Yes, one didn't get to be a Troop Sgt Major for having shiny boots. Despite the strict discipline, one still had to deal with 60-80 men and 100 horses preferably without flogging and visits to defaulters, so practical psychology and man management were musts, plus a head for numbers [forage, shoes, rations, grog, pay...].
I have all the respect in the world for the senior NCOs/Warrants in every army, having had the privilige of being a Regimental Sergeant Major 'for pretend' for three years in a re-enactment community. That is to say, dealing with 200-400 men who did not in fact HAVE TO do what I said! I still got to tell the joke, though: 'The diffrence between the RSM and God is that God doesn't think He's an RSM!" And if I'm not in step with the 400 other guys, THEY are our of step!