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    1. My book about Finnish Orders and Medals is ready! Huge gorilla just jumped away from my shoulders...

    2. Only 3 more weekends left to scour the Yerevan flea market

      1. Irish


        Hello, I have seen your references to the Yerevan flea market. I am not familiar with this,sounds interesting, what can you tell me about it? Thanks John

      2. IrishGunner


        Irish, I am currently living in Yerevan, Armenia. Every weekend there is a junk, flea, craft market in the center of the city. There are a few medal dealers with tables; 99% Soviet, but a few other odds and ends pop up now and then. It's only 5 minutes from my apartment; so, I usually stop by every weekend to see what's on offer.

    3. White`s spectrum DFX

    4. ~~( VIRIBUS UNITIS )~~

    5. is looking for WW2 EK2 with mm

    6. Curious; I now have the same number of German and Soviet decorations, but I've paid twice the cash for the German pieces.

    7. I need to learn more about Imperial German medals.

    8. I'm a member of 1./JR23 and re-enact at the Newville PA site.

    9. Collector of Militaria. U.S and Foreign. This is a hobby for me so I try not to take anything too seriously. I enjoy the collecting community and the shared learning experience.

    10. Just when I thought I was "finished" with my Soviet wants, I see another medal bar. Good thing I'm leaving here soon.

    11. Hello Harvey, I am from San Diego too put Live up in Lemoore, CA. My son is in the Marines. Just got back from a tour in Afghanistan. Nice Belgian group we have been looking at. James

    12. Yesterday bought a PKO3...no I didn't, but I spent that much on a new dishwasher. -ugh

      1. IrishGunner


        Cleanliness is a virtue ;-)

      2. kunsho


        What do you think how well a PKO3 wash dishes?

    13. Happy Idul Adha to all who celebrate..:)

    14. They shall grow not old, as we that are left grow old: Age shall not weary them, nor the years condemn. At the going down of the sun and in the morning, We will remember them.

    15. watching Obama speaking on my campus, half using Indonesian language, wow..

    16. Ok, I arrive back home only 3 days before Christmas and need some gift ideas for the wife that I can order online! I wonder if she prefers Imperial German or Soviet medal groups?

      1. Claudius


        Not so much. Tried it and my wife wasn't a big fan of the gift. LOL

      2. Ferdinand


        Try a Motherhood Medal. :-)

      3. IrishGunner


        I did buy her a Polish medal once; Long Marital Life. :)

    17. Off to Rotorua for work conference ....

    18. Been MIA this week due to poor internet service. Hopefully, will be back to normal for the weekend.

    19. another update from merapi volcano, last night another eruption killed 15 people, and last 3 days threre are some 'mud rain' (from the volcano material+water), and it smells like sulphur, students go to school wearing masker, outdoor activity must be avoided..

    20. I am selling my entire collection to pay for medical bills. Your help would be greatly appreciated. Thank you my friends. Vince

    21. Sad times have befallen my Family with a diagnosis of cancer.

    22. Back from San Diego...saw sand, surf, scenery, SeaWorld, seals and USS Midway Museum.

      1. Mervyn Mitton

        Mervyn Mitton

        I think it is my favourite US City. The gaslight district is very special - and the World famous Zoo. Don't remember the Midway - is that new ? Mervyn

      2. Claudius


        It is outstanding. Check this out: http://www.midway.org/
        Funny story; I was heading for the "aircraft carrier" in S.D. bay when I discovered I had to choose from three! Both the Nimitz and Carl Vinson were also at dock. Both visible from the USS Midway.

    23. Gents, to those of you who have loved ones recovering from illness or undergoing treatment, my best wishes for a speedy recovery, sorry for the lack of posts, as some know I had a wisdom tooth out, followed by two weeks of pain killing injections, immediately after which I caught a severe chest cold, the bright side is I had two brothers make a surprise visit one driving from Ireland to London to collect my twin brother before continuing on to my home in Romania via, Belgium, Luxembourg, Germ...

      1. Show previous comments  3 more
      2. Kev in Deva

        Kev in Deva

        Hallo Gents, first the little dog is weighing in around 33 kilo now, asleep at my feet as I type.
        Finally over the wisdom tooth removal effects medical gauze? no it was bit down on this cotton? bandage, spit it out in about 10 mins that was it. seems the blows to the jaw upset a nerve hence the injections I had to get from the wife.

      3. Kev in Deva

        Kev in Deva

        To top all that I had to have an ultra sound on my left knee as it was swollen, just checking to see if there was a thrombosis, glad to report the swelling is caused by fluid to the rear of the knee, was doing a lot of kneeling while cleaning up a 6 man grave plot for All Souls night. I will be getting a course of physio on Monday when I report back to the specialist.

      4. Kev in Deva

        Kev in Deva

        And my brothers bought a heap of my militaria items that had been in storage for the last 7 years in my brothers attic in Ireland, uniforms, insignia, helmets, etc..etc.. so I will have something to post over the next couple of months.

    24. Being an only child is evidence that your parents learn from their mistakes.

      1. Claudius


        or maybe they knew they couldn't do any better...no, wait, you're right, go with that first thought....haha (just kidding)

      2. kapten_windu


        hmm, i'm an only child..!! so what was happen?:speechless

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