Once owned a WWI group to Captain 'Branny' Branfoot, 37th Lancers, IA who had a Roumanian Order of the Crown with his trio. Wondered why - no evidence he's ever even met a Roumanian. Cilff Parrett, then living in Singapore, met a fellow officer of the 37th who said 'Brayyn' had been recommended for the MC but hadn't quite made the cut and that various Allied embassies shopped round bags of decorations which were awarded as 'consolation prizes' and, presumably, to show solidarity with the gallant British.
One wonders if the Russian awards were given on the same basis: 'if he won the XXX for bravery, we shall recognize the award with a YYY of ours as well.' Not meant to detract, BTW, from any of these awards, but it explains, at least to me, why relatively low ranking British servicemen got foreign awards without any obvious connection to the awarding nations. Probably kept military attaches busy too, combing through the London Gazette and the French equivalent, to identify worthy recipients of Russian, Italian, Brazilian... awards.