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    Ribbon bar of French Association of Civic Devotion

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    I thinck it is the order of the Crown of Persia (Iran)

    look even at this one


    No, not that. See http://www.medals.lava.pl/ir/ir1.htm and http://www.4dw.net/royalark/Persia/Orders/crown.htm

    Looks to me like a UN medal for UNIMOZ and ONUMOZ that someone has "dressed up" -- see http://www.medals.org.uk/united-nations/un...-nations005.htm

    Edited by Ed_Haynes
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    My wild guess would be...... to have the funny little thingies on the front of the ribbon... you would probably be a tailor of some sort.... And becase these ribbons are no longer made, and scarce... and someone ordered one and you had the funny little thingies but no ribbon... that as an industrious tailor.... you would just grab an inch of UN ribon and whip one of these up....

    And probably the guy who ordered it could wear it with noone noticing.

    Probably made up for simple practicle reasons than as a deliberate fake.

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    I would guess it IS indeed an original Persian rosette thingy and that the UN ribbon was taken as ersatz material for a ribbon that was no longer being made?

    When I was in Cairo and showed some guys in the Souq a British medal I had bought... to ask if they had any like it... they offered to make me some.

    Maybe some guy ordered the Persian ribbon from a tailor and he made one with the material he had?

    Seems to be a long shot... but my medals are mounted on a strip of plastic cut from the sandproof plastic audio cassette boxes used in Saudi Arabia and positioned with super glue.... may not be the official way of mounting them... but looks the same....

    You do things with the material you have sometimes.....

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    I would guess it IS indeed an original Persian rosette thingy and that the UN ribbon was taken as ersatz material for a ribbon that was no longer being made?

    When I was in Cairo and showed some guys in the Souq a British medal I had bought... to ask if they had any like it... they offered to make me some.

    Maybe some guy ordered the Persian ribbon from a tailor and he made one with the material he had?

    Seems to be a long shot... but my medals are mounted on a strip of plastic cut from the sandproof plastic audio cassette boxes used in Saudi Arabia and positioned with super glue.... may not be the official way of mounting them... but looks the same....

    You do things with the material you have sometimes.....

    But it isn't even remotely similar to the Persian ribbon!


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    But it isn't even remotely similar to the Persian ribbon!


    The colours are the same, but with different spacing. The thingy seems to be the same as the one on g_deploige's link.

    Twins they are not... but when next to each other they have the same colour, and I would bet at a few meters away, noone would notice.

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    The colours are the same, but with different spacing. The thingy seems to be the same as the one on g_deploige's link.

    Twins they are not... but when next to each other they have the same colour, and I would bet at a few meters away, noone would notice.

    And the colors on his link are TOTALLY different from the ones I posted. And the ribbon has no similarity to any Iranian ribbon I have ever seen. What makes us think it is trying to ape an Iranian ribbon (that never existed in Iran)?

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    If you look at the proportions of the white/green/blue on the rosette, they are exactly the same as on the ribbon itself.

    To me it doesn't look like something that has been tampered with...

    I don't think it's the Iranian Order of the Crown...


    Edited by Great Dane
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    Hate to bring everyone back to reality...but this is a private French society or association medal for the Association of Civic Devotion. Don't know the particulars, perhaps one of the French members can help with that. The ribbon bar is of a style occasionally seen from the post-WWI era, and even appears on some styles of US ribbons purchased overseas.


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    Hate to bring everyone back to reality...but this is a private French society or association medal for the Association of Civic Devotion. Don't know the particulars, perhaps one of the French members can help with that. The ribbon bar is of a style occasionally seen from the post-WWI era, and even appears on some styles of US ribbons purchased overseas.


    Thank you, Mr. FireMedals!

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    Well, that is hard to dispute.... which means the first one is kosher.... but leaves the one in the second post as the odd bird.... it is in an envelope marked Persia, has the riht ribbon for the Persian medal... but has then had a Rosette added....

    Maybe simply two very similar ribbons?

    In the second post the ribbon is correct and according to Eds link...

    Recipients of the fourth class wear the same badge as the second class, suspended from a medal bar on the left breast, from a narrow ribbon with a rosette in the centre.....

    Some time ago I started a thread about what the world would do when they ran out of possible color combinations for medal ribbons....

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    UN is right, without that silly rosette thingy; Iran is wrong unless this is a 1900-1939 grand cross . . . .

    Silly French pseudo-award is right.



    But the one in the second link? Is it right or wrong? The colors are right for the 1900-1939 one and on Liverpool medals they hve Persian awards with french style rosettes.... so.... the ribbon in the second post (with the envelope) could technically be corect?

    Meaning the Frenchi and the Persian are almost same, same except for the width of the colors?

    A silly question... but has anyone seen rosettes with black backing cloth like these?

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