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    1. My collection is now focused on the imperial theme. But it wasn't always like that, and I am still struck by the III Reich ground army arm badges. Here I show the ones I have
    2. That board is beautiful, I love it. If the board has holes where you can see a badge has been removed, I would restore it. If there is no evidence of a piece in the holes, I would leave it as is.
    3. Thank you very much Sashaw, As for the origin, I cannot know for sure. I bought it from a collector who told me that it came from the family of a Spanish officer who was attached to Germany at the time. (but this is a matter of faith)
    4. A beautiful and rare photo, thank you very much for showing it. You are looking only for photos of officers or any graduation. Here I show a picture of a general with the rank insignia on his sleeve.
    5. Hello, possibly you already have this photo, but just in case, here I have a photo of HARTZ - GENERALLEUTNANT Bernhard Josef Maria von Hartz (12.04.1862 - 20.08.1944)
    6. Hello everyone, Thank you very much for your attention and comments. Thanks to kasle, I began to investigate in that direction and looking at the information available in other forums, I verified that it is a vintage piece, manufactured by Godet. It is true that it is not one of the pieces awarded, but it is also true that it is contemporary with those delivered. I also collect collar patches and specialty badges and have never put down a catalog sample because it would have sat in a store unissued and unworn. Here I show some photos with more detail, and in comparison with a first class and a second class one to appreciate the difference in sizes Here is another contemporary piece from the period 1939-1945. Delivered to Spain for display at the Army Museum in Madrid. It was never awarded to anyone, but I would give anything to have it in my collection.
    7. My small contribution to this topic. Thank you very much for showing these wonderful tunic Doppellitzen M-1910 4.Garde Regiment zu Fuß Doppellitzen M-1910 Garde Fuß Artillerie Regiment
    8. Hello, I think this ribbon bar is a godet. I'm curious about the order of the medals. Any comment will be welcome. Thank you very much.
    9. Hello, Yesterday I bought this nice barrette at a fair, I imagine it must be for an Austrian official, but I am not able to decipher it. These are the tapes I think I've identified. 1 Oesterreich - ¿??? 2 Oesterreich - ¿??? 3 Oesterreich - Kriegser-innerungs-Medaille 4 Oesterreich - Ehrenzeich.vom roten Kreuz 5 Ungarn – Kriegser-innerungs-Medaille 1914/18 6 Reiuß ältere y jüng. Linie - ¿Zivil-Ehrenkreuz? ¿Dienstauszeichn.? 7 Ethiopie – The Imperial Order of the Star of Ethiopia. 8 Preußen – Roter Adler-Orden any help or comment (for or against) will be welcome. As always, thank you all very much.
    10. Good morning David M. Unfortunately Priesdorf does not collect the biography of Karl Adelbert Wiederhol Greetings The data I have on his military career (collected from the Lexicon der Deutschen Generale page) are: kurhessische Armee 01.07.1861 Kadett 11.06.1865 Portepee-Fähnrich 28.09.1865 Sekonde-Lieutenant mit Patent vom 08.10.1865 preußische Armee 30.10.1866 Sekonde-Lieutenant mit Patent vom 08.10.1865 09.03.1872 Premier-Lieutenant 12.06.1877 Hauptmann 16.05.1888 N Major 18.04.1893 Aa Oberstlieutenant 16.06.1896 H Oberst 13.09.1899 Generalmajor mit Patent vom 03.07.1899 N
    11. Thank you very much Daniel, It is a great satisfaction to be able to name this ribbon bar
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