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    Old Contemptible
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    Everything posted by dond

    1. He is definately counting on ignorance (of the language) and by the bidding I'd say he has a couple of prospective candidates.
    2. Yep, its just that most people's problems are smaller than they think. Except yours of course.
    3. Think of the Wurtemburgische IR 180. During the first week of July, 1916 they were in the line just west/north west of Ovillers. As luck would have it they were in the way of the British attck for the Battle of the Somme. Between 1 and 7 July they were shelled incessently, attacked several times, conducted local counter attecks to regain lost ground and overall they acquitted themselves very well. Thier stubborn defense even when adjacent units fell back, thru a sticky wicket into the British plans. All this with a loss of only 197 men dead, 423 wounded, and 34 missing. In these losses were 15 officers. The life expectancy of Leutnants sucked. So, while you are sitting there complaining about the heat just remember, it could always be hotter. Sources were the Regimental History for IR 180 and The 10th Company, Wuert. IR No 180 in Der Somme Schlacht.
    4. Firstly, I think if it is original than it it pre-1895 as the EK has no oaks for the Jubilee.
    5. I looked in "WEHRPASS" and the codes don't go up that high. Can you post a scan of the page?
    6. Why would they use GD? What is the provenance for the reference? Inquirying minds want to know.
    7. I've seen G attributed to Godet but GD would not make sense to me. Must be someone else.
    8. http://cgi.ebay.com/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewI...p;rd=1&rd=1
    9. Now that would make for an interesting discussion in some places, probably on the scale of the "Rounder Debate." Very nice tunic btw.
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