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    Everything posted by Naxos

    1. Kanonier Siegfried Hauptvogel from an Artillerie Nachrichten Batterie was issued a 9mm Walther P38 could you scan the pages 2 and 3 Rick Research can help you with the Russian Hardy
    2. the underlined reads: Verliehene Ehrenzeichen: EK 2.Kl 22.10.15 und Hess. Tapferkeits Medaille 4.1.17 Regards, Hardy
    3. It's my hometown David, I'm going back for a visit. I always make sure to get in some research time - IR169 and IR170 as well as the RFAR52. Both of my Grandfathers and their brothers served in Baden Regiments If you give me their names and whatever else you have on them (you can pm me with the details) I see what I can find out. Regards, Hardy
    4. Military passport transfer of the Vizefeldwebel (Sergeant) (Unteroffizier is crossed out) Wilhelm Heinrich Severin, class of 1914 Hardy
    5. David, I will be at the Generallandesarchiv Karlsruhe in December - I have time booked there for research, what do you need? here is a list of the records: https://www2.landesarchiv-bw.de/ofs21/olb/s...Klassi=4.03.007 Regards, Hardy
    6. interesting site for research of Imperial and Wehrmacht Generals : http://www.lexikon-deutschegenerale.de/biographien.html Hardy
    7. Love the stuff - you can get some at the German Deli: http://www.germandeli.com/4001743034013.html regards, H
    8. Thanks Bob for reviving my lonely post - Gene, Paul and Mr. Pedersen thank you as well for the kind words Now, how about posting some more yellow Flieger/Fallschirmj?ger boards? I'm sure Bob and Paul have some Regards, Hardy
    9. Steve, here is a" K" marked EKII. http://gmic.co.uk/index.php?showtopic=21934 Hardy
    10. Micha, yes there is a mark on the small ring - looks like a "3" Hardy
    11. I think it would depend on his Verwendungsf?higkeit - perhaps he was granted the position because for whatever reason he was not fully kv Regards, Hardy
    12. Yes Chris ,eerie, the crew was missing for five years before the site was discovered by a hunter. The wreck is almost untouched - you can see the tops of the trees still missing for several hundred meters then you see the sheered wings lying next to each other and the fuselage another hundred meters downhill were it disintegrated. The two large Wright engines are torn to bids. Hardy
    13. While hiking in remote mountains my wife and I came across the wreck of a B-25 Mitchell bomber. Sadly all of the crew perished in the crash. Hardy
    14. The year marked on the medal is MXXXXVI like Rick said: 1406 - I don't know if the medal was coined then or later Hardy
    15. Henke have a look here: http://fmg.ac/Projects/MedLands/LOTHARINGI...%20NOBILITY.htm Hardy
    16. Very interesting photos - some of the men look like dressed up civilians Hardy
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