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    Everything posted by saschaw

    1. Now that's weird... Two hooks to fix an award with an yellow ribbon is a Baden merit medal - you won't be able to fix a Prussian Erinnerungsmedaille 1897 on both those hooks. But what is that Anhaltian ribbon for? I cannot remember ever having seen an Anhalt award with such an Italian ft. Baden loop...
    2. Haaaa Wild Card, you're kinda funny. It would be great if the club had stolen Heiko's collection to sell it on eBay. That would be easy to prove and we had no more problems with the guy for some years.
    3. Ah, thank you both, now I got it. Ah, no more Baden connection with this bar? Now I feel better, think I once gave it a miss - not as bad for me when it's not a Zähringer...
    4. Nice and interresting bar in a great conditioon - but what is the Tyroler Nobileman Associations? I remember having seen a neck beadge in shape of an eagle, but that was as said a neck badge...
    5. Do that, but beware - the china medal seems to be changed, too. Does look like a casted fake, doesn't it?!
    6. Ah, you bought that one, fine. I didn't remember Rick's bars but thought it has to be a first row... May it not be navy? The style is odd - but I guess Rick made it yet threw all lists, without succes...
    7. Aaaaah, here's the thread, thanks for pulling it up again. As I wrote before on the sale's area I think it's most likely a Hamburg Hanseatenkreuz missing - without having this thread in mind. Even if the ribbon isn't the right one it may be a "close enough", sa RR yet stated. Hessen's another nice idea for it, I've seen yet white ribbons that presumably _were_ blue - the Hessen blue it fades similiar to the Hungarian war memorial medal's ribbon - extremely and maybe even without direct sun light. The stripes seem to match perfectly for Hessen. However, I'm still not conviced it could be at all for that Reussian Erinnerungsabzeichen, sorry. Would that show up in rank lists, being pre-war?! PS: another point noone made yet, apparently: the ranking would be correct on the bar and on the button for Hanseatencross and for Hessen medal: on the bar mounted as a "war award" and on the button as a "foreign award" on a Pruassian's bar with Prussian superiority! This makes me rather sure - WWI German bravery/war merit award...
    8. Thanks Wild Card, I almost forgot about this thread, sorry. I think Anhalt is wrong, the ribbon is red with little green while Anhalt has a green ribbon with some more red, so the other way round! I think it's rather a Bavarian Hubertus order?! Or something foreign? Aaah, I hate it when ribbons may be too many things and one never knows ... I asked if I was right about what I think those two 1866 ribbon bars are for, but noone responded. No ideas? Just wheather I'm right or wrong about the listet awards. I think these bars won't be traceable, will they?
    9. Ah okay, thanks. Pity with those awards from post may 1914 ... Though I'm rather sure the BZL is a 3a as there's a rest of yellow thread whereas the RAO and the CV are fixed with white thread on the upper arm. I think this does not help extremely as 3a is not less common than 3b, it's just a time issue. The RAOs were mainy awarded to Majors and to some Hauptleute, right? BZL3a was for Majors, too so this would work ...
    10. Uuuuh, now here's some stuff to respond, isn't it ... Thanks for all comments about my bar. I like it, would like it more if it was fresh, but at least it's an old one. Did I mention I saw many modern sewn bars? Well, if it looked better I might not have seen it anymore on sunday. Wild Card, you bar's amazing - would be nice if you get better pictures of it. I wanted my father to buy it when it came up at Thies' auction, but my father wasn't to interrested in it. Rick - thanks for the name to that bar, I always wondered about what guy had that combination. By the way, the 1906 medal has the CORRECT ribbon! It's just the same as the 1902 medal. Claudio, congratulations to the Wrede "ribbons" - but who got the medal bar and minis? Winkler is not the nicest guy, though he answers rather nice if me or my father asks him anything - I've no idea why he does, but I've never felt like anyone else does who talks to him. There were some more nice bars, S. Zimmermann had some extremely nice ones - rather expensive. If the Chile orders are shown in rank lists - any ideas how to "get" my guy? An officer with RAO4, BZL3a and CV2 in 1914 doesn't sound to common ...
    11. I've been to IWB Stuttgart today, on the last day of three. Much nice stuff was sold the last two days, stuff that I've never seen, with much crap still laying around, and of course still maaany nice things that just were to expensive or nobody wanted to buy by now. Prices are very high but this is common as the sellers have to pay vast, really insane sums of money for their stalls. I bought one, just one piece - a heavily worn medal bar, my father wouldn't have taken it for the condition. But with that much newly sewn bars around, as well there in Stuttgart (I guess a third was such a crap), I was glad to get an old bar that really looks old. The Frontfigther cross was addet in 1930s onto the bar for which the EK and ribbon were removed and later remounted. The 7th position is missing, was a Baden Zähringer Löwen order - from missing and the yellow thread I guess it was a knight's cross Ist class, presumably in gold. The last position makes this bar somewhat special, it's a merit order from Chile - officer's cross, right? Any more thoughts on this bar? When were those chilenian orders awarded to germans? This one apparenytly before 1935, but was it pre or post WWI? How rare are those? Any information about prices on those? Thanks in advance. PS: Am I right about Major to Oberstleutnant level, Prussian or maybe of Baden origin, or at least in a Baden unit at some time?
    12. Pity those aren't yours, Rick. Lorin is right about the 1920s medal and said actually all. He isn't with the older medal, but I can add some infomation: it's not an changed merit medal, it had never a "B?gel" suspension and never a "F?r Verdienst" on it's back. Those medals without are called "Ged?chtnismedaille", were instituted in the 1840s by Grand Duke Leopold and were coined by any of the following Grand Dukes and the Grand Duchesses in different sized and metals. Most common are the silver medals in this size. Those medals were not real awards but presents by the Royal Highniesses, especially given to service jubilees, golden weddings etc. The version with this ring suspension and the city's name on the back is a "Amtszeichen f?r B?rgermeister" - a medal for a major! Very rare, very hard to get - congratulations, whoseever it is.
    13. Ah, you bought that bar ... It's for an Centennial for sure. Stogieman, what small silver merit medal are you refering to? The silver merit medals are huge - and out rank the long service award. The precendece here may have a mistake as a Baden NCO should wear the Baden 1902 medal in front of the Prussian 1897 - unless he made it to an officer's rank, then this precendece would be fine. Possible he made that? I don't know ...
    14. Thanks Gentlemen for that fast and good information. Are those things faked, would you need better pictures to tell if they are original? If they're genuine (I think they're), what does these cost about? I don't think I'll keep them - if someone here'd be interrested, please e-mail me, thanks.
    15. The seller was "hagekna41" and Rick made the point. I have not seen many good bars offered by him ...
    16. Dear Gentlemen, I'm actually "Imperial German" but came across those for a very reasonable price on eBay so bought them. If better pictures should be needed - it's not possible yet but I'll post them as soon as I have the badges here. The medal is a "Milos Obilic medal", awarded for bravery - that's all I found yet. The two other things seem to be Serbian too, so I guess the crown may be as well. Any comment appreciated, thanks in advance. 😃
    17. Well okay, that clearifies it ... It may be the oaks are not too rare, but at least I have never seen them before and it seems others here in the thread are the same.
    18. Hmm, thanks Josef ... but Mike's one was awarded in early 20s and I've never seen it before though most, if not all Ottoman Red Crescent medals in German groups are supposted to be war time ... I wonder if this is an correct information, but who knows. If someone knows better or wants to verify that information, don't hesitate.
    19. Thanks to all, especially to Mike. I indeed was referring to his group and with two coming up, one in a Danish, one in a Hassian group it would irritate me those were phantasy ... For that reason I postet it in the Turkish section, maybe one of our Turkish or Turkey collection collectors knows more.
    20. I have this nice ribbon bar with red cross/crescent awards for a while now, when I saw the Ottoman device on a Danish full size medal bar here at GMIC recently. I used to think it's something inofficial as I've never seen it before, but it doesn't seem to be. So Gentlemen, what is this exactly, please? The awards on the bar are: - Hessen, Milit?r-Sanit?ts-Kreuz 1914; - Preu?en, Rote Kreuz-Medaille III. Klasse; - Dt. Reich, Ehrenkreuz f?r Kriegsteilnehmer; - Dt. Reich, Ehrenzeichen des Deutschen Roten Kreuzes; - Osmanisches Reich, Medaille vom Roten Halbmond.
    21. Please, it's Hindenburg, with an "u". I read this that often in anglo american Forums. Poor old Reichspr?sident ...
    22. Rick said yet all, well almost - your bar cannot be navy as navy got Prussian long service awards, but your guy wears a Bavarian - so a common combination to bavarian EM/NCO and worn without devices, we cannot even be sure what grade of MVK he had.
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