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    Very nice thread guys => and very nice pieces :cheers:

    Here is one that i have for over 4 years by now and it came originally from H.Weitze. It is the unit pin from the "Schleppschule der Lw."

    And here is a little background on this sinister unit ( that lasted not that long ) , it was grounded at the end off 1940 by Oberst Drewes and its purpose was to train pilots and crews ( mostly Me 110 ) in towing Glider planes from the type Me 321 ( Gigant )

    The pilots where trained in several stadia and they advanced trough several glider planes for its purpose to tow the big beast called Me 321, towing this plane was a rather dangerous job and the first method used to tow it was the so called " TRoika " Schlepp ( this was a towing method in wich 3 Me 110 where attached to the Me 321 ( each with its own towing cable ) and they had the task to tow the Me 321, needles to say that with the smallest missing accidents could happen ( and they sure did happen believe me ) + in many cases resulitng in both the loss off the Me 110 and its crew .

    Another task of this schleppschule was to train the pilots to fly another monstrum called the Me 323 ( or the motorized version of the Me 321 ) , the School only existed in its original appearance untill the end of 1941 and at April 1942 the staff of this training unit became the core of the so called Erganzungsgruppe ( S ) 2

    places where this particular unit was active where ( in order of date ) :

    1 ) Jesau ( near Konigsberg ) the beginning

    2 ) Leipheim & Obertraubling

    Cordial greetings,

    • 2 weeks later...
    • 5 years later...

    Hi Eric,

    I was wondering if this badge could be a Luftwaffe unit badge?

    It was found in a small group of German medals and badges, and I thought it could be a Luftwaffe (could also be KM) unit badge. The woman seated on the wooden box is holding a shield with the German word "BESTENS" (= the better).



    • 1 year later...
    Posted (edited)

    Gentlemen, yesterday on eBay I procured the red eagle pin, regularly (and incorrectly) referred to in the literature as the Pomaska emblem (after the 6./JG 26 Staffelkapitän, Hptm. Alfred Pomaska, KIA during the Battle of France in May/June 1940). The emblem itself was sported on a number of the 5./JG 51 Bf 109 E aircraft in the autumn of 1940, but its exact origins remained unknown to this day. Here is the still valid link to the eBay auction in question http://www.ebay.de/itm/261146740102?ssPageName=STRK:MEWNX:IT&_trksid=p3984.m1497.l2648#ht_500wt_1414 . When the said pin is delivered to me, I will try to post the close-up of it. I would be much obliged if someone could shed some light on the emblem origins.

    Edited by Sidney68
    • 2 years later...

    6. (Н) /Aufkl.Gr 13 - 6 (beligerantly) Штаффель 13 разведгруппа.

    Я образована в декабре 1940 года Пролетая в Европе, то Восточный фронт в сентябре 1942 года переведен в Сталинград, был основан на Evlampievab аэропорт в ноябре 42G.the аэродроме был взят в плен русскими казаками, не многие сумели выжить! В январе 1943 года немецкий был расформирован











    IMAG3040 (2).jpg


    I have three icons logo Erprobungsstaffel Torpedowaffe d.Lw. But they differ from each other in color! I tried to find the exact affiliation of each to some Luftwaffe unit,but to no avail! In the book by emblems of the Luftwaffe accurate information is not available and the emblem is slightly different.

     If anyone have information on them,please share! Thanks In Advance!







    • 5 years later...

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