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    Everything posted by QSAMIKE

    1. Good Morning Mervyn..... The manufacturer is Coalport, they also put out a fantastic tyg which I will post later..... The inside panel reads "Baden-Powell" on the top and "Mafeking" on the bottom..... Mike
    2. Good Evening Everyone..... OMG the Calgary Show looks as it it is going to be great..... 895 - 4' x 8' Tables..... and at least 50% Militaria..... Have not had a chance to look all around yet..... But.... I did pick up one very nice piece..... I know it is not a gun or a medal..... But..... I have never seen it before..... Here are some pictures..... Mike
    3. Hello and Good Morning Blueman..... Helmet on the right: Officers / Post 1902 / Pre 1952 / Life Guards Plume is silghtly wrong should also cover front and not swept back....... Cannot make out badge on helmet on the left..... Take a look here..... http://www.bing.com/images/search?q=life+guards+helmet&qpvt=life+guards+helmet&FORM=IGRE Mike
    4. Hello Ed...... No Riding Crop........ Hi Mervyn...... No Rifing Crop either but how about a Sergeant Majors per-1952 Swagger Stick...... Mike
    5. I have seen on another site that they have been returned.......
    6. Take a look at this thread on the forum...... http://gmic.co.uk/index.php/topic/51120-1856-pioneer-sawback-sword/ Mike
    7. Hello Tony...... I would rather think that this is Navy rather than Army especially since it has an Atlantic Star..... Mike
    8. Good Evening Noor...... Mainly what the heck is the "Clasps to War Medal"??? Is it IGS clasp code under there instead??? At one time there was the idea of issuing clasps the same as the Queen's South Africa Medal but it was later decided that due to the expence and the administrative nightmare it would be impossible to do so the whole idea was scrapped..... There have been lists printed but I cannot remember where..... You will see the odd miniature War medal that was issued to the Navy with bars on it...... They had published the list of what bars would be issued and the jewelers thinking that they would have the jump on everyone had some made..... Take a look at this article one for the Navy...... http://www.northeastmedals.co.uk/britishguide/british_war_medal_1914_1918_1920.htm I understand that there would have been over 60 different bars for the Army but am not sure and some medals would have had up to 20 different bars..... Mike
    9. Hello Peter...... It is Canadian post- 1890 but pre-1905. Only seven provinces..... Mike
    10. Hello Chris..... Without seeing a photo I think that this is just a souvenier piece..... Mike
    11. Hello Noor..... Hope that you did not pay toooooo much as the Tiger and Elephant have been removed and the pin in the back is missing...... See posting #56 above....... No luck on maker but I think WW1 period at least pre-1922...... Mike
    12. Just finished checking the Cape of Good Hopw GSM roll and he is not on there..... Mike
    13. Hello Ricardo..... To me it looks post WW2..... Is the cap plastic or canvas???? During WW2 for security reasons they did not have the ships name just H.M.S. Mike
    14. Hi Mervyn..... Just have a few uniforms other than my own...... I have a S.A.C. Tunic and Pants, a C.E.F. Officers full uniform and the odd it and piece of others..... Mike
    15. Hello To Everyone...... The next piece of news in the Jack Saga....... I talked to them on the phone today and they described the medal ribbon that they have found consisting of: 1939 - 1945 Star Atlantic Star Defence Medal Canadian Volunteer Service medal 1939 - 1945 War Medal None of them will be named so therefore I will be able to put a set together...... I will have the ribbon bar and maybe one day the govt. will allow access to their records to verify..... Mike
    16. Kvart...... I hope I am not breaking any copyrite rules but here is a photo of Captain A.G.H. Kinberg a Swedish observer...... This is from Spinks special Anglo Boer War Anniversary auction..... Mike
    17. Hello Kvart...... It is possible as there were a number of foreign military observers with the british army during the war and they were issued with medals...... Mike
    18. Good Evening Everyone..... Just got home and there was a message for me..... The family in digging around found the Great Grandsons uniform from WW2..... A W.W.2, R.C.N. Jumper, Pants and Cap for a leading seaman.... They will be sending it on to me..... Mike
    19. Good Morning Everyone...... I have had this for a while and I was wondering about it's background..... I have never seen one before but understand that it is Pre-World War Two..... Can anyone tell me what it was used for and what is the ship????? Thinking of putting it on the bay..... Mike
    20. Hi Hugh..... Had a similar funny situation..... On the night before graduation from OCS as an Officer Cadet we had a Formal Mess Dinner..... The Officer Cadet at the time had a rank badge of One very thin stripe on the cuff of his sleeve about 1/2 and inch wide (Like a Midshipman)..... A few of us went into the mess and found that the inspecting Admiral and the school staff were already there and standing together having a drink..... The 6 of us cadets went to the bar and got our drinks and went to the opposite side of the room..... The Admiral I guess noticed this and after a while went to the bar found out what we were drinking and brought a tray of drinks to us and said.... "Good Evening Gentlemen, after all Us One Stripers have to stick together", now his stripe was about 2 1/2 inches wide..... That broke the ice and it was a very pleasurable evening...... Mike
    21. Good Morning Mervyn..... Yes this was the special set..... Was hopeing the seller had some paperwork and knew what medals the father had from WW2 but nothing found...... Mike
    22. Hello Paul..... The ribbon is literally falling apart so I will be re-ribboning it but will be keeping the original with his file..... I do try to keep original ribbon where possible when I get a new item into my collection..... Mike
    23. Good Evening Dan..... "Not sure what the W.O. in parens is... possibly Weapons Officer? Hoping someone can help on that. Also not sure what the "S" before the R.H.A. (Royal Horse Artillery?) stands for." The W.O. stands for Warrant Officer hich is the equivalent to a Sergeant Major...... The "S" stands for "S" Battery, Royal Horse Artillery..... Mike
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