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    Everything posted by joetauchretter

    1. Hello, A very nice looking badge ! Very sharp details on this badge . I have never seen a badge with a string and disc tag attached as shown in this picture . What does that little disc say ? what is it made from ? Can we see some detailed pictures of thisround tag ? Best Regards, Joe
    2. Hello , I too do not like the looks of the rank chevron nor do I like the way the collar tabs are sewn on . I checked all of my reference books and I feel the ink stamp M44 is the dead give away here , the Germans never called their uniforms "M40,M41, M42 ,M44 " etc. , this is done by modern day collectors ! Best Regards, Joe
    3. Hello , Though almost perfect I feel this is a modern museum quality repro . The first think that hit me was how new and fresh it looks , compair this tunic to my M40 police tunic for sale on this web site and look at the difference in age apperance . Also, I have never seen a tunic with M44 stamped on the inside . These are just my humble opinion's though . Best Regards, Joe
    4. Hello, My quess would be coastal artillery . Best Regards, Joe
    5. Hi Max, Great item you have there ! That's the shot I wanted to see ! I wanted a good view of the bubble levels . Is the heavy base magnetic ? On another note that seller did not want to part with the tauchretter :-( Best Regards, Joe
    6. Hello, I think the best German name for this instrument would be a WINKELMESSER or gunner's quadrant . More pictures would be a big help . Best Regards, Joe
    7. hello, Very interesting item ! I would like to see more pictures so I can give you a better answer , but I do not think this a sextant for measuring the sun . To get a fix on the sun you also need to see the horizon , with this item you cannot see both at the same time . That long tube in the middle looks like a bubble level to me , if so you would put the heavy base on an object and once the bubble is level you can read the degree of angle that object is at . This may be used by a machinest , I have seen similar items in our machine shop . More detailed pictures would be a great help ! Best Regards, Joe
    8. Hello , I would like to pictures of the battery ! Is it removeable ? Best Regards, Joe
    9. Hello , I do not have a good feeling on this badge , in my humble opinion I think this is a high end repro . I do not like the details in the wreath , The details look weak and look cast to me . What makes me nervous all the wear to the silver disc behind the raised swastika . Maybe it is just the way it looks in these pictures but the swastika looks like it has nowhere near the wear that the silver disk has ! In my mind how can something that is so raised up as the swastika escape all the wear shown BEHIND it on that round silver disc ?? To me that silver disc looks like it has seen a lot of artifical wear ! Best Regards, Joe
    10. Hello , I would likesome information on this badge/tinnie . It has been in my family since new , but they all have now passed away . I have had this in my possession for 40 years now . It reads : 15 Jahre Ortsgruppe Rosenheim - 1920 NSDAP -1935 . This badge is made from stamped sheet brass 40 mm in diameter and has a pin soldered on the back . Any information would be a great help ! This was given to me over 40 years ago and this was the badge that got me started collecting other TR era material Best Regards, Joe
    11. Hello , I think this is an old hat , but in my opinion not TR era . I do not like the shape of the hat or the chin strap and , maybe this is just the way it looks in the picture but the aluminium emblems look too new for the age of the hat . Best Regards, Joe
    12. Hello , That is one long black sinister looking surgical instrument ! With no surgical masks on the 3 standing men and the patient has his legs crossed and what looks like a semi smile on his face I would guess that these men were having some fun . Best Regards, Joe
    13. Hello , Very nice Dr?ger made gas mask ! BYD= Dr?ger , BWZ + Auer made items . The D on the bottom of the gas mask canister means Dicht or water tight , not all gas mask canisters were made to be water tight . Best Regards, Joe
    14. Hello, In my opinion this looks like a copy of the schwerin u-boat badge . I would expect to see the maker name and adress stamped on the back as most schwerin's were . Also I have held many repro's made in the 1990's that looked like this badge shown here , I even owned one as a display but gave it away to a friend who wanted a hole filler . This badge looks very nice but I just do not have a good feeling about it , the repro's out there now are too darn good ! Best Regards, Joe
    15. Hello , From what I can see in these pictures I feel this is a cast repro u-boat badge . The details look very " soft" , not sharp and crisp as I would expect to see . I would like to see better pictures , if possible . Best Regards, Joe
    16. Hello , Very interesting lamps ! What is the lamp lens made from ? Is is glass or some type of plastic ? Best Regards, Joe
    17. Hello, Very nice propaganda items you have ! I own 2 of the pull down propaganda cards and I have them on display in my Tauchretter collection . I like them next to my tauchretters as a way of showing what can happen to a u-boat sailor if his boat is attacked and sunk , you may need your tauchretter as a life saver or drown ! This pull down card has some vivid graphics for the would be u-boat crewmen ! This is what info I have on this pull down propaganda card: It was produced by the P.W.E. agency and was first dropped by British planes on the night of 05/06 April 1942 and the last time it was dropped by the RAF was on the night of 04/05 September 1942 and is approx. 10 cm x 20 cm . The other u-boat propaganda comic book type I have been looking for since 1977 ! I first saw a small copy of this in the book THE BATTLE OF THE ATLANTIC by TERRY HUGHES and JOHN COSTELLO , 1977 and found on page 290 . If you ever want to sell this please let me know , I have a nice home for it between 2 more tauchretters ;-) This 4 pager was also produced by the P.W.E. AGENCY A in 1942 and first dropped by the RAF on the night of 10/11 April 1942 and the last night drop by the RAF was on 02/03 1942 . Very nive items and thank you for the close up detailed pictures ! Here is a shot of my 2 pull down cards .
    18. Hello, Not a very good picture , but notice the very long leather straps . Best Regards, Joe
    19. Hello, Here is an original color photo of a german u-boat crewmen wearing the leather retaining strap in foul weather . More to follow . Best Regards, Joe
    20. Hello , Very nice belt ! I have several pictures , some in color when I get the time I will scan them and post them here for you . Most look diffferent than this belt , they are wider and have 3 leather straps . I feel that this is a linesmen's belt , you know the men that climb telephone poles ? I have a picture of this too , I will try and find that picture also . As with most items there are variations depending on what year it was made and who made the item . It is possible that a u-boat / ship builder could use a different supplier than another ship builders hence many different types of belts used during the war . The metal tag that the belt was inspected and valid for one year from 1.7.41 to 1.7.42 , I think you would see this more for a linesmen's belt then something found on a sub . Best Regards, Joe
    21. Hello , Great collection you have there ! I love the close up detailed pictures ! What is the large , square blue box ? Can we see more detailed pictures ? Best Regards, Joe
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