941 Image: Wehrpass
    9. Major Gerhard Baron von Bistram Born: 30 Jul 1896 Died: 09 Sep 1939 - KIA at Jezow Chef 7./Infanterie-Regiment Görlitz Kdr II/Infanterie-Regiment 30 Image: Wehrpass
    10. Very nice grouping and a bonus with the photos. I would assume that the EK II was awarded for the fighting at the Halfaya Pass.
    11. Nice late war example. Judging by the entry on Page 1 he was captured by the Americans, most probably when the regiment was destroyed at the River Moselle in March 1945 against Patton's 3rd Army.
    12. Nice variant. Signed by Oberst Friedrich-August Runge who won the DKiG in April 1944.
    13. That looks like it could be signed by Friedrich Karl Barner who won the DKiG in October 1943 before being killed in action a month later.
    14. I have Hauptmann Harald Schulz listed as the Kdr of Pz.Jäger-Abt 7 for that period. He won the DKiG in October 1943.
    15. Does his record show any other assignments within the division, such as Stab/Pz.Artillerie.Rgt, Pz.Jäger or Pz.Pioniere as he may well of got the Assault Badge if serving within those sub-units? If it was an Infantry Assault Badge than I would expect the entry to be more specific and actually mention the 'Infanterie' part, as can be seen here with the award of the IAB and PAB to a member of SS-Pz.Rgt 3 (he won the IAB during earlier SS service prior to transferring to the Panzer Regiment.)
    16. I can see why you are gutted about the Soldbuch as judging by the awards page it would of been a great - and rare - example. But still a nice find and with the signature of Major Hans-Georg Lueder (the first commander of s.Pz.Abt 501) in the driving instructors license. Looks like he may well of been captured in Africa in May 1943, in which case he may well of torn out a lot of the SB pages anyway..
    17. That is the signature of Wilhelm Burgdorf. His signature tends to be seen on prelim RK citations. Burgdorf
    18. I can't say that I have seen one of those before either. I have had a flick through the Young & Meinz books on German documents and didn't see it in there although considering the sheer amount of different ID passes in the books I could of missed it.
    19. I'd agree with Andreas. If it says Sturmabzeichen I would assume it to be the General Assault Badge.
    20. It certainly looks like it says Treptow but I don't have any example in my files to compare with.
    21. I would agree with Mervyn in that this should come under the Red Cross sphere for awarding if it goes ahead but with a new medal what does and what doesn't constitute Humanitarian Aid? Would there be a dividing line between such actions as going to an Ebola stricken area and deploying to the West Indies for 6 months every year (as RN warships do) to help rebuild local communities that are devastated by Hurricanes? And if so why? Would there be retrospective awards for the Boxing Day Tsunami or the rescue crews who went to New Zealand and Japan after the earthquakes there? I just can't help thinking Cameron has come up with this to try and have his name/tenure as PM associated with a new medal.
    22. I wonder if it is possible to trace further details for the trainer/owner and the horse?
    23. I wonder how many of those companies in the adverts are still in existence today?
    24. I like the early KIA Wehrpass, just 15 days into the 1940 Western Campaign. It also has the signature of future DKiG winner Walter Hackbarth at he bottom of Page 32. Good to see that the items have managed to stay together.
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