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    Everything posted by Naxos

    1. On April 9, 2009 this pair of Panzer Feldwebel shoulder boards was sold on Ebay de. http://cgi.ebay.de/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewIt...em=330319249362 Now, the same (and I mean the same) straps are for sale again - only this time demoted (sans Tresse) and numbers removed. http://cgi.ebay.de/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewIt...em=270374223368 It is the identical pair!
    2. Als zweite deutsche Frau erhielt die Rote-Kreuz-Schwester Elfriede Wnuk aus Mingfen, Krs. Osterode/Ostpr.[eu?en] vom F?hrer das Eiserne Kreuz II.Klasse, das ihr in diesen Tagen von Generalstabsarzt Dr. Zillmer ?berreicht wurde. Die 26-j?hrige Schwester war in einem r?ckw?rtigen Abschnitt der mittleren Ostfront eingesetzt, bei einem sowjetischen Fliegerangriff durch Bombensplitter so schwer verletzt worden, da? ihr ein Bein amputiert werden mu?te. Schwester Elfriede, die unser Bild zeigt, ist ausserdem Tr?gerin des Silbernen Verwundetenabzeichens und der Ostmedaille. Scherl Bilderdienst ( Glahs) , 25.9.42 [Herausgabedatum] 5379-42 Translation: "As the second German female Elfriede Wnuk, a 26 year old nurse from Mingfingen in East Prussia, was awarded the iron cross 2nd class. She was severely wounded during a bombing raid on the Eastern front and one of her legs had to be amputated. Besides the Iron Cross she was awarded the Wound Badge in silver and the 1941 Winter Campaign medal." Wnuk served in Kriegslazarett 509
    3. Your pictures could be better, but from what I can see and read it appears to be original. :cheers:
    4. Not only the iron cross .... http://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Bun...r_mit_EK_II.jpg
    5. "Dank f?r treue Mitarbeit beim Frontstalag 161 Nancy, Weihnachten 1941" Who was in charge of the Frontstalag in Nancy, France?
    6. Just acquired this photo with signature and dedication, but who is he. I will post the entire image in epson scan quality once it arrives.
    7. Are these two wearing the patch as well? http://gmic.co.uk/uploads/monthly_04_2009/post-1062-1239734136.jpghttp://gmic.co.uk/uploads/monthly_04_2009/post-1062-1239734154.jpg Perhaps better scans will shed some light.
    8. Sorry, wrong Kreipe (perhaps his brother). In 1928, while Werner Kreipe served as a Leutnant in Artillerie Rgt. 6, the Kreipe I thought was him served as Oberleutnant in Infanterie Rgt.15.
    9. His WWI awards: both Iron Crosses, wound badge (black) and the Schwarzburgische Ehrenkreuz mit Schwertern 3rd class.
    10. "Teilnahme am RVB-Lehrgang der Div.(ision) ?. 192 v.(om) 18.1. - 15.7.43"
    11. Generalleutnant Gotthard Frantz http://www.geocities.com/~orion47/WEHRMACH...Z_GOTTHARD.html
    12. Very nice cross Eric! I agree with Paul; What really happened to this cross we will never know but like Paul said, it was definitely hit from behind while attached by it's needle. Allow me to speculate: it appears as if the person was shot from behind (the projectile exiting the chest directly behind the EKI pushing it away from the tunic and in the process bending cross and needle).
    13. Scott, there is a difference between the German Army's traditions and the Nazi party's agenda. Note that in the new, under the nazis formed, Luftwaffe the "Gott mit uns" logo was never adopted.
    14. Yes , Pilgerkreuz von Jerusalem Perhaps member of the Ritterorden vom Heiligen Grab zu Jerusalem "Ordo Equestris Sancti Sepulcri Hierosolymitani"? http://www.oessg-lgimt.it/OESSG/ORG/insegne.htm http://www.ordenskreuz.com/hlgrab.html
    15. This picture was taken near Juvincourt in September 1917 (six months after the assault in which this tank was destroyed) The tank belonged to Groupement "Bossut" As-2 and was commanded by Lt. Poupel. (It is the same tank as in post #21 and #22) The soldier in front of the tank wrote the date, location and his name on the back. He signed with his first name "Franz".
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