Knarf Posted March 9, 2007 Posted March 9, 2007 After the War the Robertson - Malinin agreement introduced Military Liaison Missions to maintain the communications with the High Command of GSFG and the British Army of the Rhine. The British Mission (BRIXMIS) was at Potsdam. The Soviet (SXMIS) was deactivated 1990 in B?nde near Herford. Before SOXMIS was based at B?nde, it was based at another town.Which town was it?( I think good old Wikipedia is not of much help)Good Luck
Christian Zulus Posted March 9, 2007 Posted March 9, 2007 Dear Frank,that is a highly interesting question - no hints at Wiki or Google .But the SOXMIS had been - besides of B?nde (Herford) - GB - also located in Frankfurt (Main) - US - and Baden-Baden - FR. The number of Soviet officers had been the same at all three locations. Your question is about former location of SOXMIS in the British sector.There is a hughe amount of infos about BRIXMIS at the www , but almost nothing about SOXMIS .You are saying, that the SOXMIS-location - later on in B?nde - had been a different one in 1946.The HQ of the British Rhine Army had been just after the war in Rheindahlen. Maybe SOXMIS was also located there ?Best regards Christian
Christophe Posted March 10, 2007 Author Posted March 10, 2007 Franck,I propose : before the SOXMIS (in the British occupation zone) was based in B?nde, it was in Hannover. Cheers (and welcome to the Quiz ).Ch.
Knarf Posted March 10, 2007 Posted March 10, 2007 Hallo, after the War HQ of the British Army was at Bad Oeynhausen. so Monchengladbach makes not much sense. Later 1(BR) Corps was at Bielefeld. So the most activities were at Bielefeld. No sense for the soviets to go to MG. MG would have been interesting after 1 (BR) Corps moved to MG. By then SOXMIS was not existing any more.(Now the Russian spies are around MG but not with special numberplates)We are looking for the town, in which nearly every European country had a military liaison mission after WW2. Most of them closed down after a short while. The thing was called Allied Liaison Branch and attached were: BE , DK, F, L, NL, N, CZ, JS, G,SU.As everybody can see there is not much known about SOXMIS . Frank
Knarf Posted March 10, 2007 Posted March 10, 2007 Unfortunately The Soviet military mission was not at Hannover or Berlin. why should the soviets have another Mission in Berlin, if they they are in Karlshorst.Hannover was not an important town seen by the military aspect. Where did the Western Allies have their Missions in the British Zone. If somebody has to find out something about somebody he has to be near him, but not too close. HQ 1 (BR) corps was at Bielefeld. So this location must be near this town.NOT in it.Good luck, expecting your right answerregards Frank
Christian Zulus Posted March 10, 2007 Posted March 10, 2007 RHEIMS ?Dear Frank,if not Berlin, than the other supreme headquarter: Supreme Headquarters Allied Expeditionary Force (SHAEF) in Rheims, France: & ?Best regards ChristianBTW: The "activities" of BRIXMIS, SOXMIS, etc. had been very interesting and "wild" (source of a range of books). Maybe you can post us some sources . There had even been real air-battles with a lot of casualties at the "Iron Curtain" ... Not the story about the "Ace of the (Allied) Aces" 3x HSU Kozhedub, who should have shot down two P-51 Mustangs, who attacked him, during the end phase of the war .
Knarf Posted March 11, 2007 Posted March 11, 2007 Hallo, Everything seems to be a little difficult. Here are some more hints: !!!!! Cold war technical intelligence under construction on these pages you will find all necessary Informations. Unfortunately there are not many Informations about Soxmis or SMLM on the net. The Informations on this topic are kept by the russians. The archives in B?nde, Baden-Baden and fFrankfurt have less informations than I have got. The Allied Museum at Berlin had an exhibition on the missions of the Western Forces. Most of my stuff is in boxes and has never been checked. The Russians will not open their archives and I have no time at the moment. So Soxmis will stay unknown for a long time. My offer to the person who gives the right answer first is: I will pay you some beers when I will be near your place AND I will send you one unused sheed of the notepad which was used in the B?nde SOXMIS quarters for encoding messages before sending . Regards Frank
Christian Zulus Posted March 11, 2007 Posted March 11, 2007 Dear Frank,sorry ..., I didn't find any traces at the 3 URLs .Your question again:You are asking for the location of SOXMIS in the British sector of Germany BEFORE they had been in B?nde?Am I right, that the location of SOXMIS had been always linked to the location of the British HQ in Germany ?Best regards ChristianBTW: You are a welcome guest to my residence and my hunting-lodge at the green borders of western Vienna, when you are in Austria. Vienna is not so famous for it's beer, but for it's international 1st rate wine . If you are interested, I can take to a tour (around and in Vienna), how Tolbuchin captured Vienna - a strategic masterpiece .This offer is valid to all participants of the GMIC-Soviet & Eastern Block Quiz .
Christian Zulus Posted March 12, 2007 Posted March 12, 2007 (edited) Bad SalzuflenGentlemen,I had been reading the mentioned websites carefully again and in the 1st URL I found Bad Salzuflen in NRW mentioned: .Hope that might be the right answer .Best regards Christian Edited March 12, 2007 by Christian Zulus
Knarf Posted March 12, 2007 Posted March 12, 2007 Hallo Christian, You are right. Sorry about the problems the question caused. Next time I`ll take one for the wikipedia users. Looking forward for your question. Congratulations Frank
Bryan Posted March 12, 2007 Posted March 12, 2007 Knarf said: Next time I`ll take one for the wikipedia users.Please don't do this next time. Christian is the Wikipedia guru, so he will for sure answer the question!
Christian Zulus Posted March 12, 2007 Posted March 12, 2007 Soviet said: Please don't do this next time. Christian is the Wikipedia guru, so he will for sure answer the question! Dear Frank,many thanks for your congratulations - had been a hard job .In a few minutes I will post a "Non-Wiki-Question" - not sooooo difficult.Best regardsChristian
Christian Zulus Posted March 12, 2007 Posted March 12, 2007 (edited) NEW QUESTION ?Gentlemen,1. What do the 3 nations - Iran, Serbia & Venezuela - have in common?2. Which experience does Serbia already have, the other two countries don't have (till now)?3. 2 years before (!) that mentioned experience took place, Hollywood released a great and funny movie about such topic. What is the title of this movie?Best regards Christian Edited March 12, 2007 by Christian Zulus
Knarf Posted March 12, 2007 Posted March 12, 2007 Unusual Question, beeing a Gentleman my answers are very carefull (don't want to hurt anybodys political feelings) 1. Thes countries had or have political leaders which do not fit to the interests of the most countries. 2. Venezuela and Iran have to expect serious difficulties with other Countries (Military intervention) Serbia had this difficulties. 3.The Film is Wag the Dog Useful Information: Is Bush waggin the Dog with Iran best regards Frank
Christian Zulus Posted March 12, 2007 Posted March 12, 2007 Dear Frank,perfect & congratulations - all 3 questions answered correctly .Of course, that question had been a little bit unusual, but at least it had to do with post-"Cold War" history and it is not a Wikipedia-question .Also the topic of "Bombing Serbia 1999" is a very, very controversial one among GMIC-members, as you can see in the (closed) thread concerning a shot down US-bomber F-117 A: .The movie "Wag the dog" is one of my favorites .So, it is your turn again, Frank Best regardsChristian Knarf said: Unusual Question, beeing a Gentleman my answers are very carefull (don't want to hurt anybodys political feelings) 1. Thes countries had or have political leaders which do not fit to the interests of the most countries. 2. Venezuela and Iran have to expect serious difficulties with other Countries (Military intervention) Serbia had this difficulties. 3.The Film is Wag the Dog Useful Information: Is Bush waggin the Dog with Iran best regards Frank
Christophe Posted March 12, 2007 Author Posted March 12, 2007 To all,2 points :1. Please, try to avoid Wikipedia question.Before you post your question, an easy check with Wikipedia will let you know if the answer is not to be (too much ) easily found with the help of it. If we want the quiz to be really challenging, we have to search a little bit more than just typing the key words... 2. Please, keep to the Soviet / Cold War period.Even if I don't reject questions on Imperial Russia or the post 1991 period, let's stick to the 1917-1991 period, as it is the primary goal of the Quiz. To all, again, many thanks for your participation and enthousiasm!!!!! Frank, it is now your turn!!! Cheers.Ch.
Christian Zulus Posted March 13, 2007 Posted March 13, 2007 Christophe said: 2. Please, keep to the Soviet / Cold War period.Even if I don't reject questions on Imperial Russia or the post 1991 period, let's stick to the 1917-1991 period, as it is the primary goal of the Quiz. Ch.Dear Christophe,o.k., that is a wise decision, because recent hot or cold wars might be very controversial in the discussion - specially, when GMIC-members participated at different sides of the front .Best regards Christian
Knarf Posted March 13, 2007 Posted March 13, 2007 If you want it a bit harder... once upon a time there were three men living in a country in Eastern Europe. In the autopsy report of the first it is said : " incapsuled bullet in the soft tissue of the left shoulder... The immediate cause of death was: 1. the aggravation of the circulatory disturbance of the brain and 2. Hemorrhage into arachnoid pia mater in the area of the corpora quadrigemina ( Special hint: his brain was chopped into 1.666 slices to find out if his genius was natural)( I know mine is, so it is not necessaryto...) The second man went into bed with Magdalena Carmen Frida y Calderon and was later killed with the pick of an ice axe. The third man wanted to take over the political power of the first after his death. The first prefered the second. The third got the job. Now the questions: Who placed the bullet into the first man's shoulder? Who stuck the ice axe into the second man`s head? What did the third man do to overtake the power from the first after his death and when was that? It is easy Good Luck Frank
Carol I Posted March 13, 2007 Posted March 13, 2007 Knarf said: Who placed the bullet into the first man's shoulder?Fanya Kaplan, an anarchist, shot Lenin in 1918. Knarf said: Who stuck the ice axe into the second man`s head?Ram?n Mercader, a Soviet agent, put an ice axe into Leon Trotsky's head. Knarf said: What did the third man do to overtake the power from the first after his death and when was that?Joseph Stalin expelled Trotsky from the Cental Committee in 1927, forced him into exile and arranged his assassination in 1940.
Knarf Posted March 13, 2007 Posted March 13, 2007 Joseph Stalin expelled Trotsky from the Cental Committee in 1927, forced him into exile and arranged his assassination in 1940.
Carol I Posted March 13, 2007 Posted March 13, 2007 Knarf said: Just after Lenin`s death Stalin did something which forced the bolshewik party to make him Lenin's successor.Well, Stalin gradually isolated Trotsky, but right after Lenin's death, Stalin sent Trotsky a telegram mentioning an incorrect date to make the latter miss Lenin's funeral and shed a bad light upon him (I hope this is the detail you were after).
Christian Zulus Posted March 13, 2007 Posted March 13, 2007 (edited) History of the CCCPGentlemen,according to my knowledge of Soviet History I assume, that you are not 100 % correct:- since 3rd of april 1922 comrade Stalin had been already secretary general of the party - years before Lenin's death!- Mr. Trotsky commited political suicide with his letter to the central commitee of the party from the 8th of october 1923 (Lenin had been still alive ), the so called "Declaration of the 46", which isolated him completley (= 100%) within the leading party institutions and organs. After autumn 1923 that weird Mr. Trotsky had never been a match for comrade Stalin in the race for the leadership within the party.What I want to say is, that everything happened already before Lenin's death and Mr. Trotsky gradually isolated himself from the party in the years 1922 to 1927.Dear Frank,you are writing:- "The third man wanted to take over the political power of the first after his death." Not correct: Comrade Stalin had been elected as secretary general already in april 1922.- "The first prefered the second." That is highly interesting and new to the community of historians. Do you have any unpublished documents in your private archives? It sounds rather obscure, that Lenin should have prefered a non-Bolshevist and declared Bonapartist - Mr. Trotsky - as the leader of his Bolshevist-Party .- "The third got the job." That is correct . And it is my opinion - shared by a range of other, more prominent, historians -, that comrade Stalin didn't do a bad job. At least he built up (with massive US-aid) the Soviet industry, defeated Adolf Hitler (with not so much US-aid ) and liberated Europe of fascism .Sorry for my "educational" remarks, but they had been neccessary .Best regards ChristianBTW: During the ill fated Yeltsin-Era (that era, when we got our Soviet Awards for an apple & egg ) there had been rumors, that Russian authorities wanted to sell the 1.666 slices of Lenin's brain to the western collectors community AND also the whole and authentic corpse of Lenin from the Red Square (!!!). Maybe some advisers of "Mr. Dancing" thought, that they could make a fortune for their pockets (and the pockets of Yeltsin's family) by selling Lenin's relics. Edited March 13, 2007 by Christian Zulus
Belaruski Posted March 14, 2007 Posted March 14, 2007 Christian is right, Stalin was never an 'outsider' in Soviet politics. While Lenin was in exile, Stalin was 'his man in Russia'.Don't forget that Trotsky was a Menshevik, and that was something that essentialy proved his opportunism to the CPSU(B). This doesn't simply come down to who do you prefer, Trotsky or Stalin, but rather requires a thorough reading of both, as well as the history of the time.The problem we have in the West is that some lies we like to believe, and others we don't, without realising they all come from the same place.As collectors we all know the value of learning!
Christian Zulus Posted March 15, 2007 Posted March 15, 2007 Dear Belaruski,that's right: Stalin had been always the man for (and in) the party. Adressing the "masses" he had never been such a charismatic person like Lenin or Trotsky - and his qualities as a speaker had been rather mediocre, due to his bad Russian -, but within the "Inner Circle" he had been a true leader, wise guy and a person with a very pragmatic (and moderate) approach, who always tried to convince his collegues in the "Politburo" in a rather democratic way. US-President Roosevelt adressed Stalin at the meeting in Theran as a "true democrat and pragmatic person". If you take nowadays a sober look at the (small number) of theoretical writings (about nations, marxism, language or problems of socialist economy) of Stalin, despite the "educational" style of writing, you will see the intellectual and analytical superiority to the writings of a Trotsky, Bukharin, etc. Of extraordinary interest are his private letters to other politburo-members, which show his way of thinking, his education and his analytical power.O.K., maybe too much "propaganda" for my "avatar" . But it is always worth, to take a closer (and un-biased) look to Soviet History .Someone should tell to H.R.H. Carol the First, that he has won . At least Carol answered much more than 50 % of the questions ...Best regards Christian
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