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    1. At what point does all that 'bling' become a hindrance to perambulation? I would think it would become difficult to move without damaging something. Or did one only put it all on when sitting in front of the photographer and remove it afterwords?
    2. I usually have a bit of trouble extracting some of the details and color information from B&W photos but in this case I think I have seen enough of these so that I would agree with hunyadi that they are the corporal's stars. The officer's stars usually appear a bit more 'fuzzy' for lack of a better word, and in my experience always photograph with a distinctly grayish hue.
    3. Even though he has only now been charged, all this occured in 2005 before the Stolen Valor Act became law.
    4. The gun looks very much like the Mle 1897 75mm field gun (aka the 'French 75').
    5. 'train' from The Online Etymology Dictionary train (n.) c.1330, "a drawing out, delay," later "trailing part of a skirt" (c.1440), also "retinue, procession" (c.1440), from O.Fr. train (fem. traine), from trainer "to pull, draw," from V.L. *traginare, extended from *tragere "to pull," back formation from tractus, pp. of L. trahere "to pull, draw" (see tract (1)). Train of thought first attested 1651. The railroad sense is recorded from 1824, from notion of a "train" of carriages. British train-spotting "hobby of observing trains and recording locomotive numbers" is recorded from 1958. The following image is from 'Das Deutsches Heer'. According to it there were 3 Bavarian Train-Abteilungen. They are listed as Train-Bataillone. According to the book their name was changed in 1914 from Train-Bataillone to Train-Atteilungen. The same book has a drawing next the plate of the Prussian Train-Abteilungen of a uniform for a Military Baker, which has yellow shoulder straps with Roman Numerals (though the uniform still uses the light blue facing color) so Bakers were apparently not directly part of the Train-Abteilungen.
    6. I am not your expert, but since nobody else has answered and this has been rattling around in my head for several days I thought I would respond. It is my understanding that after WWI the number of Hungarians who might have wanted to be in the armed forces was much greater than the number of available positions. It is also my understanding that the armed forces increased in size many times over starting in the early to mid 1930's, and that with increases in combat troops come increases in skilled support personnel. If this man left the Austro-Hungarian forces as a low ranking officer at the end of WWI and joined the Hungarian armed forces when they expanded at the same rank, that would account for the lack of a long service medal and the relatively low rank. The primary problem with this would be his relatively old age at that point (probably nearing 50 years old in the 1930's), but if he has a specialized skill from his previous service, as one might find in a soldier with medical/quartermaster tabs, the age might not be an issue. This would account for the relatively low rank at an advanced age, as well as the lack of any long service medal. Also, while you probably know more than I, the idea of an NCO with a silver and gold merit medal strikes me as not something that I would expect. As the award was instituted in the mid-1800's, and based on general discussions on the crosses, I believe that their status as an award for officers was not very flexible.
    7. Below are my 1848 & 1866 Tirol medals. I was hoping that someone could tell me what the criteria for these were? Any information would be welcome. Also, I know of the first republic Tirol Medal from WWI, and one or two at the end of the 18th century, but were there any others from the 19th century? I want to say I read about one, but I've never seen it and haven't seen any references to it since. Thanks!
    8. The public security service medals are very nice, but can anybody explain the symbolism of the three pointed star in the center of these medals? Is there any, or is it an arbitrary symbol? Hopefully I'm not missing some obvious answer...
    9. It is difficult to see from the pictures, but if the crown on the right side of the portraits is the Austrian Crown, then from what I can see the crown on the left bears some passing resemblance to the Hungarian Crown (the Crown of St. Stephen). It is difficult to see whether the cross on top of the crown is completely vertical, or slightly tilted, but there is quite a bit of Austro-Hungarian imagery that emphasized the 'two kingdoms' nature of the empire. Below is the current crest of Hungary with the Crown of St. Stephen on top for comparison.
    10. Mine measures 37.5mm using digital calipers so I assume it started as the 39mm version. I like the antiquated style suspension loop, which appears to me to be an intigral loop of metal hammered flat, but I don't know how they were in practice worn with the ribbons. It is my understanding that the Austrian style Trifold ribbon didn't come into being until the middle of the century?
    11. I am not an 'experten' by any means but I do have an interest in these medals as I have one. Try this website: http://www.antiquesatoz.com/napoleon/ausnapms.htm The following info is taken from that site. There are two versions and these in turn come in various sizes and metals based on the rank of the reciepient. Both medals look enough alike that I have to read the inscription to figure out which one I am viewing. The following are pictures of my well worn example. Please excuse the flash. I took this before I knew better. Mine, obviously, is the second type and with digital calipers I consistently measure 37.5mm given the wear, I assume that means it used to be the 39mm silver.
    12. I think these sorts of things are not uncommon. Generally described as 'I gave gold for iron' campaigns? l've seen lots of German trinkets with that sort of political slogan or idea. I don't think it was always jewlery, but also included medalions, table medals, etc. I just googled 'gold for iron WWI' to see if anything came up and the following site was returned, which appears to be about an exhibit on the subject at the Croatian History Museum in Zagreb, which of course would make it part of an Austro-Hungarian drive. http://www.hismus.hr/english/current%20exhibition.htm I don't really know for sure but I don't remember seeing similar campaigns in France, England, or the US, so maybe it was a Central Powers thing? Anyway, if you google the words I mentioned earlier you will get tons of useful links.
    13. There is a show which I've seen aired on one of the regular cable channels about a dozen times that more or less asks the same question. They (rightly, IMO) point out that when you look at the Tiger/Pather or even to a much lesser degree the Challenger with its chobham armor, that tanks that are excessively technically difficult in the end ultimately aren't very important/useful. It doesn't matter how great your tank is if you can only build one and the enemy builds 200. I think it speaks volumes that after world war II, when everybody took a step back and evaluated, that no nation attempted to build uber-tanks using the panther/tiger as philosophical design guides. Nobody (until recently?) tried to build a tank that would be superior to every other tank 1 on 1. Instead, they basically followed the T-34 model to build tanks that struck a balance between complex technical design and production considerations. I think you also have to consider the FT-17 since it was the first tank to use the standard layout of single main weapon on a turret.
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