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    Old Contemptible
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    Everything posted by Hauptmann

    1. Hi all, I'd forgotten about this one. Nothing special... just a West German Bundeswehr. But ran across it tonight and thought I'd post it. I may also have a few other things laying about but will have to do some digging tomorrow as it's about time for bed now. [attachmentid=51852] [attachmentid=51853] Dan
    2. Hi all, Just pulled this off the shelf while looking for other goodies to post and though... why not? [attachmentid=51846] Dan
    3. Hi all, Here's a photo my great grandparents kept in an honored place in their home after coming to America from Germany. [attachmentid=51845] Alot of nice baubles being worn there. Dan
    4. Hi Darrell, Well, if post war strikes/issues as opposed to out and out copies (read fakes) that's a bit better in my book. Granted... still not nearly as good as original wartime issues... but I'd certainly feel a bit better about them. But again I'm not gonna jump off the water tower on any of them. Have had them forever and a day and have very little in the whole lot so not catastrophic. And as they were so early on in my collecting I figure I'm lucky to have done as well as I have over time... especially not having the red bible until so late in the game. Mucho thanks! Dan
    5. Hi Darrell, Yeah, I kinda figured. But it struck me as so funny and I just had to have a bit of fun with it myself before all was said and done. Well, looks like I've got quite a few originals to get yet... but am sure they'll turn up over time. I'm not in any rush. Many thanks for the confirmation on them my friend. Dan
    6. Hi Darrell, Well, that's a trick... I don't even have a Budapest! ROFL Here you've got me with copies I don't even own yet! And now for your next trick! You've no idea how badly I needed to laugh... it's been one of those days. Well worth posting and even confirming I have some copies. So you're positive the ones with the heavy gold wash or plate are not the last types as described in the red bible? Had kind of hoped but again not a biggie either way. To be honest I think several in this series are ugly ducklings and I'd almost hate to pay the prices some of them run. Although I deeply appreciate the sacrifice that went into each and every one of them. Just not the most attractive medals they put out. But part of the series and part of history. These will do for display until I can manage to get real ones. Thanks again for helping to cheer up my day. Work was an absolute bear and haven't been feeling all that great since last night. But as they say... laughter is the best medicine. Dan
    7. Hi Rob, Many thanks! Okay... tell ya what. Bids start at $5,000 U.S. Seriously though... you could have absolutely knocked me over with a feather. Far as I knew it was just another WWI buckle, perhaps for an NCO and worth maybe $40 to $50 tops. Very glad I posted it as otherwise I would have never known. Hey, a case in point of how important this buckle section is. Sure hope we keep it as who knows how many other such goodies will pop out of the woodwork. Thanks again, Dan
    8. Hi all, Well, here are my very meagre contributions to this thread. As much as I love the study of space and The Space Race I have managed to acquire only two pieces... one of which is a copy. I hope to add more to my collection in the future. First a space pin... no idea what is says except for the first word... "Glory", or what it's for. One of the first such Soviet pins I ever purchased. [attachmentid=51824] [attachmentid=51825] And a copy of the Pilot Cosmonaut Of The USSR: [attachmentid=51826] [attachmentid=51827] If anyone has an original of that one please post it as I'm sure we'd all love to see it. Dan
    9. The Liberation Of Campaign Medals I still need The Liberation of Belgrade. The Liberation of Warsaw: [attachmentid=51821] [attachmentid=51822] [attachmentid=51823] I need the Liberation of Prague. Well, that's it until I can add those I still need to the collection. Dan
    10. The Capture of Berlin: [attachmentid=51818] [attachmentid=51819] [attachmentid=51820]
    11. The Capture of Vienna: [attachmentid=51815] [attachmentid=51816] [attachmentid=51817] This is the third one I have with the thick gold wash.
    12. The Capture Of Campaign Medals I still need the Capture of Budapest. The Capture of Koenigsberg: [attachmentid=51812] [attachmentid=51813] [attachmentid=51814]
    13. The Defense of the Soviet Polar Regions: [attachmentid=51809] [attachmentid=51810] [attachmentid=51811]
    14. The Defense of the Caucasus: [attachmentid=51806] [attachmentid=51807] [attachmentid=51808]
    15. The Defense of Kiev: [attachmentid=51803] [attachmentid=51804] [attachmentid=51805]
    16. The Defense of Moscow: [attachmentid=51800] [attachmentid=51801] [attachmentid=51802]
    17. The Defense of Stalingrad: [attachmentid=51776] [attachmentid=51777] [attachmentid=51778] This one I have absolutely no doubts about as I got it from Dave who was selling it for a friend. So it's got the seal of approval on it already.
    18. The Defense of Sevastopol: [attachmentid=51797] [attachmentid=51798] [attachmentid=51799] This is the second of the ones I have with the thick gold wash.
    19. The Defense of Odessa: [attachmentid=51770] [attachmentid=51771] [attachmentid=51772] This is one of three that I have with a thick gold wash and I'm wondering if these "might" be the Variation 2 medals mentioned in the red bible for later issue to those who should have received them earlier but didn't. I figure it's either that or they're copies. Anyhow that's the first of that type.
    20. Hi all, Okay, be gentle... as I "think" at least a few of these may be copies. Not to worry though as I got them for less than dirt so other than putting me back a bit time wise in order to get originals I won't be crushed or anything. And of course if you need to see anything specific I've not shown you have but to ask and I'll try my best to get a scan of whatever you need to see. Well, with no further ado... on with the show. The Defense Of Campaign Medals The Defense Of Leningrad: [attachmentid=51767] [attachmentid=51768] [attachmentid=51769]
    21. Hi Kevin, Again WOW! Great collection. Be fantastic once you have it all out on display. Are those DDR armored binocs I spy? Have wanted a set of those forever. I managed to get a set of USMC armored binocs when we were in California about a year and a half ago and I love them. But the DDR ones always seem to go for mucho... too much for now but hopefully down the road as I'd dearly love a set of those, a set of Soviet's and a pair of U.S. Navy Bureau of Ships marked. Great job on those documented ones you have... I definitely would love a Banner der Arbeit documented... if not a full set with the Urkunden. It's one of my favorite DDR Orders... well the affordable ones that is. Those and the Grim Reaper Order. Again fantastic collection! Definitely post pics when everything is out on display. Dan
    22. Hi Vic, Yes, it's a polizei outstanding or excellent achievement medal. Basically FUR AUSGEZEICHNETE LEISTUNGEN means For Outstanding Achievement. There's a whole series of police medals that you can get and they're all fairly cheap. That Grim Reaper Order is the highest in the series. Dan
    23. Hi Kevin, OUTSTANDING! So... that's where all those early qualification badges ended up! No wonder I can never find any! How I'd love to go to a garage sale sometime and ask... do you happen to have any military stuff and have them show me a pile like this... all for say $50! I'd die on the spot and go right to heaven! I could dig around in those boxes and bags forever. And I totally agree with Doc... it's time to come out of the boxes. Will make some beautiful displays. Once you get them set up in Riker's would love to see some more shots. Like some of the bagged items. Also, is that a documented award with a photo of the presentation? That's another dream... not only to get something with a photo of the original recipient wearing one or more of the awards in a set I now own but to have a photo(s) of the original presentation. I think it's more likely to happen in a German set and since I've pretty much gotten out of TR it would have to be either West German or more likely DDR. That one's an absolute treasure in my eyes. You've "GOT" to do up a display with that set! Kevin... thanks so much for sharing all these goodies. Definitely want to see more of it all as you get it out and ready for display. Dan
    24. Hi Paul, Figures! I "KNEW" I should have hung onto it. Was the only one I'd ever seen and I let it go. I'm an idiot! In fact I just did a search and could not even find a picture of one. And the one I had was beautiful... stone cold mint condition and one of the most beautiful luft eagles I'd ever seen. I think it was even a droop tail but been so long I can't remember that for sure. Just a great piece. Arrrrgh! Nuts! Dan
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