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    Everything posted by saschaw

    1. Veryyy nice. :love: Do you really don't know yet, what Prussian GENERAL this cute medal bar is from? I don't know either, but would love to know. Great bar, however. I'm curious... PS: uuuh, now the MASTER was faster than me. :rolleyes:
    2. Could you please tell me what does look any different from yours to Haynau's/Demir's? That was a text book Godet made Ottoman war medal, wasn't it? I cannot see anything wrong with it.
    3. A really great one, thanks for showing! Pity the issue with the two clasps... Is that a Godet bar? Seems to be, or am I wrong? Another question: what does #6 signify? Its that a Saxon war merit cross with unnecessary swords or is it an Albrecht with wrong ribbon mounted?
    4. Thanks at lot to both of you. How likely or unlike was that? I had this issue with a ribbon bar set I acquired earlier, Rick said it were very unlikely someone wore the Treudienst-Ehrenzeichen without an device so it had to be something else. Please, see this thread for those bars.
    5. How boring would be a lose medal bar... I don't have the medal(s), but it came with its little brother. Any guesses what the last ribbon is most likely for? It cannot be anything Imperial or Prussian as it was not awarded until 1934, if you compare it to the medal bar. Plus it never had a device on it. The backing's black. SS, Police, RAD... ?
    6. As Chris's medal is for sale right now and the thread has been linked I'm just bumping it up for a special reason. Finally I got an empty medal bar for the Baden set. Bad condition but real for sure, and with an odd additional device on the ribbon:
    7. That bar has been discussed at least once (I even think it was somewhat more often), but never came up identiefied but remained without name - I think it cannot be identified. Still a very nice and interessting bar. PS: to answer your e-mail question: no, not yet. Answered to your e-mail but it came back...
    8. An absolutely lovely bow, but though one thing to correct: the last ribbon is not Stanislaus, but St. Anne - or am I totally wrong?!
    9. I think I like the bar but have to ad it seems it has been refilled - as it was sold almost empty some time ago!
    10. "What a foolish idea" was my first thought, to be honest. Buuut... I don't know who owns it now, but the bar is damn close to this bar - with set - that was owned by our very own HeikoGrusdat but has been sold, if I my memory serves me right. World's small, isn't it. :speechless1:
    11. No, not really. The sewing reminded me to the bars of Vienna eBay seller "am-militaria", but if it didn't come from there, it may well be good. It was just a feeling, I cannot say it is bad. By the way, not all bars have only combattant or only non-combattant ribbons - as per different regulations we often see those mixed.
    12. May I ask where this one came from? I haven't seen it before, but my gut does not like it. :unsure:
    13. Interresting bar in an odd style, but I like it that far, seems fine. Should date to 1920s from the awards. No, that would have another ribbon. The award shown here is W?rttemberg's war association's award, an enemaled cross from the 20s. The blue ribbon in last should be the Austrian "Ehrenkreuz der ?sterreichischen Ehrenlegion", a gilt cross you could ask and pay for to get it...
    14. Right, and this one may even be an officer's bar. The Bavarian long service award is the LW2 and those went to officers, from what I know. At least they did in Prussia... Great bar, absolutely impressive. One of my favorite bars for years - it was sold on eBay.de years ago (my pictures date august, 2006) and I could still remember it. The last one though seems to be replaced - might have been an empty ribbon to represent an Ottoman war medal, foolishly "re-"filled with an Hamburger. Great find, nice to see it in GMIC hands. ;)
    15. Ah, that was you who finally bought it, okay. The last ribbon's rather an Ottoman medal of the Red Crescent.
    16. It does. The 2nd ribbon is the 3rd to last on your ribbon bar: Ottoman "war medal" aka Galipoli Star. I wonder if it was usual to wear two foreign(!) awards in the button hole but none of his own country?! Yes, that's a navy rank, but I'm neither much into Autrian navy history. Looks like a "Leutnant" on a ship, but who knows...
    17. And now the really interresting pictures: sewn ribbons from his tunic, badges from his visor(?) and a nice little piece of sheet... with his name and rank on it! Schiffsleutnant Karl Topil. Could someone verify him? Would be very nice, thanks.
    18. A lot of ribbons and uniform parts(?), apparently not all from the same wearer but presumably though from his family:
    19. His other bar, without the Ottoman device and not that nice as yours - but ended at 35,- Euro... :banger:
    20. Your bar again, seller's pictures (just to be acurate):
    21. Nice it is, yes. But thoug, for an actual BADEN collector that bar's quite boring. If only the MVO would be a Z?hringer... Do you want to see something nicer? Here's the EK II that came with your ribbon bar from #4:
    22. Okay, so I can at least be sure it's the same I thought it was. It might take some time but I can promise you you'll get the name it came with. No 100% guarantee it is the correct name, but it seemed to be... In the meantime, I can add my one and only Austrian bar. I bought it as it has a German ribbon on it: a nice Bavarian pre-war MVO 4th class!
    23. Great bar and great to add such a name! Those "von Gemmingen" were a "tribe" (in some lines) from southwest Germany, many in military and state service, some in baden and some in W?rttemberg. My father has some nice portraits, but from v. Gemmingens in Baden military service in 1860s and 70s - but no pictures handy, sorry. But this junior Eberhard is not amung these, so not to pity. ;)
    24. Very nice ones, though not any ribbon bar collector likes those Austrian monsters - but don't worry, I do and am still looking for one that has a Baden decoration on it... Pity that great bar from #4 has been seperated from it's brother, from the other stuff it came with on eBay - and from the name. You don't have any of this, do you? I don't have it handy but in some days, weeks or months I hope I can add the name - if you want me to do. :P
    25. Nice lapel bow! W?rttemberg officers got W?rttemberg long service awards, had their very own ones, as Prussian officers had - so not the very common medals for nine years etc. The 2nd ribbon is a W?rttemberg Friedrichsorden for sure, possibly a knight's cross with swords. I'm not sure about the 4th ribbon - may rather be a live saving medal from W?rttemberg freestate. Almost as rare as hen's teeth...
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