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    Everything posted by Stogieman

    1. I had my eyes on this one as well. The matching unofficial date bar in enamel on both bars was extremely interesting. Beyond this, I cannot explain the fantastic rise by over 600- Euro in the bidding in the last 10 minutes other than the fact that at least two people wanted this bar very, very much!
    2. As an aside to our previous thread on the Saxon "Super hero".... note where this Bavarian has mounted his Prussian war-aid cross.... behind all four Bavarian decorations, but before his Bavarian red cross/fire service medals.
    3. Here's a rather spectacular photo of a Bavarian Veteran and long-serving Fireman
    4. This has been a most interesting thread so far! Jason, I know where those two bows came from... it's very nice to see them again! Thanks!
    5. This bar is a common (well okay, maybe not common) sight. The bar is mounted in Saxon precedence, right to left. The award on the far right is the Saxon Military Saint Henry... no ifs, ands or buts about it... Followed by Medal to the order of Saint Henry, Merit Order 2kl.wX, Albert Order 2kl.wX, FAM, EK2.... now what is especially significant to me is that this fellow was decorated 2X as enlisted (FAM, SHM) and then 3X more as a field-promoted officer.... outstanding man, outstanding image. A TRUE Saxon will mount ALL awards from Saxony before anything (even an EK2) from Prussia.....
    6. Photo is on German eBay right now... ~26- Euro last time I looked. Pictures have gone up in price, like everything else... Didn't know if you guys needed an ID/image for your work on the Wurttemberg rolls.. My apologies for the previous "u" as opposed to "e" in "berg" ;>)
    7. I guess the scary thing is that I would have over 800 ribbon bars that I have owned and/or sold over the years to pour through.... I couldn't find one example that breaks the only two grades rule... as an added tease, here's something to make you sigh:
    8. And Chris' point is a sad but serious comment. Apart from all the ZAV that has shown up over the years, all the new self-proclaimed experts.... it is the fact that someone would MURDER another human being over these items that totally turns me off from collecting Militaria. I have sold off everything..... I have zero interest in being any more of a target than I already am. Hence one of the primary reasons many of us hide behind (somewhat) anonymous screen-names. Once upon a time, I was quite involved in antique tinplate trains.... I watched people show up at funerals, widow's doors, etc. trying to swoop in and buy collections and pieces for cheap. It disgusted me so much I stopped collecting and associating with any of these people to this day... Murder a dealer, a collector or a recipient of an award simply to possess a "thing"...... how many people do you think will want to be on that list? Not me..... at the point where a badge, a medal, a group becomes worth being killed.... it's time to say goodbye. Oh sure, you can lock everything up in a vault, stare at the pictures of your collection on your computer screen... gosh what fun that will be.... Then instead of simply killing you.... the bad people will force you to watch the molestation and torture of your loved ones until you clean out your vault and deliver the goods..... and then they'll probably off you just the same. Isn't collecting fun now?
    9. I don't know guys.... how do you price a true piece of history..... what... there might be 6 known examples world-wide?
    10. Re-read my last post Paul, they switched to gray thread..... it's surplus WW2 Wehrmacht thread... it doesn't glow.
    11. Hi Jens, a really low number and probably a WW1 Cross. Most of these were issued "officially engraved" so its' entirely possible that this one was not ever actually issued. Originally, a Silver Star was to be worn on the ribbon of the US Victory medal. It was well into the 1930's before this piece was ever brought to reality/issue. The original BB&B box was blue and had a paper label on the end with a matching stamped serial number.
    12. Here's a black-lighted example of the stitching pattern being used out of Germany. When I first publicized this photo (and others) exposing these thieves they then switched to war-time surplus Wehrmacht gray thread. However the workmanship, stitch pattern and quality of their efforts remained consistent... albeit with different materials. They use authentic, surplus silk ribbon(s) which came on the market about 4-6 years ago in great quantity. Any bar bearing this stitching pattern, un-backed should be very, very, very carefully examined to ensure authenticity.
    13. Hi Don, that's a superb bar. I much prefer to find these in mounted groups. A solo is nothing to turn your nose up at mind you; but any of the bravery medals mounted is a true rarity. Congratulations!
    14. ... but yes, the "First Style" BMVK is (relatively) easier to find then the Order. Very hard to find with good enamel though. Usually, they show up chipped. I've handled only one of the Order, but four of the Kreuz. Two were mounted on bars and chipped up pretty bad. US market for it is depressed as compared to Germany. (IMO)
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