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    Everything posted by Stogieman

    1. I will confess to sitting through many episodes of this show with one eye/ear open.... today I saw an episode that actually made me sit up and take notice... One of the "teams" picked up a set of 4 medals to one man. WW1 Service Medal King's South Africa Medal, 2 Bars Meritorious Service Medal Long Service & Good Conduct Medal Three of them had the original ribbons, clearly missing the Victory Medal & (??) another. Whilst they bickered about buying it I sat there yelling BUY IT at the screen.... They paid 175- Quid, at auction it only brought 180-Quid. Seemed incredibly cheap to me based on what very little knowledge I have of British ODM.... But it did perk me up abit for the afternoon!
    2. That's a Turkish buyer...... we have seen some (what we would consider) insane prices being made at auction for anything Turkish as Turkish buyers reclaim their country's heritage.
    3. Can I please see a close-up of the tie-downs of the ?se on each medal on the bar please? Thanks!
    4. OK, I cannot find the thread, spent quite a bit of time searching. But I know this bar appeared here last year, with no medal in last place. Now... I'm not opposed to completing a group, just hope Scott knew that before he purchased the bar. I believe the bar was originally on eBay. In fact, if memory serves... it was actually auctioned off twice. First time there was some issue with a bidder....
    5. When this bar was originally shown on the forum, the last place ribbon was empty... someone has added a medal. I am trying to track the original thread down now.
    6. Not mine, but on the market and something like ~60 awarded......... (The LS Cross, that is.... not that the BHL MK1 is nothing to sneeze at...)
    7. Yes, that's correct. Please note the correct medal scanned in post #6
    8. When you look at a bar like this... step one, look at the folds of the ribbons. They should all be the same, or darn close to the same..... No self-respecting German taylor, or jeweler would have let this bar leave his shop...
    9. Very unique and interesting way to display. I like it. Thanks for showing the collection!
    10. I always forget that the colors reverse on some ribbons. That would make sense to me being after the Saxon Ehren Kreuz. I thought long service, Saxony as the EK is typical to an enlisted/nco type. I concur with Rick that it is improbable that there's more than one fellow with that combination of awards. If you can find a Saxon in the almanac with that award for Afrika.....
    11. Example of an award document in two styles, covers:
    12. Distinci?n "Carlos Bali?o". Awarded for 25 years of service to the tobacco industry. Ribbon example below:
    13. Example of the award document in two different styles, the covers:
    14. First is Prussian Goldene Milit?r Verdienst Kreuz Second is Prussian War Merit Medal on War Ribbon Third is Saxon Honor Cross with Swords Fourth is Saxon Long Service Medal Last is Africa Medal with many bars He also wears (2) Prussian Landwehr long service schnalles
    15. I watched the group too but no way to bid on all of it and it would have angered me to have only won parts...
    16. Max-Josef winner and another recipient of the award from Chili we recently discussed. eBay #190214714177 Good Luck!
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