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    Everything posted by Stogieman

    1. The wrap to mount to does not always match the medal mounted. Note that the Silesian Eagle has a different base ribbon as well.
    2. Saschaw, that's always the way it seems to go with these copies.... firsy one, then another.... then suddenly they're all over eBay and the fairs.... The worse part is the fakers are constantly improving their products. Note that the Prussian Pilot Badge fake floating around now has the correct Juncker mark, but had the wrong pin..... now this same piece is out on eBay with a modified pin. Still not right, but they never quit trying!!
    3. A quick aside.... you will also find the Prussian GMVK mounted "backwards". Again, I think some soldiers didn't want there to be any misunderstanding.....
    4. Good eyes Kev, but in this instance, I would say that it is original to the mounting. We do find this medal mounted this way, my guess is that the soldier didn't want nyconfusion as to why he received the award.... The swords are redundent and not official, but again; my gut-call is they are original to the bar. Another excellent piece to study. Note on the rear-view we can see another style of mounting. Note that the maker wrapped the mounting bar with a ribbon, then sewed the award ribbon, folded, to this base. Scott, I think the bar is original, but at $480... rather expensive for what it is/what it has.
    5. I fixed the title of the thread to reflect what we are actually talking about. Perhaps someone can give us a (hopefully) accurate time-line on the various types and ribbon/mountings. My questions are: A) Was the Order Red Banner of Labor ever a screw-back with no suspension? B) Any idea as to dates of issue via the numbering system? C) When did they stop numbering the award? D) Total number awarded numbered? E) Was the first suspension a tri-folded ribbon? F) When did they switch to the "Soviet" style suspension? I've seen an awful lot cof complex, enameled pieces from the former Soviet Union and its' satelites, but this particular order, in my eyes, was one of the most beautiful pieces that ever came out from behind the former "Iron Curtain". An example:
    6. Well, I find the word uncomfortable too, but every person I have seen that sells Bulgarian ODM uses the word "emmission" as opposed to "edition", "type", etc... I guess it was the old when in Bulgaria.......
    7. Reverse of the grouping. ALSO! I have never, ever seen a cliche, or "stamped" badge that was real that wasn't an official issue piece.
    8. ... because the quality is simply not there at all... what few real miniatures I have seen have been of extremely high quality. I'm not talking 16mm stickpins.... I'm talking 20-33mm minis. I shall attempt to pull up a pix...
    9. Yep, they'll do anything to deceive you. On eBay. Honest Seller though, he ammended his listing to reflect the fact that it's actually an altered Third Emission....
    10. Hi Enzo, it was a joke on a type of window. The best windows you can buy in the US have triple-glazing (3 panes of glass), low UV (don't allow a lot of ultra-violet light/heat into the building), and high RF (insulates well against heat/cold). If you can afford those.... you can also afford to have someone else clean the drool off of the outside where Ed will be.
    11. I find this part very interesting: "ARTICLE 10. Upon the death of the recipient, the medal and its documents can be kept as a memento, but not allowing its use, of the following relatives: a) The widow; b) Children over 16 years old; c) The mother or father; d) OR any other person that due to affective or family bond deserves to keep such medal and documents. Nevertheless the stated in the latter, upon the non-existance or death of these relatives, the State Council can dispose the medal and documents to have another destination, for storage and conservation purposes."
    12. The Saxon St. Henry Medal (as well as the Verdienst Order medals), if the official issue, will have the F.U. maker mark under the bust. A small number of medals were struck during the 1870 conflict by Rothe in Wien, Austria and bear their mark under the bust. Any medal found without the signature is a copy of some kind. (Yes, that includes "spangen-stuch" medals of the period, still a copy no matter how you look at it).
    13. .... actually, I would suspect triple-glazed, low UV, high RF thermo-panes. (Cleaned by someone else)
    14. Well Ed, now you have to put your "salesman" skills to work. Point out to those in Ulanbaatar that one can ask whatever one wants... that doesn't mean it will sell. Also, things have an interesting way of vanishing from this website only to re-appear months later for sale again....
    15. That is exactly what I suspected. Another catalogue's images having been stolen. The "lucky" high bidder transfers the cash and the seller disappears. Not a bad way to make a quick 3K Euro.....
    16. Geez, it's been forever since I saw one of these. Congrats! I love Juncker quality!
    17. I don't know, call me paranoid..... but when someone with virtually no selling history, only 35 feedback and a buying history of purchasing Nintendo games places something like this on auction for 24 hours on a weekend...... well, let's just say I won't be bidding on his offerings!
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