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    Everything posted by Stogieman

    1. Very Nice! I've only seen this one cased a few times over the years, Think I had one too, will search the archives for photos just to compare.
    2. Rick and I were going to go through the state archives in Boston someday but that's a bust now. If I could find the time, I know at least some of the records of these medals are held there.
    3. Hmmmm, no bites, Well, Juncker used a similar pin to Meybauer on a number of it's badges including submarine and airship badges
    4. Nice bar, nice photos and great research work. I had a St. Henry Commander once, it was very hard to find. I think I bought it from Detlev long ago. Long since moved on. It was a beauty.
    5. I tried forever to find a real SHM in gold, Closest I ever got was the mini, But mine was loose, not on a chain like yours. So very nice!!! I remember Detlev going to an auction house for me on a gold medal once. I bid 2400 Euro and still did not win!!
    6. Chris, Beautiful addition to the collection. Not all pilots had minis of their badges, I've seen chains with them and without. Beautiful and thanks for sharing!
    7. while the full-sized one has been heavily faked, I am unaware of copies of a miniature floating about. The only thing that throws me is no twist to the pin?
    8. Hi Jason, the medals look real, but 205 Euro (plus shipping) seems high to me just to get the medals. Just my opinion, if you need them for a project, I completely understand!!
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