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    The Prussian

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    Everything posted by The Prussian

    1. Hi Laurentius! Thanks a lot for the photos. The sabre seems to be an artillery -sabre. Black capband is ok for artillery. The belt was worn by mounted troops. That fits to artillery. Also the black pipings. BUT we have the problem with the field-artillery shoulder boards and the foot-artillery cuffs... The red collar-patches don´t make sense to me. Unfortunately I can´t say more. An uniform like this did not exist. Here you see the artillery fieldgrey uniforms:
    2. Hi Laurentius! Now we have a problem... I also see a 5 with a grenade. Feldartillerie. BUT: FAR5 was a silesian unit. Fifth Army Corps. In peace time they had yellow shoulder-straps, so on this 07/10 tunic should be seen: grey shoulder-straps with yellow pipings. Or should it be officer boards? But then too, the pipings might be yellow. And Feldartillerie hat swedish cuffs. Swedish cuffs: Two buttons horinzotal Brandenburg cuffs: Three buttons vertical. What about the red patch at the collar? Upon a 07/10 tunic those red patches didn´t exist. They were worn upon a Litewka. Do you have close-up please? Can you also please show the sword? I assume, the painter used "artistic license"... There is something wrong... Here is a Lieutenant of FAR600 with Litewka and black collar patches:
    3. Hello! Because of the brandenburg cuffs it will be Footartillery. The ranklist of Honour mentions a Leutnant Witte, later Oberleutnant a.D.
    4. Thanks a lot!
    5. Great! I think there ain´t no regimental history or a rank list of that period available? I ask because I'm confused. The regiment was in Rochefort since 1919 and engaged in Morroco in 1925. I didn't find anything about Algeria
    6. Thanks a lot, matey! But you agree with the unit?
    7. Oh, that´s interesting. So you would say, the pic was taken around 1926?
    8. Hello! Thanks a lot! I didn´t know, when the new helmet was introduced! When was it exactly? 3rd RIC was in Rochefort from 1919-1939 (except 1925 Morocco). So am I right, when I say, they had a manoeuvre in the 20s in Algeria?
    9. No-one else? ?
    10. Some people told me, the photo could have been taken in the 20s. Had the 3rd Colonial Regiment been in Algerie in that period of time?
    11. Hello! Thanks a lot! Don´t forget, the 3e régiment d'infanterie marine became 3e régiment d'infanterie coloniale in 1900. But they stayed in Cherbourg. I assume they had to serve a few months in the desert. Could it be? Here is a larger scan. He probably wears the anchor badge. Above he seems to wear the 1870 Bazeilles insignia. If the soldier fought in 1870, the pohoto might have been take earlier, maybe in the late 80s or early 90s
    12. Here is a better scan. Maybe a 2 or a 3 upon the collar. What´s upon the tropical helmet? An anchor???
    13. Hello! Can anyone help by ID the unit, please? All cards are written with areas in Algeria. The pictures are written in german! We see Victor Klein in Batna, El Kantara and dunes in Birska. The man with the X is Victor Klein. The man on the right has a "3" upon the collar. French Foreign Legion regiment 3 was formed in 1921 and was in French-Guyana. Spahi regiment 3 was in Algeria, but the uniforms ar not Spahi... French African Light Infantry 3 was in Tunisia. In the french rank list of 1905 I found a René-Victor Klein in the military medic service. Could it be him? Thanks a lot!!!!!!
    14. Hi Christer! I don´t think you´ll find something in the bavarian ranklist, because the unit was formed in december 1914. The rankjlist of honour shows a Freiherr v. Gemmingen-Guttenberg (Max), but he was killed in Rumania 1916.
    15. Hello! Do you speak german? https://de.wikipedia.org/wiki/%C3%96sterreichisch-Deutsche_Bodenseeflottille
    16. Hello! In the book "Die Rimann´sche Sammlung deutscher Autoflaggen und Kfz-Stander" (by Andreas Herzfeld), is the same photo published. The photo in that book is written with: Sammelgefangenenlager Roedel, Dienstfahrt auf 100PS, 1915 (Collective Prison Camp Roedel, official trip with 100HP, 1915) The flag should be "Fahrzentrale J.K.D. ("Immobiles Kraftwagen-Depot") 5, Gruppe 1 (Driving centre immobile car depot 5, group 1) I couldn´t find a "Roedel", but Generalmajor "Röhrich" was the leader of the prison camp Mannheim! Roedel - Röhrich... sounds similar... maybe the script was so bad, that the correct name couldn´t be read clearly? I haven´t seen the reverse. The reverse of my photo is blank
    17. I love her!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!?
    18. Hi! I haven´t heard from that... The german orders were clear. 1st the own medals, then the others. Otherwise it might be ordered by A.K.O. see below. But, maybe you´re right. The german soldiers, who were in turkish services, "belonged" to the turkish empire, so they had to wear the medals in the ottoman way... isn´t it? Like I said, I´m not sure...
    19. Great photo, Dave! Here is his casualty list: http://des.genealogy.net/search/show/8584499
    20. Hello! It it would be a german brooch, the german Iron Cross would be at the first place. I see: Order of the Medjidie Turkish war medal Iftikhar Sanayi Medal Prussian Iron Cross 2nd class Austrian military merit cross
    21. It could be Carlos, but the c looks different... https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Royal_Monogram_of_King_Carlos_I_of_Portugal.svg
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