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    Everything posted by hucks216

    1. I can't say as I only have the Wolf Keilig version in its entirety that contains 408 Pages and only goes down to Major. However there is a version that goes down to the rank of Hauptmann which may well account for the extra pages but for that one I only have the Hauptmann listing and not the whole publication.
    2. Hauptmann Friedrich Rademacher. Kdr NSGr 12 (Lettisch) Staffelkapitän 1./NSGr-3 Image: Wehrpass
    3. Generalmajor Sigismund Freiherr von Falkenstein. Born: 14 Sep 1903 Died: 02 Jun 1972 Chef Ausb.Abt.(3.Abt.)/Gen.St.d.Lw Gruppenkommandore I./KG 27 Gen.stabs-Offizier im OKW Abt.Landesverteidigung Chef des Gen.stabs des X. Fl.Korps Chef des Gen.stabs des Lw.Kdo. Südost Chef des Gen.stabs des Lw.-Bef.Mitte Chef des Gen.stabs der Lfl. Reich Kdr 3.Flieger-Div (Details taken from LW Officer Career Lists by Larry & Doug) DKiG - 19 May 1943 Image: Citation
    4. It is possible that it was another NSKK unit but also possible that the admin staff never got around to putting in the entry. Some pictures of the item in question would be good to see.
    5. Major Boris von Maubeuge. Born: 1902 Highest rank reached: Oberstleutnant Staffelkapitän 1./KG-2 Kdr Störkampfgruppe Luftflotte 1 Stab/General der Nahkampfflieger Inspekteur d.Inspizient der Nachtschlacht beim General der Schlachtflieger Kdt Fliegerhorst.Kdtr. A(o) 104/XI (Details taken from LW Officer Career Lists by Larry & Doug) Image: Citation
    6. Generalmajor Hans Jeschonnek. Born: 09 Apr 1899 Died: 18 Aug 1943 - committed suicide Highest rank reached: Generaloberst Generalstabschef der Luftwaffe Chef des Luftwaffen-Führungsstabs RK - 27 Oct 1939 Image: Citation
    7. Generaloberst Alfred Keller. Born: 19 Sep 1882 Died: 11 Sep 1974 Kdr 4.Flieger-Division Kdr IV Fliegerkorps Befehlshaber Luftflotte 1 Führer-Reserve des OKL Korpsführer des NS-Flieger-Korps RK - 24 Jun 1940 Pour le Mérite Combined Pilot/Observer Badge in Gold with Diamond Image: Citation
    8. All three grades with an additional Gold mit Anhänger citation to a Knights Cross, DKiG & Ehrenpokal winner...
    9. (Yet another) Luftwaffe Formal DKiG citation to future Knights Cross winner Ludwig Bellof who flew with a Störkampfgruppe & Nachtschlachtgruppe-3 - the German night harassment units flying aircraft such as the Arado Ar-66. This is part of a set that includes his citations & Wehrpass.
    10. Korvettenkapitän Carl-Heinrich Lampe. Born: 25 Jul 1907 Highest rank reached: Fregattenkapitän Bordnachrichtenoffz Scharnhorst Stab Marinestations-Kdo Ostsee Stab Deutsches Marinekommando Italien Kdr Zerstörer Z-30 Kdr Zerstörer Z-28 Kdr Zerstörer Z-43 Image: Soldbuch (1941) Image: KTB (1945)
    11. Very recently I acquired a Soldbuch (as well as some photos and a Kriegstagbuch for a period when one of his ships was sunk) for a Kriegsmarine officer who ended up commanding destroyers from early 1943 to wars end, having served on Scharnhorst from at least 1938 to 1941. It is such a nice set and the research potential is huge and after doing some looking, it turns out that Trumpeter actually do models of all 3 of the destroyers he commanded in 1:350 & 1:700 scale and I have been toying with the idea of commissioning a build of one of the models. I'm not the greatest model builder in the world and haven't done any since I was around 14 plus I see the examples by others with the weathering and seascapes and know full well that it would be beyond me. But if I was to commission such a build what would I be responsible for providing? Obviously one of the model kits but would I also be responsible for finding out what the camouflage scheme was like for the period the build would reflect in case the one in the instructions/guide was wrong?
    12. With the clash between Hood & Bismarck in mind, here is a link to a thread I started 3 years ago, showing the Wehrpass to a sailor who served on the Bismarck at the time and was killed when she met her demise... Bismarck Wehrpass
    13. Apologies for the delay in getting back to this thread. Thanks for the replies. It is interesting to see the actual medals themselves. Considering the award for 40 years service it does help to add just a little bit more to the citation set as all the set consists of is his citations and no Wehrpass/Soldbuch so it is now possible to know what his pre-military service trade was. He was awarded the FJ Badge in October 1942 but was also awarded the Ost Medal so was already serving in late 1941/early 1942.
    14. Nice image. I wonder if the Wound Badge is one earned during his service with the Legion Condor?
    15. General der Flieger Kurt Pflugbeil Born: 09 May 1890 Died: 31 May 1955 Kommandeur Luftgaustab z.b.V. 8 Kommandeur Luftgaustab z.b.V. 16 Kommandierender General Luftgau Belgien-Nordfrankreich Kommandierender General IV. Fliegerkorps Oberbefehlshaber die Luftflotte 1 Kdr Luftwaffen-Kommando Kurland RK - 05 Oct 1941 / EL - 27 Aug 1944 Image: Citation
    16. This unknown Generalleutnant's signature belongs to Kommandeur d. Luftflotten-Trupp Luftflotten-Kommando 1. Can anyone identify who it belongs to please?
    17. Just thought that I would share this award document that was awarded in 1983 to a former WW-2 paratrooper who served in 3 FJD. I don't collect DDR paperwork (this came with his WW-2 citations) so have no idea about the criteria for such an award but am assuming it is a merit type award for years served in a certain industry, in this case the energy industry. Just to complete the picture so to speak, can anyone tell me who the signature belongs to please?
    18. Generalleutnant Richard Schimpf Born: 16 May 1897 Died: 30 Dec 1972 Staffelkapitän der Fliegeraufklärungsgruppe Münster und Kommandant des Fliegerhorstes Münster-Loddenheide RLM 1. Generalstabsoffizier (Ia) zum m Stab des Generals der Luftwaffe bei der Heeresgruppe A RLM Chef des Generalstabes der Luftflotte 4 Chef des Stabes vom Luftgau-Kommando VIII Chef des Stabes im Luftgau-Kommando Kiew Generalstabschef vom Luftgau-Kommando Kharkov Führung der Luftwaffendivision Meindl Kommandeur der Luftwaffen-Feld-Division 21 Führer-Reserve OKL Kommandeur der 3. Fallschirmjäger-Division Bundeswehr - Generalmajor zum Befehlshaber vom Wehrbereich III RK - 06 Oct 1944 DKiG - 26 Aug 1944 Image: Citation
    19. Kapitänleutnant Martin Rasemann. Born: 18 Feb 1886 Died: 18 Nov 1945 as PoW Highest rank reached: Korvettenkapitän Kompanie-Chef Ausb.Abt Amsterdam Chef 9. Landungsflottille Image: Soldbuch
    20. Kapitänleutnant Hans Bartels. Born: 05 Jul 1910 Died: 31 Jul 1945 Highest rank reached: Korvettenkapitän Komdt M1 Chef Küstensicherungsverb. norw. Westküste IO Zerstörer Z24 Komdt Torpedoboot T34 Chef K.d.K-Lehrkommando 250 RK - 16 May 1940 Image: Soldbuch
    21. Does anyone have a listing for IR 436 (132 ID) please and can help identify this signature of the II Btl commander. Dated December 1943 with a rank of Major...
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