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    Old Contemptible
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    Everything posted by Hauptmann

    1. Hi all, Here's another one I just ran into that was quite interesting so thought I'd pass it along: http://www.hero.ac.uk/uk/research/archives...rmine_yp833.cfm Dan
    2. Hi all, Just came on this while surfing... didn't know if it had been posted yet but felt if it hadn't it would be of interest. Just finished reading it myself and it is fascinating. Just wish the pics could be clicked and made larger. But a great presentation. http://www.national-army-museum.ac.uk/exhi...ndingTheFallen/ Dan
    3. Hi all, A friend just sent me this in an email. But I did a quick search and found a site... actually several, concerning this (do a search and you'll see what I mean). This is just amazing. I had done searches a few years ago and saw some of what was being recovered. Generally in terrible condition with only chassis or heavily damaged hulls and cupolas, etc. Or 8 ton half tracks which again were in awful condition for the most part. But this one... well, once they sprayed it off looked as if you could get in and simply drive it away. In fact, with very little effort that seems to be about what happened according to the article. http://www.rense.com/general75/germ2.htm Enjoy! Dan
    4. Hi all, Any opinions on this one? Possible translation if it's readable? I think it's something about Moscow on the reverse. Another goodie from my beloved wife. Will do better scans and measurements when it arrives. Thanks! Dan
    5. Hi all, Tank Overhaul is a new series on the Military Channel which is premiering on Tuesday at 8 p.m. CST. Looks like they take tanks that have been left on target ranges, etc., and restore them to fully operational condition. Dan
    6. Eeeep! Dateline: Sunday February 4th 2007... 1925 hours... seismographs around the world pick up shock waves which when triangulated are tracked to the area of New England. Cause... vibration and overheating of one Rick Research, well known researcher of militaria, genealogy and other areas of historical interest. Sorry Rick... I take it this subject has come up before. I promise to be good and not ever, ever bring it up again. To repeat... Eeeeeeeeep! Dan
    7. Thanks Christian. Like Ed said, I sure hope the one I spotted is a fake, otherwise YUCK! Looks barely like the one you posted... many differences not the least of which is in the face. Dan
    8. Hi Christian, Could you show a shot of yours for reference? I'm assuming then that this is a "bad" copy. But again why someone would want to copy such a thing unless it's rare is beyond me. Dan
    9. Hi Christian, Not sure. As I say I generally don't pay much attention the these types of medals/badges/pins. I kind of put them into the same place in my mind I used to put TR tinnies. They never did much for me. But again it seemed extremely unusual to find one that was serial numbered much less with a name engraved. Of course anyone could do that I suppose but again I can't see much of a reason as I don't think any of these are that much in demand. I think I will try to contact the seller and see if it's still available. If for no other reason that it's unusual and perhaps would be worth further research. Mucho thanks! Dan
    10. Hi all, Saw this a while ago. Not sure if it's still available but it keeps nagging at me and so I thought I'd get some opinions. I generally don't fool with these unless they're a throw in on a deal or dirt cheap and I like the design. But I've never seen one with anything engraved much less a serial number. I know it's nigh on impossible to get much detail from these pics but they're the only ones I have (unless I'm able to obtain the piece). But the seller had said it had a serial number of 2063 engraved under the hammer and sickle on the reverse. It's also supposed to have the name of the original recipient as well as the CHZ MINT MANUFACTURER. I'm still a bit tempted by this one but don't want to inquire further until I get some other opinions as to whether or not it's something worth going for. Was listed at $7 & $3 shipping and no one jumped on it. Mucho thanks in advance. Dan
    11. Hi all, First off... if this belongs in the other section please feel free to move it. I just had to post this one... currently on Ebay. Not sure what's what with this one... authentic or fantasy or what. But look at that portrait. Looks like an old lady who's taken out her false teeth! Needless to say, if this is real then how far the once mighty have fallen. Dan
    12. Hi Ed, ROTFL!!!! Well, there you go... the "Nudge Nudge, Wink Wink medal" and the "Wink Wink, Nudge Nudge medal". Problem solved. Wink wink! Oh goodness... I really needed that to lighten up the day! Dan
    13. Hi Ed, I mean to me, I've just kinda gotten used to it being any or all of the above. But at first it was very confusing to see each of those called by so many different names. Funny as most seem to have the one name that's used all the time and no problem. It's just these two... well and perhaps the Service to the Motherland/Fatherland, etc. Have seen that one several ways but all pretty much the same thing for all intents and purposes. Just didn't know if there was now a more accepted standard on the names. As again, especially for newer collectors I'm sure it can get their heads spinning after a time. And it is something I've wondered about for some time so glad it came up. Dan
    14. Hi all, Just wanted to thank you all... Rick, Doc and Ed for getting back with me on this so fast. I'm glad I'm not the only one who thinks it's a bit wonky. It's currently at $19 with $1 shipping out of Central Pennsylvania with just over 2 days to go. I'll be happy to provide the link if anyone is intro'd or you can do a search on Ebay for Soviet Medal for Combat Service. I think I'd tend to agree that it's been messed with at some point and pass on it. If I'd seen it as a flat out buy for $10 or less I might have considered it. I don't think the medal itself is a fake... don't think they're that desperate yet... but definitely doesn't look totally correct either. Mucho thanks Gentlemen. Dan
    15. Hi Rick, I agree... just struck me as very odd... and I was tempted to mention the finish as strange as well but felt I'd leave it and see if others picked up on it as well. On the naming... I've seen these as the MMM as well as the Combat medal and it's counterpart shall we say called both Valor medal and Bravery medal. So, which are correct on these and why the different to start with? Differences in translation? On The Soviet Military Awards Page they're called: For Bravery and For Combat Service. Same in the Red Bible. I have several other basic refs which name them as follows: Orders and Medals of the USSR (Moscow 1994) - Medal for Valor / Medal for Combat Service. CCCP 1917-1991 Orders and Medals (Russian Connections 1994) - Same as above. Orders and Medals of the Soviet Union (Byrne 1984) Medal for Valour / Medal for Battle Distinctions (for Battle Merits) and last but not least: Russian and Soviet Military Awards (V.A. Durov 1990) - Medal for Gallantry / Medal for Military Merit. So needless to say it's rather confusing on these two at times. So what are the definitive names of these two medals? Thanks! Dan
    16. Hi all, Just saw this one and I've got to say I don't ever remember seeing a ring like this. I've checked the Red and Green bibles as well as The Soviet Military Awards Page and can't find one like it. Manufacturers variation? Replaced ring? Any thoughts? The number is 420522. Pics are the sellers. Guaranteed forever... so guess that's good. Dan
    17. Hi Charles, Indeed, another gorgeous set! You sure do have the luck in finding all these great and unusual pieces. Keep up the good work. Can't wait to see them all in person some day. Dan
    18. Oh definitely! Works of art from craftsmen long gone. Dan
    19. Hi all, I did actually start out a few years before the wall fell... but not with awards. At a small gun dealer in Florida I found several pieces I was interested in. One is the Type 14 Nambu I still have... another was one of the WWII British Enfield revolvers and the third was a Nagant Soviet officers pistol dated 1939. The Nambu was $300 and I grabbed that quick. The Brit was $250 and the Soviet $200... I picked the Nagant. And although I love it I wish I'd gone the extra $50 and gotten the Brit. Later, when the Nagant's were going for like $40 to $50 with all their accessories, holsters, etc. I was a bit depressed. But then I'd go and spend some time with it and remember how much I love it and all was right with the world again. http://gmic.co.uk/index.php?showtopic=7987&hl=nagant I started into awards and uniforms and such right after the wall fell. I'd seen a few things in books over the years and had always had an intense interest in learning more about Soviet militaria... just not much out there at the time. Still not nearly enough in English. My first piece was one (I believe... I'd know it if I saw it down in the bunker... but too relaxed to go down right now) of the anniversary of Victory medals with document... and a few of the small collector pins which were really cheap. I think I got the medal and doc for like $15 or thereabouts so don't think I did too terribly bad. This was literally when stuff first started hitting the market. The same dealer had a Red Star on consignment. I fell in love... that beautiful red enamel... but at a $350 price tag (and don't think I didn't seriously contemplate it) I finally just had to pass it up. Needless to say I'm so glad I did! Of course knowing my luck it had a really good serial number or was one of the rare types or something, but in those days SN's didn't even enter into it. I also managed to get an Air Force tunic and a naval greatcoat, a few caps and such. I did make another mistake in that I had a choice in helmets between one of the early Soviet helmets with the flared edges and such or a DDR helmet. I picked the DDR. Again you can still get those for dirt whereas the early Soviet ones are really up there. Had a friend who called me literally right after the wall fell. He asked me if I was still into that "military stuff". Turns out he'd been there at the time and said the guards and troops would give you just about anything for packs of cigs and such. Said he could have gotten me tons of stuff. But of course he'd gotten a few things for himself, mostly hat badges and small pins... no awards I'm sorry to say, but he did get a nice pocket watch. But he calls me after he's back out of that section of Europe and can't get more. Like, why torture me like that... at the time I could have sent him enough money to buy a gazillion packs of cigs and he could have brought me back a gazillion goodies! Arrrrrrrrrrgh! Sigh. Ya win some and ya lose some I guess. But I totally agree with Chris that had I known then what I know now I'd have sold off just about every bit of TR I had and bought all the good Soviet stuff I could get my hands on and then some! Oh those were the days! Dan
    20. Hi Vic, Love both your shots/layouts. But the red set really stands out! Has that candie apple red color I really love like they used in Hungarian communist period awards. Beautiful!!!! Would love to see more. Oh, and from the first set you know my favorite!!!! Just gotta get a real Nevsky one of these days. Oh how I wish I'd gone ahead with that trade for one for my Blockade Runners set when I had a chance. They're just great pieces with a ton of history. Dan
    21. Hi... welcome to the club! Some gorgeous pieces there! I actually hope to get one for my friend in Florida (and a fellow member) and myself as we're big movie fans and one of these was used in the John Wayne movie The Searchers. For ages he didn't know what it was... he showed me the movie and then I popped it on here and the rest of the members made quick work of it. Great collection there. Hope there are some others out there with more examples they'd be willing to share. Definitely a beautiful Order. Thanks for showing them. Dan
    22. Membership Badge (and Miniature) of the Socialist Brigade: And a shot of both of these cased sets to show the covers with the dots in each corner: Again Charles, many thanks for these. My collection would still be sitting a two or three pieces without your help. I hope to be able to dive into the deep end of the pool in the next few months (knock on wood) but I'm so grateful to you for keeping things going and inspiring me to continue in this great area of collecting. God bless you my friend. Dan
    23. Kivalo Munkaert (Excelent Job / Work) Medal... cased, but I'll have to do pics of it in the case later: The case is the red plastic style and very nice!
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