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    General de Beauchesne

    First Order of General de Beauchesne, dated 12 August 1945 (date he effectively took his command).

    If you are interested in reading the text, I can post a more detailed pic...


    Posted (edited)

    And now, who's the winner ?

    Difficult to answer and give a victory, but Bryan obviously won, having correctly answered to minimum 1 question...

    Bryan, congratulations, you were the best on this one dedicated to Berlin (no surprise, isn't it ?)!!

    So, ... it's up,to you now !!



    Edited by Christophe
    • 2 weeks later...

    Humm, I don't think I really won that round with 1 question answered. However, I will try to post a question in the next 2 days. :)


    Hi Bryan,

    Maybe you did not answer all questions, but at least tried... :rolleyes: And this round was quite difficult, as no one ever succeeded in it...

    So, you are the best one on this one, and the winner. :jumping:

    Your turn, now.




    Time for a few stats :

    Quiz 2009 :

    * 26 questions asked,

    * with 304 answers,

    * and viewed more than 4,450 times.

    Nb of good answers for the Quiz 2009 :

    * 7 : Christophe

    * 5 : Ilja (ilja559)

    * 3 : Auke (Ferdinand)

    * 2 : Alex (RedMaestro) & Jim (JimZ)

    * 1 : Bryan (Soviet), Christian (Zulus), Dan (Hauptman), Doc (Riley1965), Simon (SU1977) & Wild Card

    Complete statistics since this Quiz has been launched (on 1 Nov. 2005) :

    * 246 questions asked,

    * with 3,093 answers,

    * This quiz has been viewed more than 42,200 times.

    * 46 Members of the Forum played, and 34 correctly answered at least 1 question :

    Nb of good answers :

    * 47 : Christophe

    * 42 : Christian (Zulus)

    * 17 : Frank (Knarf)

    * 15 : Jim (JimZ)

    * 12 : Auke (Ferdinand) & Bryan (Soviet)

    * 11 : Dan (Hauptman) & Marc (Lapa)

    * 8 : Simon (Red Threat)

    * 6 : Belaruski, Carol I, Ed (Haynes) & Wild Card.

    * 5 : Alex (RedMaestro) & Ilja (ilja559)

    * 3 : Andreas (Alfred), Ivan (Piramida), Kim (Kimj) & Marco (marcotk).

    * 2 : Chuck (in Oregon), Gerd (Becker), Jan (vatjan) & Order of Victory.

    * 1 : Brendan (ANZAC), Charles (Hunyadi), Darrell, Daredevil, Dave (Navy FCO), Doc (Riley1965), Dudeman, Eddie (Taz), Filip (Drugo), Rick (Stogieman), Simon (SU1977) & Steen (Ammentorp).

    This is a great achievement. Thanks to all for your participation in this Quiz. :beer:

    Now, let's play for the 247th question, Bryan's... !! :jumping::jumping:



    • 2 weeks later...

    I totally forgot to ask a new question here. I'll formulate a very easy one in continuation with Berlin.

    Because it will be soon the 20th anniversary of the fall of the Berlin Wall, please tell me:

    1. How many Berlin Wall segments remain in the Berlin Mitte district?

    2. Where exactly are those pieces standing today?


    I totally forgot to ask a new question here. I'll formulate a very easy one in continuation with Berlin.

    Because it will be soon the 20th anniversary of the fall of the Berlin Wall, please tell me:

    1. How many Berlin Wall segments remain in the Berlin Mitte district?

    2. Where exactly are those pieces standing today?

    Dear Bryan,

    there is only ONE location in Berlin, where you can find the authentic "Berlin Wall":

    Bernauer Strasse at the museum/memorial :D

    Quite a few institutions and private companies bought segments of the "Berlin Wall" and put them in front of their buildings ;)

    All the best from Vienna :beer:


    Posted (edited)

    Hello Christian!

    You are right, the longest section left in Berlin-Mitte stands at Bernauer Strasse. However there are other parts left in Berlin-Mitte district which are not owned by private companies. How many other are still in place and where are they? :whistle:

    Good luck!

    Edited by Bryan

    Hi Bryan,

    Here are my answers :

    I understand you question with wall segments in situ, that means that have never been moved or brought there.

    1. How many Berlin Wall segments remain in the Berlin Mitte district?

    In Berlin Mitte, 11 segments or remnents.

    2. Where exactly are those pieces standing today?

    * Niederkirchnerstrasse. 200m section of wall. (close to the Topography of Terror).

    * Postdamer Platz. Watchtower (close to Leipziger Platz).

    * Friedrich-Ebert-Strasse. Hinterland wall, connected to the former Reichpraesidentenpalais.

    * Scharnhoststrasse. Hinterland wall, in Invaliden Cemetery.

    * Kieler Strasse. Tower and hinterland wall.

    * Chausseestrasse. Hinterland wall. 30m section.

    * Liesenstrasse. Cemetery of Hedwig-Parish. 15m section of Grenzmauer 75.

    * Pflugstrasse / Scwartzkopffstrasse. Hinterland wall.

    * Nordbahnhof. Hinterland wall.

    * Gartenstrasse. Hinterland wall.

    * Bernauer Strasse. Memorial site.




    Christophe, congratulations!:beer:

    Actually you found more locations than me. When I was talking about segments, I was thinking more about long pieces of wall and not small chunks left here an there in the district Berlin-Mitte.

    Maybe I should have been more precise, because I mostly thought about Grenzmauer sections and not Hinterland wall.

    The 3 I had in mind were:

    * Niederkirchnerstrasse. 200m section of wall

    * Liesenstrasse. Cemetery of Hedwig-Parish. 15m section of Grenzmauer 75.

    * Bernauer Strasse. Memorial site.

    Christophe is the winner!

    Thanks for adding few locations that I didn't know! :rolleyes:


    Hi Bryan,

    Many thanks for the victory. it was, for me, an easy one... :whistle: Don't forget : wir sind Berliner !!

    So my turn, now for the 248th question...




    With the countdown to less than a week left for the 20th anniversary of the fall of the Berlin Wall, maybe we could stick to this thematic. :whistle:


    With the countdown to less than a week left for the 20th anniversary of the fall of the Berlin Wall, maybe we could stick to this thematic. :whistle:

    Why not ? Will be there all next week. Won't miss anything....




    Question #248

    With this question, we'll stick to the Berlin thema...

    1. Who is this man ?

    2. What is his most well known action ?

    Good luck and good hunt. :whistle:




    Günter Schabowski

    On 9 November 1989, after a misunderstanding, Schabowski famously announced in a live broadcast international press conference that (effectively) all rules for travelling abroad were lifted, in effect "immediately" ("sofort, unverzüglich"). However, the misunderstanding was only with regards to the date; the plan had been to lift the rules, found to be unsustainable after mass defections of East Germans to West Germany via Hungary and Czechoslovakia, the next morning.

    Tens of thousands of people immediately went to the Berlin Wall where the vastly outnumbered border guards were forced to open access points and allow them through, which proved to be the end of the Wall regime.



    Question #249

    1. Who is represented on a photo

    2. When and for what our hero has received the "ORDER OF LEGION OF HONOUR"



    • 2 weeks later...

    Congratulations Auke,you are the winner !

    On a photo you can see that he has also French "Croix de Guerre 1939-45" with a palm leaf.

    From memoirs of the "Normandy-Neman" veteran Jury Petrovich Rykov.

    "1942.Постоянная «готовность № 1», одуревающая жара, тревожные команды «воздух»… Радовала в основном информация армейской печати о победах летчиков-гвардейцев Шестакова, Морозова, сержанта Лавриненкова… Самым тяжелым для летчиков и обслуживающего персонала был июль-август, когда немцы прорвались в город и вышли к Волге. По ночам над Сталинградом полыхало багровое зарево. В этой обстановке совершенно незамеченной осталась посадка для дозаправки на соседнем аэродроме транспортного самолета Ли-2, летевшего из Тегерана в Москву с французскими летчиками-добровольцами на борту. «Соколов де Голля» встречал на аэродроме командующий армией генерал Т. Хрюкин. Остальные сталинградцы узнали об их прибытии в Советский Союз из газеты «Правда»."

    So Khryukin was first who has met the French pilots in Soviet Union.

    "В декабре 1944 генерал де Голль, посетивший Советский Союз с дипломатической миссией, выразил желание побывать в полку. Но советское командование воспротивилось, поскольку на фронте в это время шли ожесточенные бои. Поэтому полк вызвали на встречу с де Голлем в Москву. В столице лидер французского Сопротивления вручил всему летному и техническому составу полка ордена «Военный крест»: механикам — со звездой на ленте, летчикам — с пальмовыми ветвями по числу сбитых самолетов. Тогда же многих летчиков наградили советскими орденами. Четверо — Марсель Альбер, Жак Андре, Ролан де ля Пуап и Марсель Лефевр (посмертно) — стали Героями Советского Союза."

    I think in December 1944 he have received French "Croix de Guerre 1939-45" with a palm leaf.

    From the book "Against the common enemy" Lukashin Vasily Ivanovich

    "В конце февраля 1945 г. полк «Нормандия — Неман» сменил место своего базирования и расположился на аэродроме недалеко от местечка Фридланд. Не более 10 километров теперь отделяло аэродром полка от линии фронта.

    В марте в полк прибыли генерал Пети и генерал Левандович. Из Инстенбурга их самолет Ли-2 прилетел на аэродром Шиппенбайль в сопровождении истребителей, а оттуда на автомобилях представители из Москвы и встречающие прибыли в именье Мартесдорф, принадлежавшее ранее Клейсту.

    На другой же день генерал Пети ознакомился с жизнью и бытом своих летчиков. Он осмотрел их жилище, самолеты, на которых они летают в бой, а за обедом в летной столовой поделился последними новостями о Франции, которые больше всего доставили удовольствия тем, кто давно ничего не слышал о ней. В конце дня состоялось вручение наград личному составу полка «Нормандия — Неман». Прибывший в полк командующий 1-й воздушной армией генерал-полковник авиации Т. Т. Хрюкин вручил советские ордена французским летчикам, а генерал Пети вручил французские ордена советским воинам. После окончания церемонии награждения весь личный состав полка прошел перед представителями советского и французского командования торжественным маршем."

    He received the Legion of Honor in the end of February 1945,as the head of the Soviet delegation.

    And in the conclusion,I think what Timofei Timofeyevich Khryukin was legendary person.

    On Victory Parade 1945 he was awarded by two Hero of the Soviet Union stars,Order of Lenin,three Order of the Red Banner,Order of Suvorov I and II degrees,two Order of Kutuzov of I degree,Order of Bogdan Khmelnitsky I degree,Order of the Patriotic War,Order of the Red Star,French Legion of Honor,Soviet and foreign medals.He was 35 years old.

    PS.Sorry that I dont do text translation.If its interesting,may be somebody can help.




    Thanks Ilja, for the challenge and the informations given about Timofei Timofeyevich Khryukin. :cheers:

    About translation, to those interested in the Russian text, please, don't forget there are good online translators that can help in giving a fairly decent tranlsation, even if not perfect one.

    And, to you, Auke : Congratulations, well done !! :jumping::jumping: Your turn, now... :whistle:




    Next challenge will be our Question #250 !!!!!! :jumping::jumping::jumping:

    Time for a few stats :

    Quiz 2009 :

    * 29 questions asked,

    * with 324 answers,

    * and viewed more than 5,800 times.

    Nb of good answers for the Quiz 2009 :

    * 8 : Christophe

    * 6 : Ilja (ilja559)

    * 4 : Auke (Ferdinand)

    * 2 : Alex (RedMaestro) & Jim (JimZ)

    * 1 : Bryan (Soviet), Christian (Zulus), Dan (Hauptman), Doc (Riley1965), Simon (SU1977) & Wild Card

    Complete statistics since this Quiz has been launched (on 1 Nov. 2005) :

    * 249 questions asked,

    * with 3,122 answers,

    * This quiz has been viewed more than 44,170 times.

    * 46 Members of the Forum played, and 34 correctly answered at least 1 question :

    Nb of good answers :

    * 48 : Christophe

    * 42 : Christian (Zulus)

    * 17 : Frank (Knarf)

    * 15 : Jim (JimZ)

    * 13 : Auke (Ferdinand)

    * 12 : Bryan (Soviet)

    * 11 : Dan (Hauptman) & Marc (Lapa)

    * 8 : Simon (Red Threat)

    * 6 : Belaruski, Carol I, Ed (Haynes), Ilja (ilja559) & Wild Card.

    * 5 : Alex (RedMaestro)

    * 3 : Andreas (Alfred), Ivan (Piramida), Kim (Kimj) & Marco (marcotk).

    * 2 : Chuck (in Oregon), Gerd (Becker), Jan (vatjan) & Order of Victory.

    * 1 : Brendan (ANZAC), Charles (Hunyadi), Darrell, Daredevil, Dave (Navy FCO), Doc (Riley1965), Dudeman, Eddie (Taz), Filip (Drugo), Rick (Stogieman), Simon (SU1977) & Steen (Ammentorp).

    This is a great achievement. Thanks to all for your participation in this Quiz. :beer:

    Now, let's play for the 250th question, Auke's... !! :jumping::jumping:



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