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    7 place civilian tuxedo bar (Frackspange) and group of the late Oberstleutnant Hopfe 3. T

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    Dear forumites,

    Here's another quite complete group of the late Oberstleutnant Hopfe of the 3. Thüringisches Infanterie-Regiment Nr. 71.

    Description of the decorations on the medal bar:

    • Preußen, Eisernes Kreuz 2. Klasse 1870 am Kämpferband (OEK 1904), E gs/S
    • Preußen, Roter Adler Orden 4. Klasse 1879-1918 (OEK 1704) S
    • Preußen, Kriegsdenkmünze 1870/71 für Kämpfer (OEK1941/1) GBr und 3 Gefechtsspangen zur KDM „Paris“, „Sedan“ und „Beaumont“ (OEK 1941/24/10/8) Me vg
    • Preußen, Erinnerungskreuz „Königgrätz“ 1866-1867 (OEK 1938) GBr
    • Preußen, Zentenarmedaille 1897 (OEK 1965/1) GBr
    • Schwarzburg-Sonderhausen, Fürstlich Schwarzburgisches Ehrenkreuz, Kreuz 3. Klasse mit Schwertern 1870-1918 (OEK 2785) S/Sv

    This amazing group come with its original and specifically made authentic dark bordeaux colour case and it consists of the medal bar to be worn on the civilian tuxedo (Frackspange), the miniature chain (Miniaturkette), the ribbon lapel bow (Knopflochschnalle), a miniature of the (1/2 sized/Prinzengrösse) EK 2 Kl. 1870 and a nicely stuck commemorative medal of the regiment (50th jubilee of the regiments' foundation) in its small round box.

    I can deduce from RAO4 (last type) that this order was bestow on him quite late, maybe around the time he got this tuxedo bar assembled with the addition of the 25 years jubilee of the Franco-Prussian war, therefore my guess it was awarded after 1895, around the turn of the century. No dates or documents available with this group.

    All in all a very nice and complete group. Now I am looking for details of Hopfe's military career (someone has the book on this very regiment? Christophe? ;-) ) and personal data (date of birth and death) in order to archive and save it for the future generations.

    Thank you all in advance for taking the time to look at this lovely group and for any additional information you can provide.

    Best regards,


    Edited by Claudio
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    Hopfe was a reserve officer so he is not in the 1910 Stammliste for IR 71. Where did you get the Oberstleutnant part from?

    His EK2 entry in the Ordensliste is: "15063. Hopfe, Friedrich Christoph, Sek.-Lieut. i. d. Res. d. 3. Thüring. Inf.-Rgts. Nr. 71."

    There is a Friedrich Christoph Hopfe listed as a Kaufmann in the 1882-83 address book for Erfurt. That is likely him.

    The 1909 Deutsche Ordens-Almanach had a Friedrich Hopfe, Kaufmann and Kgl. Lotterieeinnehmer in Erfurt with the RAO4, but no war decorations. That could be him, with the war decorations missing, but possibly more likely Friedrich Hugo Hopfe, who was also a Kaufmann in Erfurt.

    The 1910 jubilee medallion seems to indicate he was still alive in 1910, so it is odd there is no DOA entry.



    Edited by Dave Danner
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    @ Dave: the group was sold with the name, but without any research documents. Very likely the previous material owner came up with it. It's always a shame that during the process of auctioning an item, most information get lost.

    Thanks for looking into this matter! :-)


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