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    Everything posted by Stogieman

    1. An excellent opportunity in a most unusual place: http://cgi.ebay.de/Verdienstorden-der-Baye...1QQcmdZViewItem
    2. The bullion badge is "textbook" period manufacturing on these. Thought all should take a second glance to familiarize themselves with this style....
    3. I believe the jurisdiction/salvage rights were granted prior to commencement of the operation (per US news reports). The wreck lies in international waters. The next question becomes.... How did a US court have the authority to grant rights to a wreck in international waters?? Spiffy story and the second major haul for this US based, publicly traded company!
    4. .. but at that point... I would suspect the actual construction of the bar which could be a fake in its' entirety...
    5. Now that's an interesting photo of a bar that would make us all cringe if it showed up on ebay!!
    6. Clearly a Bavarian, but not the one named. You have two (2) choices. Bid as if anonymous or bid and hope the combination can be ID'd. If the combination is legit, I would think he is traceable. As an aside... the case, chain and miniatures appear to match to me as a pre-1905 grouping/set.
    7. I saw a fabulous cased example of this very rare order for sale in Germany this week. I believe it was Uwe Bretzendorfer
    8. Very cool! I always feel good when I see this happen. Interesting he mounted the Messina medal backwards! Perhaps he wanted no mistakes as to what it was!!
    9. Kind of scary how much of this stuff has passed through my hands at one time or another...... I can trace the geneology of owners for the last 2 years!!
    10. Does anyone have an image of this order prior to 1979?
    11. The seller is from Texas, has a couple of user id's and sells quite a few fakes that are really well worked over and very well done. A bit of a hobby for him it would seem...
    12. The parallel to the "Sword & Shield" of the party is pretty blatant to KGB to me.... comments? thoughts? ideas? (and of course, the ever scarce facts?)
    13. Clue #2. The difference in quality between the two pieces looks pretty amazing from these scans I was sent!
    14. I suspect it is "Departamento de Seguridad del Estado". Anyone have any idea? Apparently part of the "Ministry of The Interior" Clue #1:
    15. I would agree. It matched the period of the cross. It does appear to have been mis-struck though.
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