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    Everything posted by saschaw

    1. Now looking again at Gritzner (1893) I realized he states about the same as you did - the star has to look like mine and they were the same for both classes. But what are those others... ? :banger:
    2. If that one is bad... outch... I cannot see anything I don't like, looks to me like a perfectly good 1936/38 Wehrmacht bar...
    3. As it is the thing with those "Anhalt 1st classes", stupidly offered by the firms in the 20s/30s? This decoration actually did not even exist. None awarded, though available, and apparently bought. Presumably worn, but I've got no picture of that... (here a variation rather by a L?denscheid firm from the 30s - very different hardware to all Schaumburg crosses shown here, but it's about the idea... )
    4. Eric, no problems with the delay, but I don't like the feeling not to know something. I neither like to bring the bad news but can explain you why noone was much impressed at least by the Bavarian MVK: that was an altered piece which used to have swords with a possibility of at least 99,8%. And it doesn't matter if one recognizes if there were swords in the whole. I'm not sure but heard there was one or none of those ever awarded. Though, even here at GMIC a handful has them in their collection. Strange, isn't it? I hope you didn't pay for it what THE real ONE would go for.
    5. Still? Don't you even have a bad, old scan? Or does someone else have... ? :blush:
    6. Or just didn't bother to remount it - more common than we think. Nice bar, no problems with it.
    7. Christophe, thanks for the information but that's nothing new* - without checking it on eBay I say this one is offered from "am-militaria". *At least I hope "to noone". Been discussed here several times anyone might know it. Beware! http://gmic.co.uk/index.php?showtopic=23142
    8. Oh, I "missed" to mention something: the (eBay) seller of the Frackbar and Christer's 2nd ribbon bar was "am-militaria"... Guys, run away and hide... faster! Sorry Christer, but that is one more eCrap bar. :(
    9. Christer, take a closer look - that is a 1939 Kriegsverdienstkreuz! God? Well, you still may call me Sascha. Do you want to see the matching Frackspange? Your wish shalt be my demand. Oh oh oh, what will happen when I lost my mind at some day...
    10. And finally, here's an example with iron wreath and real silver device in very fine condition - as nice as they can get: :rolleyes:
    11. Did anyone doubt this? Don't think so... Sure they are all? He's know for not only sewing complete new crap but "upgrading" old bars by adding some positions. Once I found a 7 place medal bar he made from a 5 place - by adding a China and S?dwestafrika medal, each with some clasps, and almost all bad. He is destroying good, old bars. Maybe here are some parts again taken from a pretty good old Baden 1870 bar - but not the complete bar. The backing as well as the copper sheet metal(!) do not look good at all. Neither period nor yesterday, but about three to four months ago. Without any doubt. I hope someone else comments on this as you don't seem to be sure yet.
    12. Browsing old eBay auctions, I found this by coincidence. Who was the first seller of this bar? A "raritaetensammlerclub". I really haven't found this auction until now, haven't been to that auction link for about three months - but the bar looked that typical... q.e.d.? q.e.d! http://cgi.ebay.de/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewIt...em=140237937523 :violent: :violent:
    13. Here my oaks - real silver, hollow and coined. There is some variation but without provenance I wouldn't buy anything that is way different than this:
    14. Thanks for the additional picture and SPM; thanks for the kind words. Yes, it looks like 2007-2008 period. The bar is as typical for the club as it can get. The backing is "club", the EK is "club" and the oaks may be "club", haven't focused too much by now on these. They seem to be cast which is a bad sign and they don't match any ones I've seen before. I appreciate Mr. Thamm's opinion and his immense knowledge, but here he's wrong. The bar is a modern put-together, mixed with "good" and "bad" decorations. And those are the most dangerous ones... :banger:
    15. As I can be. I'm looking forward to other's comments, especially on the EK - I like the oaks neither. Could you please add a picture of the whole reverse without angles etc.?
    16. Stijn... I'm sorry, but that seems to be a eCrap bar. The EK is in my humble opinion of a certain producer: the so called "raritaetensammlerclub". I neither like the whole medal bar, looks newly mounted to me. If the bar were good I think I would have placed a bid. I hope you can return the bar... ? Though, could you please add a nice picture of the bar's reverse? From what I saw on the crappy eBay pictures it indeed looked very "club"-ish.
    17. Noone recognized it, noone told me - but uuuh, I can look for myself. The lower photo did recently come up again, was sold for about the double price as before - and now to me. Reuniting sucks and costs much bucks, but it is not only a very nice photo but an even nicer set of matching ones. I cannot get the numbers(?) on his shoulderboards but his sabre is for Baden Infantry officers, while his helmet and tunic is not 109er "Leibgrenadier" - so no Karlsruhe unit but rather GR 110, IR 111, IR 112, IR 113, IR 114, IR 142, IR 169 or IR 170 - hope I didn't miss one. He was apparently not in a Karlsruhe unit but came here always for his photographs... PS: Now I'm still looking for his Red Cross portrait... ;)
    18. :catjava: Thanks Rick. The clue is just to know any ribbon - great it seems you do! With these 1930s "Landesverb?nde" awards etc. I'm really not familiar (yet). Though at least I know what you mean. That's a rather scarce award, isn't it?
    19. The second one has fine old silk ribbons, though I'm not sure about it. Unfortunally no backing - and the backing's mostly where I recognize if a bar is good or bad. The combination is odd but with the Hanseatenkreuze given to various people possibly. Good or bad?! That's all for now but more too follow, I hope. Thanks in advance.
    20. I hope it's not to rude to use Timo's thread for two of my new ribbon bars I've got questions about - just not worth starting a new thread for those. The first one should be pretty okay, but I'm not 100% sure what the awards are - may this be a Hassian NCO who only got an long service award from his own grand duke, got nothing in WWI but a pre-war Reuss merit order's class (the merit medal most likely). Makes that sense and should it be right like that?
    21. Stijn, then it's okay. I was just curious two might make the same work... ;o) Rick, thank you. It'd be rather strange if he wasn't at the civil service - where then? But one mistake, may have been the problem?! It's not a "Friedrich-Luisen-Medaille" but an "Erinnerungsmedaille für 1906", as stated above - much scarcer, the wearers weren't published - and definitely (at least I think so) not awarded later than 1906. The ribbon isn't the right one but the one for the Friedrich-Luisen-Medaille - but that medal is a bit bigger and has no inscript on the averse...
    22. Thanks and right, the 1906 is the rare award here - but the 1906 Erinnerungszeichen is of almost the same league. Stijn, I know as well someone who's working right now on that topic, I think for a publication - is your friend Wolfgang... ?! That's quite many Belgians to get the medal. According to Volle there were only about 100 medals coined and I presume most went to Badeners - and the rest split to all parts of Europe and the world's rest. Noooo... I'm wasting eight working hours a day (with way time etc. about almost eleven hours a day), five days a week working for daily about 10,- Euro. Haven't had vacations but weekends and three days at home being sick... ;o( Young man's burden.
    23. Recently I got an almost matching ribbon bar to the medal bar from Post #19, with the Michael order, not merit cross grade's ribbon. But, a Bavarian collector told me some time ago that they were not to accurate with those three different Michael ribbons, at least not on ribbon bars and lapel bows. What do you think about grade of Michael and of the long service award?
    24. Noone likes it and noone can comment on the combination or what person it might have worn?
    25. Uwe, I'm pretty sure Rick used here some sarcasm towards eBay's attitude - as they bann all Nazi stuff but don't care enough about things like this... It might get funny if a collector from Russia buys his 3kg decortions with 15k Euro value. Those Russians may get angry with such things, I've heard... :speechless1:
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