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    Everything posted by saschaw

    1. Absolutely right. The Saint Michael has to be 4th class as it has no crown, while the Order of Saint Anne is 3rd class. No way to tell what the Z?hringer is... well, actually it should be a Knight's cross 2nd class as he's still a Hauptmann and Knight's 1st class were give to Hauptleute, but who knows with Reserve/Landwehr guys...
    2. Yes, exactely. At this time he was "Major (Pers. Adj. Kronprinz)". And I'd bet he had two hand full of other decorations, with this job. Edit: sorry, I have not first names at all. Not sure which one I was talking about, but I have only the mentioned Major with BZ3aX, and no one with BZ3bXE...
    3. Baden's WWI roll's, at least wide parts habve been done years ago by Roth. I cannot find the first mentioned but the second with BZ3aX on exactely that date. And nothing else... :unsure:
    4. Great picture and odd to see an officer still wear his RA3 in 1917... or does he wear him "again", after Brest-Litowsk? What is that medal in #5?! No name from me, sorry.
    5. Thanks for sharing, Rick! Very interresting things that seem still to come from rolls... :blush:
    6. Ah, okay. Not my day I guess. You're absolutely right, those special devices were often not in stock. I do know a medal bar with XXV, 1897, AEZ - and BZ3bX. A weird ex-NCO's with nothing but the AEZ that signalizes this... well, and his Leutnant-level BZ3bX with 25+ years in service... Do you know why? There were some fools mounting XE but did only have X! Have no pictures handy but I know a medal bar/ribbon bar set with wrong device... fools!
    7. Ah, okay. That explains I cannot find anyone with that actually not unique combination. I was wondering if the guy with the weird bar (did you notice the "FRANKREICH" clasp on his EK2 ribbon? ) did stay in Reichswehr/Reichnmarine as he had use for a ribbon bar in the 20s/30s. It seems he was in uniform before 1934/35, but then I realized there were some more "uniforms" than those two... hum...
    8. Funnily, I have another set of two, again with HOH3X, BZ3?X and OK2... those two came together, while the bar up is a single. The bigger, WW2 dating bar uses a Pour le Merite ribbon for the EK2... they did come from a family with a name, but tha name is neither known for a plm nor for a HOH3X... :speechless1:
    9. I have three more HOH3X bars that - I think - have not been shown here in the thread (or even forum). The first one is a combination of HOH3X, BZ3aX or BZ3bX, OK2 with "Vor Dem Feinde" and an additional wreath device, DA and TH with device. Also notice the small "FRANKREICH" bar on EK2 ribbon. The whole bar is a huge and heavy thing, dates into late 20s/early 30s from the Austrian and Hungarian medal but missing Honour cross. Really an odd thing, but I found no one with HOH3X, a Z?hringer and Oldenburg cross - but nothing else. There were a handfull with this, but they had additional pre war or war time awards... anyone here get's him...? :speechless:
    10. Thanks Rick, may be a Major as well. But is there anything that speaks against e.g. a Oberzahlmeister, one as mentioned Lapp? "Actually", a officer's XXV should be somewhat ahead to that position. Actually... One of us did get the devices wrong. Possibly I'm missreading you... BZ3aX has exactely the same device as 3bX has and 3aXE has the same as 3bXE has - indistinguishable without the context. And here, the context is inconclusive.
    11. Could you please help me with this Bavarian officer? Unfortunally, he's really really blurry, but it may still be enough to identify him: he has a Bavarian military merit order 4th class with the crown and swords, a Z?hringer lion order from Baden, EK 1 and 2, Bavarian jubilee medal, and the clue: a Bavarian reserve/landwehr long service award 1st class. If I'm not totally wrong, with this he should be "dR" or "dL". From his rank - should be a major - the Z?hringer has to be a "3aX", a knight's cross 1st class with swords. Only about a dozen of those went to Bavarians, and only two were "dR" or "dL": KB Major dL aD Joseph Duffner and KB Rittmeister dL aD Franz Schlimm Is it one of those and can someone tell me which one? I do not have much references on Bavarians... :unsure:
    12. Very nice one, Mark! Not to often seen. Rick, take a look at those old eBay crappy pictures I recently found... :rolleyes:
    13. Sure, I do. Even yout matching chain.. Not to common. Mike, I don't know. Maybe he got the one from this regulations and then the other one after that regulations. There was some changes in the awarding rules for those, if I remember correctly. However, I'm pretty sure he should only have worn one of those two.
    14. Nice bar and story! Well, according to J. Nimmergut, opus magnum V, there were - 1,107,756 in "Bronze am Band f?r Kombattanten" - 341,949 in "Stahl am Band f?r Kombattanten" - 57,094 in "Stahl am Band f?r Nicht-Kombattanten" awarded. Not to uncommon.
    15. That should be an easy one. Do you know why? This are his war time decorations only. His really big bar with Prussian, "foreign" and foreign order was lot 193, on the attached picture in the middle. That adds e.g. a RAO4, KO3, OV3, MG3 and a Dutch order... Oberstleutnant aD, I guess...
    16. I never claimed to have an evedeince... but the combination looks to peculiar to be given twice. Evidence would be: the bar identified and the three other orders awarded after those on your button. ;)
    17. I don't know how that was with China... was he at the same time "Oberarzt beim 3. bad. Dragoner Regt. Prinz Karl Nr. 22" and "beim 2. Ostasiat. Inf. Regt."? If so, he was in a Baden unit. That qualifies him for 1902 medal. If he wasn't - might he have been a Baden native? Pfullendorf is in Baden, and any Baden native officer qualifies, too - no matter where he actually is at the moment... :rolleyes:
    18. Honestly Don, I do not like it. The sewing looks a bit odd, and the reverse looks absolutely bad to me - the filz(?) looks rather modern...
    19. I still do not like this one bagde, but thanks for pointing out that style DID exist in the 30s. I neither like (at least) Emanuel's 2nd example. Those are frequently on eBay.de, offered by the same guy(s) selling dozens of FAKE clasps for China, South West Africa medal, Colonial medal and now even Kyffh?user medals... all "from old stock"... :banger:
    20. Hmm, pity... thought you might have a genius' idea. He was an EM/NCO, not an officer. At least the Baden 1902 was not given to anyone at the military, but to literally any officer - and only to older NCOs. He was to young for that. How about that one? The Z?hringer is clear, I think the Prussian ribbon is not a RAO4 - but rather a Allgemeines Ehrenzeichen. That bar looks pretty much like e.g. a Zahlmeister to me. How about Lapp? Found both awards for him, he was in Breslau ("near" Berlin), and I guess he might have had all other stuff on the bar... #2:
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