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    Some of you already know me of other forums, and others I will be knowing the starting from today. My name is Otto, and this is my first post. I am the great nephew of Carl Hans Theodor Holler, the S?nger Flieger, and since I discovered to be him a pilot German of WWI, your history turned an obsession. In the last year I got, through members of another forum, to obtain and to buy documents, medals,photos and papers that belonged to him. As my first post, I present your history.



    Carl Holler Story

    Tarnslated and condensed from ? Als S?nger Flieger im Welt Krieg ? wrote by Niels Sornsen ( the artist?s name of Carl Holler ), by Albert Flips, from Zwevegem, Belgium.

    Carl Holler was born in Rendsburg, Germany on July 26, 1884. He was a professional folk singer before the First World War using the artist?s name Niels Sornsen. When war broke out in 1914, he tried to enlist in burst of patriotic fervor, but was not accepted because of his age (30) and his weight (1.84m). He solicited the help of influential relations but they, too, werte unsuccessful. After reading a Hamburg newspaper article about the new flying service, and talking with his friend Karl Prahl who had just joined the flying corps, he applied to be Flieger Ersatz Abteilung ( FEA I ) at Dobernitz and was told to report for service in early 1915.

    During his training he became friends with Sgt Konnecke, a future ace in Jasta 5, and Sgt Morzik, who later became on the Southern Fronts and with whom he would serve with again later on the Western Front. Flieger Holler progressed through the military drill stage by April, 1915, he was a sentry and ground helper at the airfield. In May, 1915, he was ordered to the AEG company owned flying school Niederneuendorf, where he bevame friends with the Commander, Oberlt. Zorer, and often entertained the officers with his folk songs. Paul Schwand ( a civilian who was killed after the war by Polish anti-aircraft fire ), was Holler?s instructor. They got along well, but Holler was often seen as an outsider because of his age and background ( a non technical education and a professional singer ). The other students nicknamed him the ? Singer Flyer ?. On a training flight over Teufelsmoor ( Devil?s Moor ), Holler luckily escaped injury when his plane ran out of fuel and crashed in to some trees. His AEG built airplane did, however, need a new propeller. On June 8, 1915 he flew solo in poor weather to FEA I at Dobernitz and was promoted to Gefreiter ( similar to Private First Class ). On June 26, he passed his civil pilot?s examination and was awarded Federation Aeronautique Internationale Deutschland Flugzeugfuhrer certificate number 970. After a 3 day leave, he arrived at FEA 11, at Breslau, for further training.

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    Here he continued his flights to qualify for his Feldpiloten ( Army Pilot ) examination. Most of these flights were cross country flights in a two place airplane with an observer with landings at strange fields. One of those flights was required to last more than one day. Holler and his observer flew to Gut Dombrowka, south of Oppeln, and back to Gandau at Breslau. Holler coolly evaded a thunderstorm on the return leg and his observer was so impressed that he recommended that Holler be promoted to Unteroffizier ( Junior Sergeant ). He assumed this rank on September 9, 1915. He was able to meet all of the requirements for the Army pilot?s badge except the last and most difficult, the Feldpilotenprufung ( Army pilot?s test ), which required a flight over enemy territory and delivery of a message to another airfield.

    Heeresgruppe ( Army Group ) von Mackensen was ordered to attack Serbia and replacements were requested from Breslau. Holler volunteered and was promoted to Vizefeldwebwl ( senior sergeant ) because, as his commander explained to him, it would be better if he outranked his ground crew. He was ordered to join Armee Flugpark 13, on September 16, 1915.

    After a 14 day journey through Vienna and Budapest, they arrived at their destination, Warschetz, Hungary. Holler made his Feldpiloten Prufung flight with a machine that had been returned to the Army depot as being unserviceable. Holler and his observer flew along the Danube, the Serbian north frontier, to Belgrado and landed at Weiszkirchen to deliver his required message. As he was about to land, his engine quit and he made a emergency landing on a nearby road without mishap. It wasn?t until March, 1916, before the paper work caught up to him awarding him his Armee Flugzeugfuhrer-Abzeichen ( pilot?s badge).

    He was next ordered to the German-Turco Flieger Abteilung in Czernaheviz, near the Hungarian spa town Herkulesbad, near Roamnia. Just outside Czernavehiz, near the Danube, the Germans placed a large field gun ( 42cm ?Dicke Berta?). Holler was tasked to fly ranging missions for the gun for three weeks. When Bulgaria entered the war on the side of the Germans, the German-Turco Fl. Abt. was deactived and Holler returned to AFP 13 on October 3, 1915. Six days later, Belgrado was taken and the Serbians retreated. AFP 13 set up base first at Potschaerevac and then at Jagodina, where Holler witnessed the forced collection os brass and copper from the local civilians. When the AFP moved to Nisch, the headquarters of von Mackensen, Holler saw his first Fokker 100 Eindecker fighter with it?s synchronized machine gun. It was only allowed to be flown by the chief pilot on special occasions, one of wich was when the Chief osf Staff, General von Seekt, visited the unit.

    In early January, 1916, Holler was assigned to Feld Flieger Abteilung I at Veles (Koprulie) in Serbia-Macedonia. The trip took him almost three weeks as he had to contend with destroyed rail lines on the way. Soon after his arrival, one of the unit?s aircraft crashed into a mountain, killing the pilot and observer (Off.Stv. Otto Witt and Lt. Herlich). Holler was assigned the new Roland CIII replacement machine. The Serbian army had retreated to Salonica, Greece, where he joined up the British and French forces. Because of the distances involved, reconnaissance flights took over four hours to accomplish. The unit received orders to move to Xanti, Bulgaria, to be closer to the front. The unit?s patrols took them over the mountains of Enos, the British Naval Air Service bases on the islands of Thasos, Samotraki and Salonica. Two sea planes were added to their group to better counter the British threat. The German sea planes operated from Porto Lagos. The climate in Xanti was harsh with temperatures reaching 30 degrees centigrade in the day and dropping down to 6 degrees at night in March. Malaria was rife and several of the detachment were stricken.

    On March 26th, Holler and his observer were chosen to be one of the four to bomb Salonika ( the mission was called ?Bombenfilm auf Saloniki?) in retaliation for the Allied air attacks on the Germans positions at Lake Dojran. Their routing took them via Drama and Seres to Hudova, Fl. Abt 30?s airfield, where they spent the night. The next morning (03.30 hours ? the airfield was illuminated by truck headlights for the departure) they took off with 12 aircrafts from Fl. Abt.30, and proceeded to Salonika. Following the Warder river to Salonika, they arrived at their target at 05.30 hours, and from a height of 2600 meters, they began dropping their bombload of four 10 kg bombs on the town?s ammunition and fuel dumps, sending smoke up to 2000 meters high. The town?s defenses and warships in the harbor immediately opened fire with their anti-aircraft guns. Some of these shells fell in to the town starting more fires. The attackers climbed to 3600-4000 meters and turned east for their egress. On their return flight they were intercepted bi Allied fighters. One Nieuport was shot down by Holler?s observer. At 08.30 hours, Holler was the third plane to land at Hudovia. Fl.Abt 30 lost one aircraft and Holler?s unit (Fl.Abt 1) had one of its twin engined AEG airplane severely damaged with holes in most of the struts, the observer severely wounded and unconscious when he was removed from his airplane. By 10.25 hours the remaining force had landed. About four weeks later, a Swiss engineer who had been in the town during the bombing, reported that numerous fires had been started by the anti-aircraft fire from the defenses. On April 16, 1916, Vzfw. Holler was awared the Iron Cross 2nd Class for the attack.

    Hand signed by on Mackensen ( not a fac simile)

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    During this time, the battle of Verdun was raging in Eastern France and replacements were urgently needed. In mid April, 1916, Fl.Abt 1 was ordered to the Western Front. As they group was about to depart, the German sea planes were attacked by Brutish fighters. Holler took off with four bombs on board, but without a bombsight. The day before, Holler had had a piece of glass inserted in the floor of his cockpit wich allowed him to look downwards. Using this glass, he aimed his bombs on a British ship ( that looked like a aircraft carrier) and two escorting monitors near Port Lagos and dropped his weapons. He returned to base for more bombs, but was told by another pilot that the ships had left. To counter further attacks on the sea planes, one of Fl.Abt 1?s airplane remained behind Xanti.

    Fl.Abt 1 moved to Mouzay, near Stenay, France, HQ of the 5th Army under the Crown Prince. New aircraft became available from AFP 5 in Montmedi, and Holler marveled at the forward firing machine gun on the new machines. The German Aces, Boelcke and Immelmann, where the heroes of the day with their exploits in these Fokker Eindeckers. At first only officers were allowed to fly them, but when replacements were needed, the Commander of Fl.Abt. 1 was asked to recommend good pilots. Vzfw. Holler was chosen and with his first mechanic, ?Uncle? Wehmeyer, he was posted to Cologne (Koln-Longerich) Butzweilerhof, for training on the Fokker. After training, he and Wehmeyer, were posted to the Fokker Staffel at Jametz. At Jametz, Holler was given a 100 HP Fokker (Jubilee Machine number 500), while the rest of the unit were flying 150 HP machines.

    Holler did not like the atmosphere in the unit ? he was the only NCO pilot not waiting for promotion to Officer (Offiziers-Anwarter, Officer title awaiters). These future officers and the officers were allowed to use the Officer?s Mess and casino (lounge), whilr Holler was not allowed in. Hi ate his meals and socialized with the non-flying grouns crewmen. Only one of the ?title-awaiters? befriended Holler, Uffz. Fritz Loerzer ( later a 11 victory Ace).

    ( here I, Otto, include a paragraph. Holler never use his ancestors genealogy and his noble rooths to obtain sympathy)

    Two weeks later Holler?s arrival, the Jametz staffel was order to unite with the Fokker Staffel at Sivry commanded by Hauptmann Boelcke. Holler was much happier at Sivry, as Boelcke allowed all pilots to use the mess and rank was played down. Holler became friends with Walter Godt, who played the violin. Besides the Fokkers, the unit also had a two seater wich was used to show artillery officers their gun emplacements from the air so they could see if their camouflage efforts were effective. Holler flew these missions accompanied by two or three Fokkers. In July, 1916, the airfield came und artillery attack from Fort Marre. One shell smashed Holler?s Fokker parked in a canvas hangar. The unit then moved to the Some battle front in northwest France to Ugny l?Equipee. The units were split into Jagdstaffeln (pursuit squadrons) and Holler was assigned to Jasta 6, flying the new Albatros DI.

    On one of Holler?s first flights with Jasta 6, his leader (probably Ltn. Ernst Wever) quickly out climbed Holler. Holler?s planes was at 4800 meters with his leader above him at 5100 meters, when a French SPAD flow by Capt. Guynemer (according to Holler, but Capt. Herteaux of Scadrille Spa 3 was probably the attacking pilot. Herteaux?s 13th victory was a Focker over Pressior Wood on 16 November, 1916) attacked the higher plane and sent it down on fire. Holler was unable to interfere as the French plane went away. Holler reported that the upper wing of the DI blocked his vision and recommended that the next model?s wing be lowered. The Albatros DII wing was lowered by 40 cm. Holler received a new DII ( of course after all the officers had received theirs) on November 11, 1916, serial number 484/16. The next day he made a forced landing behind enemy lines. His report stated:

    ?This morning I started at 08.06 hours as the third machine of the

    First kette, led by Lt. Fr. Wich had orders to provide high flying

    Cover for the attack on Pressoir Wood by refusing enemy recce-

    Flights entrance to the Front ?Sperre-fliegen?. Direct after the

    Start we a rrived over a low , closed field of clouds, I lost my

    Bearings and followed the leader (the third machine was soon

    Lost to view). After termination of our patrol time, my ketten ?

    Fuhrer signaled me to fly home, at which we started a glide

    Downwards from 4300 meters. After a few moments, I lost my

    leader due to oil dirtied goggles. On removing them, I got oil in

    my eyes, which made flying very difficult. I flew the low clouds

    which were as low as 60 meters. Near an unknown village

    ( which I over flew thrice), I chose a meadow to force land on.

    I landed and rolled towards a road with threes. I stopped the

    Engine and on inspection noted that the oil pipe had broken, so

    the oil was pumping in to my face. I removed the fuel from the

    emergency tank to the main tank and fixed the oil pipe. While

    cleaning my goggles, I noticed French soldiers approaching my

    machine. So, I had landed on the wrong side! Luckily my engi-

    ne had kept ita compression and I started at once, first turning

    from the trees amidst a volley of gun fire that only stopped

    when I disappeared in to the clouds. Now I flew due east, but

    after 25 minutes I had to land again because my improvisation

    went wrong and the oiling started a new. Now I was over our

    own territory, near Hamm sur Somme. I started again but had to

    land a third time because of fog over my airfield. I now went to

    Ennemain and at 11.40 hours I reach at last my base?

    Signed Holler, Vzfw.

    Holler?s kettenfuhrer (flight lead) had already reported him missing and at 10.00 hours the 2nd Army staff was informed, since Holler?s DII only had enough fuel for 1.25 flying hours. When Holler did come back, his flight was mentioned in the ?Wochenbericht des St. O. Fl. 2.? (week report of the staff officer flying corps 2nd Army) and Holler received an official letter, dated November 29, 1916, from Grosse Hauptquartier (Great HQ).

    On December 24, 1916, he had another close call. His engine overheated and his propeller stopped when he was over enemy territory. He was able to glide to an uneventful forced landing behind German lines. Christmas 1916, brought a Jasta move to Chateaux Vaux. Very few sorties were flown the first three weeks of 1917 as the weather was bad with very low temperatures. The Jasta mechanics had to put boiling water in to the airplane engines to get them to start. Jasta 6 leadership changed several times during the winter, which strained the relationship between the officers and men. NCOs were no longer allowed in to the officer?s mess and casino (lounge). Lt. Morzik?s (Holler?s friend form flying school) flying impressed Holler, and Holler was very proud when Morzik asked Holler to become his wingman. At the time the Jasta had 9 pilots divided in to kettes (flights): Morzik and Holler were the only people in one kette, amd the other 7 pilots were in the other flight. On the 25th January, 1917, Holler was tasked to provide escort protection for a photo machine from the Reihenbildzug-Abteilung. Rendez-vous was at 10.00 hours at 4000 meters over the airfield. As their started their photo runs over the trenches, they were attacked by a Nieuport fighter. Holler managed to shoot down the Nieuport, which crashed behind French lines in a wood. On his return, Holler was amazed to find the observer of the photo machine had reported that it was Holler ? not the Nieuport ? that had been shot down. It took some time for the mistake to be rectified and eventually Holler was credited with forcing the Nieuport to land behind enemy lines (zur Landing gezwungen).

    On February 19, 1917, Holler and Morzik met two twin engined French Caudron. Morzik?s Caudron turned to fight, but Holler?s tried to escape to the west. Holler eventually shot him down ? but too far away over French territory to get confirmation and he was credited with a ?forced to land?. The Germans were forced to retreat to their fortified positions of the Hindenburg line and Jasta 6 move to Wasigny. On the 13th of March, during a ?Sperrflug? (defensive petrol), Morzik engaged an FE-2 but had to break off the attack when his guns jammed. Holler then attacked the the airplane. At the same time, the German anti-aircraft batteries were tryimg to hit the FE-2. Holler sent the FE-2 down in flames to crash in the Germans trenches. When he put forward his claim, he was told that the flak battery had already been credited with the kill. ( Oh! Politics?politics?Otto)

    On the 25th of March, Holler overslept and missed taking off with the rest of his patrol, which had been sent to intercept two approaching British formations. As he hurried to catch up to his patrol, he encountered the British formations at 2600 meters. They passed underneath him Immelmanned down behind them and with 30 rounds of machine gun fire shot down one in flames. Holler followed his victim down and landed nearby (possibly British Sopwith 1 ? strutter, serial number A 884, from 70 Squadron, Lt. Butler?Lt. Norris or 7763 flown by Lt. Vane-Stewart/Lt. Allison), Holler was met by several German soldiers and an Oberst (Colonel). Holler asked the Oberst his name and address as a witness to his claim. Holler then realized he was deaf from his rapid descent. He got a note from the Oberst, but when he put forward his claim another squadron pilot (probably Vzfw Hausler, or possibly Lt. Dielmann: both were credited in some records with victories over Sopwith airplanes that day) claimed that he had shot down the plane. The Staffelfuhrer (commander) told them to rolldice to see who would be credited and Holler lost. Holler was taken to the hospital at Le Cateau, by his friend Eduard?Edu?Ey, to be treated for his deafness. During the month of April he was medically grounded.

    (Politics, politics?An old man (32)?singer?etc?an Ace?never! Otto)

    Lt. Fritz Otto Bernert, a friend of Holler, became the new commander of Jasta 6 on April 30, 1917. He overturned the decision on Holler?s 25th March combat and had the other pilot transferred to another unit. He sent Holler on leave for 8 days to rest and when he returned to the squadron, Bernert gave him the airplane he had brought from Jasta 4 to replace Holler?s, which had crashed during his leave. This seeming favoritism did not sit well with many of the squadron officers and Holler became more unpopular. Holler and Bernert were very close. Bernert, born in Ratibor, had been an infantry lieutenant when the war started. He was wounded in the left arm by a bayonet while in the trenches and was transferred to less rigorous duties of the flying corps as an observer in Feld Fl.Abt.71 at Metz. While there, he visited his old infantry unit. The commander remarked that he was sure Bernert was happy he no longer had to go on patrols. Bernert replied that he would ?give something for a chance to do a patrol right now?. That night he, armed only with a sword (the only weapon he could handle with one arm), went out with his former men a engaged a French patrol in fierce close combat. Bernert taught himself to fly and was assigned to Jasta 4 where he was a great success as a fighter pilot (he would eventually be credited with 27 victories).

    On May 18, Bernerty asked Holler to go to the aircraft park(depot) and pick up a new Siemens airplane. Vzfw. Eduard?Edu?Ey asked Holler if he could go instead, because he loved flying rotary engine airplanes. The squadron driver later reported that as Edu Ey was 100 meters in the air, the new airplane caught fire and he crashed to his death.

    On May 18, 1917, Bernert led Holler and two others on a balloon attack mission. When they arrived at the balloon?s reported location, they found only 6 British aircraft. Bernert descended to attack them, while the rest of the formation provided cover above. Holler tought Bernert needed help, and dived on one of the enemy airplanes sending it down in flames after firing 40 rounds in to it (a 22 Squadron, RFC, FE-2B serial number A 5472 (A 5457 in some records), flow by 2Lt. Goodban and 2Lt. Ward. Both KIA). Bernert shot down another one and the rest fled. This was fortunate to Holler, as his engine picked this time to lose fuel pressure and would only produce 300 RPMs. He quickly began pumping the hand fuel pump with his left hand, holding the control stick in his right, while the enemy anti-aircraft guns furiously shelled him. As he limped home, he encountered another formation of fighters, but his luck still held, as they turned out to be German. Holler landed at his home air base to find Bernert still missing. Bernert had followed his victim down until his own engine quit at a couple of hundred meters above the ground. He managed to glide in to the German lines, destroying his plane on landing.

    On his next flight several days later, Bernert crashed his new replacement machine while landing. He over shot the field on his first approach, his engine quit on his go-around and he crashed in to a road on the east side of the field. Bernert?s plane was destroyed, and he suffered a broken jaw and many bruises. He refused to leave the squadron and Holler used to come sing and talk him while recuperated.

    On May 30, 1917, Holler and the others members of the 1st Kette (A flight) were resting after their first sortie, when the telephone courier from the starthaus (operations desk) told them that a British formation of 7 fighters was approaching. Five minutes later, Holler was airborne and within 20 minutes he encountered the enemy formation. A Sopwith Pup dived under Holler?s airplane, and he quickly Immelmanned turned to get on the Pup?s tail. The Pup turned tighter and tighter spirals, but Holler was able to fire at him when he tried to disengage and dash for his lines. The Pup made a forced landing in the German lines. The Germans brought the Pup (B1721(1064?) of 54Sq, RFC) and its pilot, the Canadian, Lt. Kantel, to the Jasta 6 airfield for a tour of the facilities and to the mess for drinks with the squadron. Attached to the Jasta , and at this impromptu party, was the Austrian-Hungarian 12 victories ace Capt. Stoysaveljewitcz ( later killed on an attempt to fly over the Himalayas). For this victory, Holler was given his award goblet, the ?Ehrenbecher fur den Siege rim Luftkampf? ( honor cup for the victory in aerial combat ? provided to Germans flyers by German industrialists). Holler took Lt. Kantels leather flying coat and wore it the rest of the war.

    Holler?s claim to the Pup was challenged by another pilot in the squadron, even tough Holler had collected 23 witness statements saying that he had shot down the plane. Holler?s claim was not sent forward to the staff. He immediately appealed to Bernert for help. Despite Bernert?s condition, he and Holler drove to the staff headquarters to straighten the mater out.

    Bernert?s condition worsened and he had to take convalescence leave. The night of his departure, Holler was lectured (threatened) by the officer who had claimed the Pup, on military discipline. Holler tought this was only the beginning of a harassment campaign. Holler visited the temporary commander of the squadron and told him that his nerves no longer allowed him to fly. While Holler was grounded waiting for the medical recommendation, he and the Jasta moved to Bissighem, Belgium. This 5 or 6 week period, he later recalled, was his most difficult time of the war.

    On the 19th of June, Holler received a letter from the staff crediting him with the Pup victory. The following day, Holler received news that Lt. Bernert had requested that Holler be posted to Bernert?s new command, Jasta Boelcke. Because of Holler?s request to be removed from flying status, this was no longer possible. On the 27th, Holler received notification that he had been awarded the Iron Cross, 1st Class, effective 19 April, 1917. This order was signed by Oberltn. Dostler, Commander of Jasta 6, and 28 victory ace.

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    In mid July, he was posted to Breslau. Enroute, he talked to the adjutant of AFP 2, who recommended he join the Naval Air Service. Holler put in his request for transfer. After a 6 weeks leave, he was assigned to the Observer School at Breslau. On October 17,1917, he was assigned to the II Seeflieger Abteilung (2nd Navy flying Squadron) at Wilhelmshaven. Holler began training on the large sea planes of the Navy. Holler was next assigned as an instructor pilot in the Kampf Einsitzer Schule (Navy?s single seater fighter school) at Putzig, near Danzig. The commander of the school was a friend of Holler?s from his service at Xanti. The combat school was independent from the See Flugstation Putzig (Putzig Sea Plane station), and was the last training school the Navy?s single seat fighter pilots attended before operational service. The weather became increasingly more sever and the Putzinger Wik froze. The station was unable to fly until the April. To keep the flyers occupied, the school constructed a sail driven sleigh so that compass reading could be instructed. On May 10, 1918, Holler was assigned to the SMS Helgoland and he went on a few short voyages to the Doggers Bank area of the North Sea. He also had a 2 week duty at Holtenau Sea Plane Station. In August 1918, he read in a Danzig newspaper that his friend Bernert was convalescing there. He requested permission to take an airplane to Danzig and bring Bernert back for a visit. Bernert stayed with Holler in his billet and visited the school, then departed to visit his parents at Ratibor. On his way home, Bernert stopped in Berlin to visit his sister, caught pneumonia and died three days after, on October 18, 1918. Bernert was 25 years old, credited with 28 victories and holder of the Pour le Merite (Blue Max).

    The war ended in November, and Holler was sent home on leave while the details of his demobilization were worked out. He had never been officially transferred to the Navy, and it wasn?t until May 5, 1920, that he became a civilian again.

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    Guest Rick Research

    GREAT research! jumping.gifcheers.gifjumping.gif

    So much for "invisible NCOs!" jumping.gif

    Posted (edited)

    Thanks for sharing that great family story, Otto. I see from an old thread at the `Drome (Feb., 2005) that buying this collection was a dream come true for you. For those of us who don't know that story, could you tell us a little of how it came into your hands, with a little help from your friends?



    Edited by Luftmensch

    Rick and John,

    Thanks for the visit and the kinds words. As you know, my English is a Tarzan's English. I need to prepare a readable story of how the collection was ended on my hands. Tomorrow I will post that.


    Otto cheers.gif


    As promised:

    I will try now, to explain in the best possible way as it began my interest for Carl Holler. When I was still child, my grandfather Johannes Wilhelm August Kruse, son of Johannes Kruse and of Mary Holler (Mimi, the sister of Carl Holler), told me Niels Sornsen's history (artistic name of Carl Holler), your uncle singer. Surprisingly my grandfather didn't count that he had been pilot in WWI. The years (many) passed and I finished forgetting about Carl Holler. In the year of 2004, separating some books powdered in the attic of my mother's house, I found a small genealogical book regarding the Holler's family, written by Carl Holler. In one of the pages, I discovered that Carl Holler, besides singer, had been pilot during WWI. I was happy and curious and immediately I began to seek information in the internet. In one of the researches, I found the site of a forum (theaerodrome) and I asked for help. Immediately I began to receive information on Carl Holler. One of the members (Taz, that some of you know well) told me that he had a friend, Gary Perkins, a former-pilot of USAF, that had served in England in the eighties, that possessed some items belonged to Carl Holler that he had bought when it had been parked in England. From this moment, I began to change emails with him. He ordered me pictures of the items (awards, medals, pictures, papers and other items) that had belonged to Carl Holler. I was very excited and I asked to him that, if some day he intended to sell these items, it informs me .Some weeks later, he sent to me an email saying that it was recuperating an old Ford, and he would need to do some money. He offered me then the collection. I was very happy, but at the same time very nervous. I didn't have the necessary money for the purchase on that moment. Commenting on the subject in another forum (Pickelhaubes), which was not my surprise when one of the members offered to buy the collection saying that I could pay later. I won't say the name of that member for request of him, but I want him to know one more time, that I will never forget the help and the friendship that he demonstrated.

    Yes guys, miracles exist!

    Otto cheers.gif


    Thank you, Otto, for your uplifting story! Tarzan would be jealous of your English! If miracles are performed by saints, then your story is proof of decent, ordinary folk in the hobby, not out to further their own collections but help others-- the basis for a forum like this. beer.gif



    Guest Brian von Etzel

    Nice Otto, and good for you.


    Hi Rick,John,don,Paul,Brian,Bob and Oberst.

    Thanks for your kind words!

    :cheers: TTO

    PS> If one of you, or others forum members want a copy (in German) of the book "Als S?nger Flieger im Welt Krieg" I can send via email. I have the book scanned. Just send a PM with your email adress, and I send it.



    This is the second or third time I have read the Carl Hans Theodor Holler story, and I find it just as fascinating and breathtaking as the first! I truly enjoy the stories and photographs that people have posted on the other forums you frequent showing their grandfathers and great-grandfathers in the Kaiser's army (or navy). :jumping::jumping:


    Hi Mike and Stogieman,

    Thanks for your gentle words. I know that you know, but I'm posting now photos for the enjoyment of other forum's members, and for you too, of course.


    IPB Image


    Otto, All I can say is absolutely fantastic :jumping::jumping:

    Your research and collection is out of this world. This is what it's all about. Thanks a lot for sharing your family history with us.

    Very nice shots of the early Albertros DII and the later Albertros DV.



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