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    Everything posted by saschaw

    1. It's a "FD2" - Dragon order 2nd class from Annam, former French colony in south east Asia. Hardly ever seen on a German officer, I guess... Is that a DAK or a LD1 in front of his Russian order of Anne? Edit: argh, Josef was faster. ;)
    2. Don't know who he is, but it's a general (seems to be Generalmajor?!) with a just TEXTBOOK Prussian general bar.
    3. Yes, that's Kraut. Please put away that picture, it might make people cry... His Godet made 14 place medal bar has been ripped apart last year to seel the orders seperately on eBay.
    4. ...and the lack of a pre war Z?hringer. Is it that Ruppricht that was in IR 74 in 1913? No pre war HEK3 there. Major in LIR 109, Z?hringer in November 1914. Thanks a lot, Paul! At least I tried... ;o(
    5. Hmm okay... so now how about that one? My guess is: unique combination. Is the only way to be sure going threw the entire rank list and threw every WW I roll, if he is not in the Reichsheer?! In the 1913 rank list I found ONE with the pre war awards, and I could confirm the BZ3aX (and from date, the correct early war issue in gold) to him. To be honest, I did only check IR40. So IS this Ernst Kaether's, BKom RIR40... ? RANK LIST, AWARD ROLL. ;)
    6. Sorry, but that's not correct. It is a civilan style tuxedo bar. Navy bars were worn angled, but in the right mounting order. However, the recipient still may be navy - but from the combination, not from the style. By the way - very nice one. ;)
    7. One question to the much more experienced collectors: when is a combination unique? How do we see that? I'm always guessing at this and am not too bad, but cannot be sure. I know unique combinations of e.g. Great War awards and I know common combinations. But what about combinations that may be twice or trice existing under slightly different circumstances, other units etc.? Or is not such a thing... ?
    8. And now they are back, at least some of them, offered as singles, by another seller and with quite bad pictures - and even fooled me for some minutes... http://shop.ebay.de/merchant/laratrieni
    9. Wow. Frank, Rick - absolutely great work, I thank you both very much. Is that Griffin list a combined one or can you determine if he got it from Schwerin or Strelitz?! With the Strelitz medal Strelitz sound more likely, but who knows... One last question: did Lincke yet appear on the BMV foreigners list?
    10. Wow. Nice "little" thing... and nothing from Baden... There was a similar one recently on eBay.de. Well, just a bit "similar". Way way smaller and only to a f?rstl. lippischer Kammerdirektor in B?ckeburg: http://cgi.ebay.de/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewIt...em=150323201020 Anyone from here bought it?!
    11. And what if... the wearer should have been neither from Brunswick nor from Altenburg, Meiningen and Coburg or Gotha?! Then it would be the proper way, wouldn't it? Yeah, that's how we know him... :cheers:
    12. He is, and I found him. Could you please tell me I'm good? My "foreign guess" was worse than I expected. It is not Persia/Japan/Italy but Sweden/Spain/Italy, with a Mecklenburg Griffin. The Mecklenburg "Wend" ribbon seems to be for a medal, but for which? Hauptmann d.R. Lincke, MG-Abteilung 7. Working with a 1913 rank list I'm unaware about his WWI awards. In 1913 no Crown order, so did he get it finally in 1913/14 or is that a Württemberg Friedrichs order? If so, what class? The Bavarian is what class? Maybe 3rd class to "foreign" Hauptmann or Major?! Thanks in advance for the last pieces of the puzzle.
    13. No, they're from right to left as usual in those civilan style chains, as well on civil style "tuxedo" bars.
    14. A nice one as said, but what I'm missing is long service awards. Recalled to the Wehrmacht when those were not handed out anymore?
    15. Fingers still crossed? I have e-mailed those morons at eBay safety several times. They should get it now, finally that "am" is photoshoping their rules... PS: if that does not work - he is a professional dealer and you can just send it back. Forgot about that, sorry. He also threatens everyone using his pictures, e.g. on an internet forum. I wonder why... :catjava:
    16. Could anyone please confirm my above bar? We (Daniel and me) came to Silver Friedrich August medal, EK II, Altenburg bravery, Altenburg Jubilee 1903 and Saxon long service award - as anyone with a pre war Albrecht cross would have received higher war awards than the FAM.
    17. Zelosko's volume two (by the way, great books!) had something on him, however no "real" citation and it sounds there never was one. It is just a standard "in Anerkennung hervorragender Tapferkeit und ausgezeichneter Leistungen während des gegenwärtigen Feldzugs". The only new, though quite interresting information is he died on November 23rd, 1915.
    18. Thanks SPM, couldn't make this out from the picture nor did I know the medal well... ;o( The search goes on. ;)
    19. Thanks Gentlemen, again a mystery solved. Hardy, do you yet know this one? I have not downloaded anything by know but actually we should get everything. Who knows how long this site will "be" - http://tarlith-history.livejournal.com/510...?thread=7182483 Citations? I don't even have a "pure 1870/71! list. Only F. Zelosko's "full" Karl Friedrich list, 1806 to 1918. That indeed may have his citation or something on his career...
    20. Ah, it was you who was fastern than I. The last ribbon on the Baden NCO bar may in my humble opinion be for a Prussian crown order medal. As a peace time award "outranked" even by the Hungarian and Bulgarian WWI medals. Quite odd, but not impossible.
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