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    Antonio Prieto

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    Antonio Prieto last won the day on September 8 2023

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    1. Thank you I will update the ribbon sheets In 1919, the regent of Ethiopia Tafari Makonnen (future Emperor Hailé Selassié) undertook to ensure the training of Ethiopian officers by Russian soldiers. In 1920, some Ethiopian officers also received training at the Saint-Cyr military school. Between 1929 and 1935, a Belgian military mission trained the officers of the Imperial Guard and in January 1935, thanks to the assistance of Swedish officers, the Emperor created the Hailé Military School Selassié I in Holeta, near Addis Abeba. Engaged in fighting against the Italian invader, the first promotion will never end its internship and the development of a modern army will only begin after the liberation of Ethiopia in 1941. The Holeta military school still exists; It is also known as Genet's military school. This medal seems to have been created to reward the best students of the Hailé Selassié I. Half white and red ribbon. In the shape of a shield, the badge is surmounted by the imperial crown, surrounded by spears and swords. At the obverse, in the center, is the monogram of the emperor. Around, both in French and amharic, there are the date of creation of the school "1935" (1927 according to the Ethiopian calendar) and the mention "Hailé Military School Slassié I". On the reverse, a ring fixing ball is fixed; Below, appears an amharical text meaning: “Having royal ancestry will have no influence on your future; Only the work will guarantee your success - Hailé Selassié I - April 14, 1935 - Hailé Selassié I ”(free translation) Military School. There seem to be two different manufacturing of this medal, one in silver bronze, the other in cupronickel.
    2. Thank you Also I found this medal with other ribbon in Royal Ark
    3. Unfortunatelly any primary source for this medal
    4. Please see my ribbon sheets https://www.coleccionesmilitares.com/cintas/cintasaf.htm#e etc.
    5. The last ribbon Commemorative medal (Diamond Jubilee) for the Infantry Corps
    6. See the updated pages https://www.coleccionesmilitares.com/cintas/index.htm From translator arab-english Commemorative medal for the golden jubilee of the October 1973 victory 2023 Commemorative medal for the golden jubilee of the Signal Corps 2022 Commemorative medal for the golden jubilee of the Military Intelligence and Reconnaissance Department 2021 Commemorative medal for the golden jubilee of the Parachute Forces 2021 Commemorative medal for the golden jubilee of the Armored Corps 2020 Commemorative medal for the Diamond Jubilee of the Armed Forces Supply and Catering Authority 2020 Commemorative medal for the golden jubilee of the Thunderbolt Forces (State Informaiton Service?) 2020 Commemorative medal and badge for the comprehensive operation in Sinai 2020 Commemorative medal (Diamond Jubilee) for the Infantry Corps 2020 Commemorative medal for the golden jubilee of the Arms and Ammunition Corps 2020 Commemorative medal for the golden jubilee of the Air Defense Forces 2020 Commemorative medal for the silver jubilee of the Armed Forces Engineering Authority 2020 Commemorative medal for the silver jubilee of the Navy 2019 Commemorative medal for the golden jubilee of the military judiciary 2018 Commemorative medal for the golden jubilee of the Artillery Corps 2018 Commemorative medal for the Golden Jubilee of the Navy 2018 Commemorative medal for the 50 anniversary of the establishment of the Armed Forces Financial Affairs Authority 2015 Medal "June 30, 2013" 2014 Medal (January 25, 2011) 2012 Commemorative medal for the Diamond Jubilee of the Air Force 2007 Commemorative medal for the silver jubilee of the liberation of Sinai 2007 Commemorative medal for the golden jubilee of the July 23, 1952 Revolution 2002 Commemorative medal for the October 1973 fighters for the participants and contributors to the October 1973 war on the occasion of the twenty-fifth anniversary of this glorious war 1998 Commemorative medal for the silver jubilee of the October 1973 victory 1998 Long Service Medal. 1997 Commemorative medal for the fiftieth anniversary of anniversary of the establishment of the Air Force 1983 Navy Day Medal 1960
    7. Some others was created Unfortunatelly the PDF documents not include colour drawings For the next update of the web
    8. Commemorative medal for the golden jubilee of the Artillery Corps https://manshurat.org/file/50577/download?token=Ur3zivMB
    9. https://www.masrtimes.com/4227 https://manshurat.org/node/70793
    10. Book Cover https://publicaciones.defensa.gob.es/media/downloadable/files/links/t/h/the_british_presence_in_the_spanish_military.pdf
    11. Is not from Spain. Perhaps Italian This is cap admiral cap post Spanish Civil War
    12. Approval of the President of the Reich to accept the Cross III. Class of the Royal Spanish Order for Naval Merit March 28, 1934 Approval of the President of the Reich to accept the Cross II. Class of the Royal Spanish Order for Naval Merit, same date March 28, 1934
    13. Los personajes condecorados del Museo del Ejército (in spanish, only) The decorated characters of the Army Museum Author: Fernando Yuste Romero This work aims to become a reference text for the knowledge of the decorations of the historical characters present in the works of the Army Museum. Description The intention of this study is to have a complete work on the description of decorations (phaleristics) of military, uniformed and decorated characters, both of the pieces in its permanent exhibition and those kept in its warehouses and which represent almost three times what is on display to the public. This work thus facilitates the work of scholars and researchers in this field and provides basic notions to curious people and the general public to contemplate a work, identify the character represented with his uniform and know the symbolism of his insignia and decorations. Free download https://publicaciones.defensa.gob.es/media/downloadable/files/links/l/o/los_personajes_condecorados_del_museo_del_ej_rcito.pdf
    14. Some medals for peace support operations exist Please see
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