Alan Baird Posted May 14, 2019 Author Posted May 14, 2019 Hi, Police Sergeant Joseph Roskelly was born in Cornwall and after he had completed his service with the Metropolitan Police retired to Cornwall. A Cornishman through and through. On the 20th of June in 1895, there was a civil case being heard at the Cornwell Assizes and Joseph Roskelly gave evidence at this hearing. Obviously by stating Joseph Roskelly was a Police Sergeant with the Metropolitan Police may have given his evidence more substance. The case revolved around a contested 'will' and his wife was the niece to the deceased. Joseph Roskelly's evidence related to the last time he had seen his wife's uncle and to the uncles state of mind. The article is far too long to go through completed but basically the family successfully contested the will. 1
G Hanson Posted May 14, 2019 Posted May 14, 2019 As my former rank was Sergeant, I decided to collect a Sgt's medal from each Division involved in the hunt for JTR. I have been looking for a 'H' Division example for many years and when the Roskelly piece appeared on DNW I thought I would finally be able to complete my quest. I put an initial bid on the medal with the intention of tuning in to the live auction. However, due to reasons beyond my control I could not partake in the live auction and my initial bid was beaten by just £20. I am still feeling physically sick!!
Alan Baird Posted May 14, 2019 Author Posted May 14, 2019 Hi, To be honest, your bid took me to my maximum bid, so anything higher and I would have been knocked out. I placed the bid in advance but I watched the sale on their site and the suspense was terrible. I actually thought, ''I need to stop collecting.'' I would not be surprised, if the next sale contains other examples of 'H' division medals. I think it may have been the same collector that was selling off his collection over the last two auctions. If I ever sell it, I will let you know. I know how you feel as I have been in the same boat on numerous occasions. regards, Alan. P.S. my wife would have preferred if you had won...…………….
G Hanson Posted May 15, 2019 Posted May 15, 2019 On 14/05/2019 at 22:01, Alan Baird said: P.S. my wife would have preferred if you had won...……………. Expand ??.....and my Receiver-General was glad I didn't.
Alan Baird Posted May 15, 2019 Author Posted May 15, 2019 Hi, I have just realised something regarding Police Sergeant Joseph Roskelly's brave actions in arresting the knife wielding Alfred Eagleton in December of 1888...………. The original article that I posted, was actually dated the 8th of December in 1888, ''Ripper Up'' I also typed out a copy the text of the article and posted that on the site. I found it strange when the article stated :- The woman screamed, ''He has kicked me.'' and later the article stated ''The woman appeared to be badly hurt.'' But now I will post details of an article, dated the 4th of December in 1888 and which comes from the' Morning Advertiser [London].' This article comes from the JTR Casebook site and clearly states :- The woman screamed, ''He has killed me.'' and later the article stated ''The woman appeared to be badly hurt.'' Therefore the incident appears to be much more serious than I originally though because Alfred Eagleton actually wounded the woman in the attack. Since he was 26 years old in 1888, he must have been born in approximately 1862 but I am still trying to find more about him especially any trial or sentence details. In JTR Casebook there is also details confirming that Joseph Roskelly was residing in the Mile End area but we already knew that from the England Census of 1881. 1
Alan Baird Posted May 16, 2019 Author Posted May 16, 2019 , Regarding the newspaper articles on the Alfred Eagleton incident where Police Sergeant Roskelly disarmed and arrested him, in December of 1888...…………….here is the summary of these articles so far :- [a] 4th of December in 1888. Morning Advertiser [London].' Ripper Up,' article. Note - The woman screamed, 'He has killed me.' 'The woman appeared to be badly hurt.' [previously posted] 8th of December in 1888. East London Observer. 'Ripper Up,' article. Note - The woman Screamed, 'He has kicked me.' 'The woman appeared to be badly hurt.' [previously posted] [c] 15th of December in 1888. East London Observer. 'Ripper Up,' article. Note - The newspaper article was simply a repeat of the article which was published on the 8th of December in 1888. But also added to the end of the story, the fact that the 'woman now refused to prosecute.' Remember the original articles stated this man was considered to be a very dangerous man. All the court could then do then was...….. 'Mr Saunders then cautioned the prisoner and then allowed Alfred Eagleton to be discharged from the court. [attaching the full article] 1
Alan Baird Posted May 17, 2019 Author Posted May 17, 2019 More Police Sergeant Joseph Roskelly short stories :- 7th of June in 1884, newspaper article by the East London Observe, article headed ''A Cannibal.'' James Goodman [30] was charged with violently assaulting Christopher Griffiths of 400 Cable Street, St George's in the East. Not only did he assault his neighbour but he also severely bit him on the face and the court stated 'he has acted like a savage dog.' Found guilt and sent to the kennels...…....I mean jail for two months. Police Sergeant Roskelly attended the incident and gave evidence at the trial. I have attached the article should anybody wish to read the fuller version of what happened. 1
Alan Baird Posted May 17, 2019 Author Posted May 17, 2019 2nd of March in 1889, newspaper article by the East London Observer, titled ''The Troubles of a Ticket-of-Leave Man.'' This article is about Victorian supervision/license of ex-convicts. John Wood [22] was charged with being a convict and failing to report himself according to the terms of his licence. He was on a second charge of failing to produce his license. John Wood had completed a 5 year sentence for robbery but the courts had also given him a 3 year police supervision requirement. On the 31st of December in 1887 John Wood reported to Police Sergeant Roskelly at Shadwell Police Station who served him with a notice and directed him to report himself to this police station on the 9th of each month. John Wood was at that time residing at 99 Sutton Street. John Wood claimed he had gone to New York and destroyed his copy of the license on arrival in America. On return he had handed himself in to the Police and the court remanded him over for a week in order to prove the truth of his statements. Full article is attached 1
Alan Baird Posted May 20, 2019 Author Posted May 20, 2019 Hi, I think it is reasonable to suggest that Police Sergeant Joseph Roskelly must have been a good and hard working and professional Metropolitan Policeman. He served as a Police Sergeant in Whitechapel or 'H' division for approximately a decade and which was considered to be a hard and difficult posting. Police Sergeant Joseph Roskelly also served in Whitechapel or 'H' division throughout the Jack the Ripper murder period in late 1888 which must have been an extremely difficult time for all of the Whitechapel or 'H' divisions personnel. The pressure was on them to catch JTR and the criticism was never ending and from all quarters. Police Sergeant Joseph Roskelly also served in Whitechapel or 'H' division, after 1888 and up to 1891 when there were still false alarms sounding that 'Jack the Ripper was back.' On the 15th of July in 1891, his efforts and hard work paid off, as he was promoted to Station Police Sergeant because again he was considered to be a valued and dedicated member of the Metropolitan Police. The question now is, what was the major disaster that occurred in his career which resulted in Station Police Sergeant Joseph Roskelly being reduced in rank to Police Sergeant 2nd Class, on the 3rd of November in 1899. This was a heavy blow especially when you consider he retires on pension approximately 2 years later. On the 14th of October in 1899, local newspapers reported on a 'prisoner's death at Ilford Police Station.' James Maguire [50] and a labourer was found drunk and incapable, on a footpath, in Romford Road. James Maguire was then taken by ambulance cart to the Police Station and a doctor attended and dressed a small wound on his head. Police Sergeant Roskelly was then responsible for the prisoner from 9pm onwards. At approximately 1.30 am the prisoner was found on the floor of the cell and a doctor was again summoned. Unfortunately the prisoner was declared dead. The post-mortem showed death to have been caused by internal bleeding within the head which probable had continued over a period of 4 to 5 hours. Police Sergeant Joseph Roskelly gave evidence at the inquest and stated when he came on duty he had checked on the prisoner and all appeared to be fine. The Jury returned a verdict of 'death from compression of the brain caused by the fractured skull.' The death of the prisoner and Joseph Roskelly's punishment of a reduction in rank, in my opinion, may well be connected. The court hearing did not suggest the Police were to blame for the death of the prisoner or that there were failures in Police procedures but Bow or 'K' division would have certainly carried out their own investigation and who knows what they have come up with. As the Station Police Sergeant on duty, he certainly would have been responsible for what happens in the Police Station and maybe they needed to blame somebody. I am not saying this is what caused his reduction in rank but it is certainly a good theory to why he was reduced in rank. 1
Alan Baird Posted May 21, 2019 Author Posted May 21, 2019 HI, The newspaper article on the death of James Maguire in the Police cells, at Ilford Police Station, seems perfectly straight forward and does not attempt to place the blame on anybody Dr. Evans was the doctor who originally treated John Maguire for his head wound. The previous on-duty Station Police Sergeant Clarke said, ''the doctor certified that the deceased was drunk and was fit to be placed in a cell. Dr. Evans was also the doctor who then carried out the post-mortem on John Maguire and presented the medical evidence at the court hearing. The only part of the evidence that I find a bit strange, is the statement from Dr. Evens regarding the post-mortem results. Quote ''There was a fracture of the base of the skull on the left side and there had been bleeding of the brain over the seat of the fracture. Death was caused by this bleeding which must have continued for four or five hours. The fracture probably occurred before deceased was found by PC Walker.'' We have the time-line for when Station Police Sergeant Joseph Roskelly took over responsibility for the prisoner and that was at 9pm. The other part of the time-line which is known, is that the prisoner, James Maguire, was found on the floor of the cell at 1.30am. The doctor was sent for and Dr. Evans arrived approximately 15 minutes later. Therefore Station Police Sergeant Joseph Roskelly had now been responsible for John Maguire for approximately four and three quarter hours in total. Dr. Evans stated at the hearing that, ''this bleeding continued for four to five hours.'' So it would appear the medical evidence is stating there was no real bleeding within the skull when the incident originally occurred or while they transporting him by ambulance to the Police Station or when Dr. Evans originally treated John Maguire and certified him fit to be placed in the cells but all the damage was done over the period the new shift took over ie the arrival of Station Police Sergeant Joseph Roskelly. Just my opinion and food for thought..... 1
Alan Baird Posted May 27, 2019 Author Posted May 27, 2019 Hi, The ''Ripper Up'' incident in December of 1888. Alfred Eagleton threatened a couple with a knife and injured the woman and also threatened Police Sergeant Joseph Roskelly who then disarmed and arrested Alfred Eagleton. At the court hearing it was stated, ''Eagleton was known as a very dangerous man.'' It is therefore understandable why the woman who was injured in the attack, now refused to prosecute this local man who was classified as dangerous. Alfred Eagleton was born in approximately 1860/1862 and resided in London and it is proving difficult to identify this individual. There is a City of London Police Constable John Eagleton who was born in Watton, in Norfolk, in approximately 1831 and his son Alfred Eagleton fits all the above details ie born St Botolph Aldersgate, in 1860. In the England Census of 1881, we find John Eagleton is now recorded as being a ''Pensioner City Police'' and has retired to Watton, in Norfolk. Alfred Eagleton appears to have remained in London where he was born/lived but I am struggling to confirm if this is the same ''Alfred Eagleton'' that turned out to be such a bad individual. Maybe we will never find out who ''Alfred Eagleton'' really was but I think I will have to leave the search for him...……..maybe I will try again at some future date.
Alan Baird Posted June 1, 2019 Author Posted June 1, 2019 -Hi, Police Constable 881 Edward Watkins of the City of London Police is famous because of a single night shift in 1888. If that night shift had not occurred, then Police Constable 881 Edward Watkins would have faded into history un-noticed. Here is a Metropolitan Police Constable that faded into that same history un-noticed but when we look into his career...…..he should have been given greater credit for his work. Police Constable Frank George Waylett had an ability and talent for producing scaled plans which were presented to the Judge and jury, normally at the start of any trial and he would then answer any questions the judge, legal councils or jury had regarding the evidence he was presenting. Frank George Waylett was born in Billeriay, Great Burstead, in Essex, in 1868. Frank Waylett's original trade was as a 'draper.' This obviously involved working very carefully with cloth/materials and having to be exact with his measurements, templates etc. Prior to joining the Metropolitan Police in 1893, Frank George Waylett served as a Police Constable in the Eastbourne Borough Police which became part of the Essex County Constabulary. This service covered the period from the 31st of May in 1888 to the 31st of January in 1893 and then he applied and was accepted into the Metropolitan Police. On the 6th of January in 1892, there is an interesting article in the Eastbourne Gazette which details Police Constable Frank Waylett receiving £2.17s.6d. The money came from gifts which totalled £79.00 and was donated to the serving personnel of Eastbourne Borough Police. At the time of joining the Metropolitan Police, Frank Waylett's physical description was of being five feet ten and a quarter inches tall, 12 stones in weight, grey eyes, black hair and having a ruddy complexion and he was also single. On the 6th of March in 1893, Frank George Waylett joins the Metropolitan Police and is assigned to Holborn or 'E' division and given the warrant number of 78385 and the collar number of 186E. On the 23rd of July in 1894, Paul Koczula [24], Susannah Koczula [24] and George Schmerfeld [31] are on trial at the Old Bailey for the wilful murder of Sophia Frederica Matilda Rasch. George Shmerfeld was charged with murder, as an accessory before the fact. Sophia Rasch was the wife of a restaurateur at 167 Shaftsbury Avenue and Paul Koczula and Susannah Koczula had worked at the restaurant for approximately 9 months. They murdered Sophia Rasch and stole £40 in cash and £50 in belongings. At the Old Bailey trial Police Constable Frank Waylett stated he had experience in making plans and produced the plans and tracings which were made to scale and these were handed to the jury. The plans had to be accurate and precise and identified the restaurant and other area's involved and which also included the entrances and exits from the building and the internal layout of furniture etc. Police Constable Frank Waylett then explained the plans and tracings and answered any questions relating to this work. The court found Paul Koczula and George Schmerfeld guilty of murder and they were sentenced to, 'Death by Hanging.' Paul Koczula was hanged. George Schmerfeld's sentence was later commuted to life imprisonment. Susannah Koczula was found not guilty. In 1897, Police Constable Frank Waylett was awarded the Queen Victoria Metropolitan Police Jubilee medal for 1897 and the medal was engraved 'PC F Waylett.' Normally the medal would have indicated which division he was attached to but this medal does not detail this information. This is because he had been taken off Holborn or 'E' divisions establishment and was temporarily transferred to the Commissioner's Office at Scotland Yard or 'CO' division. This information is available in the 'Police Orders' which relate to this period. I believe, although Police Constable Frank Waylett was at the Commissioner's Office at Scotland Yard, he was not on any of the departments establishments lists. This is probably because he was about to be assigned to another division, after he had completed some specialist training. That specialist training, I believe, involved the production of crime scene plans for court purposes and the standardisation of these plans in accordance with the Metropolitan Police requirements. The reason for this theory is because Police Constable Frank Waylett is then posted to Bow or 'K' division and is then involved in the production of such plans for numerous incidents, involving serious crimes, including that of murders. I will stop the story there and post the next stage of his career when I have more time to submit the next post. 2
Alan Baird Posted June 1, 2019 Author Posted June 1, 2019 That was some Xmas gift in 1892, I am sure Police Constable Frank George Waylett appreciated the gesture. All the details published on who got what from the total of £79 donated to the Eastbourne Borough Police. 1
Alan Baird Posted June 1, 2019 Author Posted June 1, 2019 Police Constable Frank George Waylett' story continues...………. On the 25th of July in 1898, Charles Truett [60] is on trial at the Old Bailey for the murder of Augusta Caroline Truett who was his sister-in-law. George Truett who was married to Augusta Caroline Truett was away at the time of the incident due to ill health. Augusta Caroline Truett was left in charge of the ''Railway Tavern public house'' at 3 Colt Street in Limehouse. Charles Truett had a family dispute about some money he felt was owed him when his father died. He entered the public house and went into the bar parlour where Augusta was resting on a couch and stabbed her. In hospital the wound became infected and she later died. Police Constable 176K Frank George Waylett was responsible for submitting the plans of the Railway Tavern to the court. Charles Truett was found guilty of the act but insane at the time of its commission so as not to be responsible. Charles Treutt was sentenced to be detained during Her Majesty's pleasure. On the 24th of October in 1898, Henry Crampin [18] is on trial at the Old Bailey for the killing/manslaughter of James Neal. Basically the individuals involved had been drinking but apparently were not drunk and it was James Neal who started the fight and Henry Crampin defended himself by stabbing James Neal in the chest. James Neal later died in the early hours of the morning, in the hospital. Police Constable 176K Frank George Waylett produced and proved the plans of the locality. Henry Crampin was of good character and was found not guilty of the charge. On the 23rd of October in 1899, William Fry [21], Richard Fry [20] and Albert Bowers [32] are on trial at the Old Bailey for the killing/manslaughter of Benjamin Robert Billson. Basically the prisoners were under the influence of drink at the time of the assault on Benjamin Robert Billson [50] and they also assaulted a male friend of Billson's and his wife was also a witness to the attack. Benjamin Robert Billson suffered a head injury whilst falling to the ground. Police Constable 176K Frank George Waylett produced and proved the plan of the locality which was drawn to scale. William and Richard Fry were sentenced to 18 and 21 months with hard labour. Albert Bower was found not guilty. On the 11th of September in 1900, William Burrett [35] is on trial at the Old Bailey for the wilful murder of Ada Burrett. Ada Burrett was a prostitute and was stabbed by her husband multiple times ie wounds to the scalp, arms, breasts, buttocks, back and abdomen etc. Police Constable 176K Frank George Waylett produced and proved the plans of 10 Alexander Street. William Burrett was found guilty and sentenced to ''Death by Hanging.'' On the 7th of January in 1901, Sampson Silas Salmon [32] is on trial at the Old Bailey for the wilful murder of Lucy Smith [30]. Lucy Smith's husband was Sampson Smith and Sampson Silas Salmon was Sampson Smith's wife's first cousin and he was lodging with the family at 23 Venour Road. Basically although the prisoner was not known to drink alcohol, it appears he had started to drink and his behaviour became aggressive and strange. Sampson Silas Salmon stabbed to death his cousin. Richard John Wheeler a medical practitioner at 560 Mile End Road attended the incident. He stated ''the deceased was lying on her back in the kitchen, fully dressed and had a large severe gash on her throat which almost went from ear to ear. Police Constable 176K Frank George Waylett prepared the plans for 23 and 25 Venour Road and this included the back yard etc. Sampson Silas Salmon was found guilty and sentenced to ''Death by Hanging.'' In 1902, Police Constable Frank Waylett is on duty for the Coronation Parade through London and is therefore awarded the Metropolitan Police Coronation medal for 1902 whilst he is serving with Bow or 'K' division. I will continue the update of Police Constable Frank George Waylett's career, in a future post, over the next couple of days. 2
Alan Baird Posted June 2, 2019 Author Posted June 2, 2019 Police Constable Frank George Waylett's story continues...………………….. On the 2nd of June in 1903, John Guion [37] is on trial at the Old Bailey for the wilful murder of Hannah Sibley. John Guion's wife was Hannah Sibley's daughter and Ernest Sibley's sister. John Guion was a greaser on board a ship and the couple had only been married since March in 1902 but were having difficulties. John Guion's wife had returned to live with her mother at the family home at 99 Prince of Wales Road, Custom House. John Guion had made repeated attempts to see his wife but he was refused entry each time. At 11pm Hannah Sibley answered a knock at the door and John Guion shot her and he entered the house but he was disarmed and overpowered by Ernest Sibley and a lodger. Police Constable 176K Frank George Waylett produced and proved the plan of the ground floor of the house at 99 Prince of Wales Road, Custom House. John Guion was found guilty of manslaughter and was sentenced to 10 years penal servitude. On the 22nd of June in 1903, Elizabeth Wills is on trial at the Old Bailey for unlawfully endeavouring to conceal the birth of a child by secret disposition of the dead body. Police Constable 176K Frank George Waylett produced and proved the plan of the ground floor of 4 Mount Place, in Ilford. Elizabeth Wills was found guilty and the jury recommended mercy due to her weak intellect and she was sentenced to 12 months hard labour...…….. [seems a bit harsh to me.] On the 20th of July in 1903, George Edward MacDonald Williams [23] is on trial at the Old Bailey for the manslaughter of Joseph Carter Ellis. The incident occurred in the Royal Albert public house in Freemason's Road, Custom House. It occurred at approximately 10.30pm and the public house was about to close. There was some laughter in the bar and George Williams thought, wrongly, that they were laughing at him and so her turned around and struck a woman and then punched Joseph Carter Ellis who then fell and banged his head on the floor. Joseph Ellis was then taken home but later died. Police Constable 176K Frank George Waylett produced the plan of the Royal Albert public house including the lobby and pavement area outside the premises. George Williams was found guilty and the court noted he had a previous conviction for assault which occurred on the 4th of February in 1901 and he was sentenced to 18 months with hard labour. On the 20th of June in 1904, Henry William Cooper [42] is on trial at the Old Bailey for the killing/murder of Margaret Holmes They had been residing as a couple at 21 Star Street, in Plaistow, since the end of October in 1903. Henry Cooper was a ship's fireman and so would be away for weeks at a time. In general they seemed to get on very well but then a complaint was made to the Police that Henry Cooper had assaulted Margaret Holmes and he was issued with a summons and was fined £3.5s. Henry Cooper attacked Margaret Holmes with a knife, in their room at 21 Star Street. Margaret Holmes had knife wounds to her face and neck and a deep wound to the area at the back of her left ear and Henry Cooper had also attempted to cut his own throat. Police Constable 176K Frank George Waylett told the court how Margaret Holmes had previously approached him and made a complaint about the physical violence done to her by Henry Cooper and she was informed to go the the clerk's office at the court to report the matter. Police Constable 176K Frank George Waylett also produced the plan of the premise at 21 Star Street in Canning Town which also included the Layout of the furniture etc. Henry Cooper was found guilty and sentenced to ''Death by Hanging.'' Henry Cooper's sentence of ''Death by Hanging'' was later commuted to life imprisonment. More of Police Constable 176K Frank George Waylett's the story to come later...……………. 2
Alan Baird Posted June 3, 2019 Author Posted June 3, 2019 Police Constable Frank George Waylett's story continues...………………….. On the 9th of January in 1905, Edmond Avery [35] is on trial at the Old Bailey for stealing from his master. Edmond Avery stole bacon and butter and some other items from his employer. Police Constable 176K Frank George Waylett produced a plan of the shop. Even the lessor charges/crimes could warrant the production of plans. Edmond Avery was found not guilty. [The bacon was off and so was the evidence.] On the 2nd of March in 1909, James Curley [32 navvy] is on trial at the Old Bailey for killing/murder of Elizabeth Watts. James Curley and Elizabeth were living as man and wife at 9 Mermaid Court. They were having a party in their rooms with some friends and James Curley had quite a lot to drink. Not long after the party ended, Elizabeth could be heard screaming, 'let me out,' and 'Police murder,' etc. Elizabeth Watts then jumped out of the bedroom window to escape. This was from the top floor of a 4 storey building. On the arrival of the Police they had to break down the door leading into the Curley's rented rooms to arrest James Curley. He claimed he had not hit Elizabeth and that she jumped out of the window because she feared he was going to hit her. Police Constable 176K Frank George Waylett produced the floor plans for this 4 storey building. The verdict was not guilty of wilful murder but guilty of manslaughter and the prisoner was sentenced to 8 years penal servitude. On the 7th of February in 1911, Nathan Marriott [32 carman] is on trial at the Old Bailey for the manslaughter of Samuel Evans [60.] Basically Nathan Marriott had been drinking and was in charge of a two horse van and had been collecting fish offal for the company he was working for. Witnesses confirmed he was driving at excessive speed and the van was also travelled on the wrong side of the road at times and this resulted in the death of Samuel Evans. Nathan Marriott also made no attempt to stop at the scene of the accident. The prisoner was borne of good character and had served in the Army and had received good conduct papers. Therefore the sentence was 9 months hard labour. On the 28th of February in 1911, Thomas Hoy [27 porter] is on trial at the Old Bailey for breaking the peace and wounding. Thomas Hoy and a number of other men were out looking for an individual and to do him harm. Thomas Hoy was armed with a pistol and there were crowds in the streets due to the disturbance. William McLoughlin was shot in the back but was not the intended target and a Police Constable was assaulted before Thomas Hoy could be arrested. William McLoughlin was taken to Poplar Hospital but the bullet was too near his spine to be removed and so still remained in his body. Police Constable 176K Frank George Waylett produced and proved the plans. Thomas Hoy was found guilty and seven previous convictions were proved against him which all included violence. Thomas Hoy was considered to be, 'typical of the worst type' and sentenced to 7 years penal servitude. In 1911, Police Constable Frank George Waylett was on duty for the Coronation Parade through London and was therefore awarded the Metropolitan Police Coronation medal for 1911 whilst serving in Bow or 'K' division. [This medal is missing from the group.] [one more post should finish off his career] My apologies for the spacing within the sentences. I do not know why it did that. Everything seemed fine when I was typing it on the computer? 1
Alan Baird Posted June 4, 2019 Author Posted June 4, 2019 the continuing story of Police Constable Frank George Waylett………... On the 5th of November in 1912, William Charles Adolphus Beal [19] is on trial at the Old Bailey for the wilful murder of Clara Elizabeth Carter [17]. William Beal was an engineer and Clara Carter was employed as a packer. It would appear they were both on good terms and they had even got engaged but William could be jealous and controlling. They were out walking at approximately 8.30pm when suddenly Clara screamed for, 'help.' Various individuals came to her assistance and found her lying on the ground with her throat cut and bleeding to death and William Beal also had a superficial wound to his throat. William Beal was known to carry a razor and this blood covered razor was found at the scene of the crime. One witness actually saw the prisoner drop the razor as they approached the incident. Clara Carter had 3 life threatening wounds to her throat and any of these 3 wounds would have resulted in her death. William Beal attempted to suggest that it was Clara that had self-inflicted these wounds and then attacked him but the medical evidence did not agree with these suggestions. Police Constable Frank George Waylett and Sergeant Boustead of New Scotland Yard proved the plans and photographs for use in the case. Sergeant Boustead was obviously a Police Photographer with Scotland Yard. The jury found William Beal guilty of the charge but strongly recommended mercy on the grounds of the prisoner's age. Judge Lumley Smith sentenced the prisoner to, 'Death,' and William Charles Adolphus Beal was hanged on the 10th of December in 1912. The hangman Albert Pierrepoint told the newspapers that, 'William Beal walked to the gallows without support.' Nearly finished with Frank George Waylett but need to complete the story' later...…….. 2
Alan Baird Posted June 5, 2019 Author Posted June 5, 2019 The final part of the Police Constable Frank George Waylett's story and this is the story of an ordinary Police Constable walking his beat but with very specific skills in scale plan production which the Metropolitan Police would periodically use. Time after time he is involved in the most serious of Old Bailey trials which also included sentences of 'Death by Hanging' being handed down. Police Constable 881 Edward Watkins is obviously famous but maybe Police Constable Frank George Waylett should be famous too for different reasons. On the 4th of February in 1913, Robert Daley [36 stevedore] is on trial at the Old Bailey for the wilful murder of Elizabeth Daley. It would appear that Robert and Elizabeth Daley were on good terms but on the 31st of December Robert Daley had left the house at 6am to look for work but had returned to their rooms at approximately 10.30am and was drunk. They then started to argue and Robert Daley punched and kicked his wife who fell to the floor. Their 11 year old son witnessed the assault and gave evidence at the trial. A doctor was summoned but she died from effusion of blood on the brain. The post-mortem did not find evidence of bruising from fists or kicks and it was the medical opinion that it may have been her falling to the floor that caused the bleeding within the brain. Police Constable Frank George Waylett [KR] proved the plan. Mr Justice Ridley stated it would be unsafe to convict on the murder charge, rather is should be a manslaughter charge instead. On the advice of his council, the prisoner pleaded guilty to the charge of manslaughter and was sentenced to 18 month's hard labour. On the 4th of February in 1913, William Selby [27 stoker] is on trial at the Old Bailey for robbing with violence, Bertha Dagon [21 widow] and stealing a purse containing £3.10. and occasioning actual bodily harm. Basically William Selby chocked Bertha Dagon in her rooms and stole the purse. Bertha Dagon was then incapacitated for hours and was weak and faint form her injuries. Police Constable Frank George Waylett [K] proved the plans William Selby was convicted on the charges and confessed to 6 other convictions that were proven and he was sentenced to 18 month's hard labour. On the 20th of April in 1916, Police Constable Frank George Waylett retired on pension from Bow or 'K' division and the Metropolitan Police. 1
bigjarofwasps Posted June 8, 2019 Posted June 8, 2019 Another cracking read Alan, well researched!! Yet again I’m green with envy ??!!!!!
Alan Baird Posted June 29, 2019 Author Posted June 29, 2019 Hi, Two years ago, the following medal was on sale on ebay. It caused a bit of a stir because it was sold for more than what, most people, expected. It appeared to be just a run-of-the-mill Metropolitan Police Jubilee medal for 1887 and with the 1897 clasp. It was awarded to a Police Constable in Hammersmith [Kensington] or 'T' division. The seller was also selling the Police Constable's Coronation medal for 1911 separately. Here is a short summary of that Police Constables story and there is also a slight connection to PC 881 Edward Watkins story:- William Henry Saundery was born in Stoke, Climsland, in Cornwall, on the 16th of October in 1864. William H Saundery joined the Metropolitan Police on the 28th of February in 1887 and his full name was 'William Henry Philip Saundery' but he later appears to have generally dropped the reference to Philip. William is assigned to Hammersmith [Kensington] division and is issued with the warrant number of 72333 and the collar number of 621T. In 1887, PC William H Saundery was on duty for Queen Victoria's Jubilee Parade through London and was therefore awarded the Queen Victoria Metropolitan Police Jubilee medal for 1887 whilst serving with 'T' division. During the famous Jack the Ripper murders in 1888, Whitechapel or 'H' division was under great pressure and heavily over-stretched. Many police personnel were brought in on a temporary basis to assist in covering the days and night shifts etc whilst the investigating and hunt for Jack the Ripper continued. There was a small number of Police Constables who were transferred to Whitechapel or 'H' division on a permanent bases. Metropolitan Police Order dated 31/10/1888, lists such personnel and PC William H Saundery is one of these officers and he then became PC 471H William H Saundery of 'H' division. This immediately helped to increase Whitechapel or 'H' division's establishment figure and to maintain that number nearer to the real establishment figure it was suppose to be at. I would suspect all Metropolitan Police divisions in 1888 were running below their full establishment figures. The 43 Police Constables who were immediately transferred into Whitechapel or 'H' division were all '3rd Class Constables' in rank. It is reasonable to suggest most of these Police Constables would have only recently joined the Metropolitan Police over the last couple of years. Whitechapel or 'H' division was known for being an extremely difficult area to Police and so not everybody wanted to be posted to this division. PC 881 Edward Watkins with the City of London Police was hunting Jack the Ripper and now we know, next door, in Whitechapel from the 31st of October in 1888, Metropolitan Police Constable William Henry Saundery was doing the same. PC William H Saundery remained with Whitechapel or 'H' division until the 8th of February in 1890 when he transferred to Whitehall or 'A' division. Therefore he served in Whitechapel during part the Ripper the Ripper period and also through the period after 1888 where murder scares were about that Jack the Ripper might be returning. Maybe after all the excitement of serving in Whitechapel, he could not settle in Whitehall or 'A' division because on the 26th of August in 1890, PC William H Saundery transferred to Holborn or 'E' division. In approximately 1893, William Henry Saundery marries Mary Ann Young who was born in Brentford, in Middlesex, in 1868. On the 27th of December in 1893, PC William H Saundery joined Highgate or 'Y' division. In 1897, PC William H Saundery was on duty for Queen Victoria's Jubilee Parade through London and was therefore awarded the Queen Victoria Metropolitan Police Jubilee Clasp for 1897 whilst serving with Highgate or 'Y' division. In 1902, awarded the Metropolitan Coronation medal whilst serving with Highgate or 'Y' division. in 1911, awarded the Metropolitan Coronation medal whilst serving with Highgate or 'Y' division. On the 4th of March in 1912, Police Constable William H Saundery retired on pension from the Metropolitan police and Highgate or 'Y' division. In 1913 between April to June, William H Saundery [48] dies, Islington in London. Sad he dies approximately a year after retiring. Unfortunately, on the day of the sale other collectors had understood the story behind William H Saundery and an appropriate value was then set on this medal but nobody seemed interested in his Metropolitan Police Coronation medal for 1911 and so the two medals were kept together. I had in my collection an unengraved example of the Metropolitan Police Coronation medal for 1902 and this was used as a filler medal so that the group could be seen in its full glory and photographs are attached of the medals etc. 2
bigjarofwasps Posted June 30, 2019 Posted June 30, 2019 Another cracking write up Alan, thanks for sharing it with us. I remember this auction well, his 87/97 medal went for a staggering sum and his 1911 for a song. * staggering sum at the time, now I fear the norm!!!
Alan Baird Posted July 11, 2019 Author Posted July 11, 2019 (edited) Hi, This is the partly researched story of a doctor that resided in London just a couple of years after the, 'Jack the Ripper murders.' It should also be remembered that there were several scares that, 'Jack the Ripper,' had returned between 1889 and the early 1890's. People are still fascinated by the Jack the Ripper case, even after a 131 years so imagine the interest there would have been in 1892. Frederick Linney Pochin M.D. & Surgeon would have been an interesting individual to talk to about what the medical fraternity thought of the man who had committed so many horrific murders. Frederick Linney Pochin was born in Wigston Magna, in Leicestershire, in 1864. Frederick's parents were Samuel Davenport Pochin and Helen Elizabeth Pochin. Frederick's father was originally listed as a, 'grocer/butcher' and in a later census as being a, 'quarry owner and manager.' In the England Census of 1881, Frederick is now 17 years old and his occupation is listed as being a, 'Civil Engineer.' He is boarding in Yorkshire and his parents are visiting a relative in Wales who is the local Magistrate and farm and quarry owner. He obviously did not enjoy his profession as a Civil Engineer because he then starts to train as a doctor. Sometime between April to June in 1892, Frederick marries Annie Louise Moorwood who also came from a good Victorian family and it is then that I believe they moved to London and he set up his medical practice in the Old Kent Road. The Medical Register of 1893, records Frederick L Pochin as residing at 763 Old Kent Road, in London SE and his qualification were, 'M.B. Mast. Surg. 1892 University of Edinburgh.' In 1897, Frederick was awarded the Queen Victoria St. John's Ambulance Jubilee medal and it is engraved to, 'Hony. Surg. F. L. Pochin M.D.' Only 36 of these medals were awarded to surgeons and therefore it is a very rare medal. Frederick was also awarded the 18ct Gold St. John Ambulance Association Service medal which is engraved to, 'F. L. Pochin M.D. by members of the South Metropolitan Gas Co. No1 Division Metn. Corps. S.J.A.B.' Frederick also won the, 'South London Photographic Society medal for Landscape in 1897,' and this is engraved awarded to, 'F. L. Pochin M.D.' It would have been nice to have his thoughts on the 1888 crime scene photographs relating to Jack the Ripper. By the England Census of 1901, we find Frederick and his family have left London to live and work in Norfolk. Frederick Linney Pochin died in 1921, in Devon and in retirement from his medical career as a doctor and surgeon. Maybe he would have had a good perspective in relation to the 'Jack the Ripper events,' because he lived in London with his family shortly after the events had occurred. He certainly was up-to-date with the latest technology because he won the photographic award in 1897 and he appears to have been very successful in his medical practice and served in organisations like the St. John's Ambulance Association etc. Therefore he would have also known many other members of the London medical scene. Obviously, this is just speculation and having a bit fun but you never know what future research might uncover. Edited July 11, 2019 by Alan Baird 1
bigjarofwasps Posted July 15, 2019 Posted July 15, 2019 (edited) Hope there's no objection to me jumping on the WATKINS bandwagon here with a little contribution that I'm currently tinkering with. It's by no means anywhere near completed, but I thought it might be interesting at this early stage none the less? Police Constable 882 Joseph PHIPPS City Police. The first thing that maybe noted just from this initial information is his collar number, one up from PC881 Edward WATKINS. Perhaps it was wishful thinking on my behalf that PHIPPS and WATKINS had joined up together. But I believe now this might not be the case. WATKINS joined up I understand on the 25th May 1871 having served briefly before hand in the Met. As yet I have no exact join up date for PHIPPS. But it appears that on the 1871 census which was taken I believe on the 3rd April 1871, PHIPPS was already a Police Constable and living New Union Street in the City of London. A stones throw from Bishopsgate Police Station. In 1881 he'd living in the Huntington Buildings which used to be located on Bethnal Green Road, again very close to Bishopsgate Police Station. By 1891 he's living in the King's Block Aldergate, which used to be located pretty much between Bishopsgate Station and the infamous Mitre Square!! Evidence enough that PHIPPS was pounding the beat in and around Bishopsgate at the time of Jack. If he wasn't dispatched to Mitre Square on the 30th September 1888, he would without a doubt have known where it was and patrolled it at some point during his career. More evidence of a Bishopsgate connection, I hear you say? In 1879 he gives evidence at at the Old Bailey, relating to an incident at the Raven Public House (185-187 Bishopsgate Street, not 4 minutes walk from 182 Bishopsgate, the police station. PHIPPS#highlight Note - NAOMI MARTINDALE . I am female searcher at Bishopsgate Street Station—I found silver money on both prisoners. 1880 he gives evidence again this time regarding a murder which centered around the Railway Tavern, 15 Liverpool Street another 4 minute walk from Bishopsgate Station. PHIPPS#highlight 1886 he gives evidence again, this time relating to an incident at the Sir John Flagstaff public house 45-46 Houndsditch & Cutler Street, again only a 4 minute walk from Bishopsgate Station. You will also note within a few minutes walk of his 1891 address at King's Block. PHIPPS#highlight Now I maybe just trying to convince myself here, the City of London only being a square mile and in fact PHIPPS could have been stationed at pretty much any station within the City. But the evidence I have put together so far, surely makes a very strong case for him being stationed at Bishopsgate and therefore would without a doubt would have known WATKINS, if only by an acknowledging nod of the head. But I'm in no doubt their consecutive collar numbers wouldn't have gone unnoticed by the pair of them? He also appears in the following newspaper articles....(these are a work in progress) Friday 23rd October 1874 Morning Post ....or dead?? she came to her senses she gave instructions to the police to apprehend the prisoner and that night Jospeh PHIPPS 882 took him into custody, slightly under the influence of drink. When he told that he was charged with kicking his wife, he................ Sunday 9th March 1890 - The People Newspaper ...pieces, and at a Police Court with being drunk and assaulting thirds wits so much injured that he shortly after Police Constable PHIPPS 882. She had been tens wards died times convicted and the alderman said he hardly two serious accidents have happened.. Friday 4th August 1891 Clerkenwell News - ....treatment recieved that night, had been ill since and unable to do duty, indeed could not raise his arm Joseph PHIPPS 882 saw the assault spoken of Wright and Davies, all corroboruated all they said William Kerridge 871 said from information.... Any thoughts or arguments for or against my hypothesis most welcome.................. Edited July 15, 2019 by bigjarofwasps 1
Alan Baird Posted July 15, 2019 Author Posted July 15, 2019 Police Constable 882 Joseph Phipps is a very interesting character and your research is very impressive and you make a very strong case that these two individuals would have certainly known each other and the potential Mitre Square angle is fascinating. Now that you have highlighted, ''PC 882 Joseph Phipps,'' I have a feeling that after 131 years, his story is coming alive again and I am sure you will discover more. Alan.
bigjarofwasps Posted July 16, 2019 Posted July 16, 2019 Bit of additional information which might prove interesting reading.............. The Seattle Daily Times, Saturday 4 February 1905, stated that just before the discovery of Catherine Eddowes body on the morning of the 30 September 1888, that at 1:45 a.m. …..a police officer met a well-dressed man of Jewish appearance coming out of the court. Continuing on his patrol he came across the woman's [Eddowes] body. He blew his whistle, and sent the other officers who rushed up in pursuit, the only thing to guide them being the sound of retreating footsteps. The sounds were followed to King's Block in the model dwellings in Stoney Lane, but the search got no further. On the wall was found scrawled in chalk, 'The Jews shall not be blamed for this.'
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