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    Jock Auld

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    Everything posted by Jock Auld

    1. Ah, yes. you can find them for Bergen as well I have the 10 or 20 packs and 'liporela' (concertina type) in a card jacket both types large and small. I will leave them to dry out tonight. The wedding shot (not up there yet) shows the bride with a dress with a very long train, I am pretty sure that was there too today but not the grooms uniform sadly. I checked the address on some of the old mail and recced the house as it was just down the road but it looks like it was not from that address as it is still lived in and no sign of building works. I fear I have missed the boat with regards finding where the container came from. You win some you loose some. Jock
    2. Perhaps a UFO (LOL) since he thought it was a V1 and had no idea of the shape of a doodle bug but then why would he? I presume these remained secret in design until the end. Maybe the angle of accent. I would have to get a scale model and try it at different angles etc to see if I could get close to that silouete. Then possible effects of the film and shutter speed........On the pile of things to do, not that important. Doubt it was a toy as it is a bit late in the war to arsing around surely? He was also an officer (saying that then maybe he was arsing around?). The barracks shot is nice though? Jock
    3. Kevin, PSA pics. I thought that as well but what else can it be in 1944? This is not a dealer trying to sell me something, this is a bunch of stuck together, wet discarded pictures? My first thoughts were a post war fighter jet until I looked at the reverse but it is not that clear a shot. I was trying to put myself in the soldiers shoes, there must have been a loud noise to get him to get his camera out in the first place? I see no exhaust gas but only the trees are in focus. Whatever it is it is unusual? Jock
    4. I remember hearing somewhere that these type of NCOs swords were made in Germany too? Is this correct? Cheers Jock
    5. Guys, This was in with the WW2 pics today, thought you guys might like it! Jock
    6. Guys, Had a quick look in the paper skip today but was soon bogged down with this lot, they are still damp and dirty but better in my collection than burned. I like the V2 shot although the reverse states V1 1944, but for me if it is any it is a V2. The GD Barracks shot is also cool. Thank goodness for stupid people! On the other hand if I hadn't chanced by these would be gone. Jock
    7. Bernhard, Who knows? I would like to think it has lain undisturbed for a very long time. I shall go back better equipped since she has said I can have whatever I find and have been invited to rummage in the main house attic too which is very trusting and kind of her. The barn complex is a pretty treacherous affair but it may have to be dropped for the safety of the neighbours. At worse I will fall through the roof and die doing something fun! Jock
    8. Guys, An old girl we know has asked me to pop into her barn attic to check the source of water leaking from the roof, it was a knackered down pipe. The first thing I tripped over nearly at the top of the ladder was this mess tin lid. I am pretty sure it has been up there since the end of the war. I hope to find the rest of it, it is a bloody big barn but you can see down through the rotted floor boards. I will get a head torch and return. She thought me quite mental to be happy with a piece of junk. Its the little things that please me I suppose. I am making contacts just from talking to the people that visit my wifes shop so I think the next step is a sign in the window, see what it brings! Jock
    9. Guys, A freind gave me this from his wifes side of the family, I asked if he was sure but the wife has no contact with that side of her family and so it does not mean anything to them. It seems that he has hand painted a silk handkerchief with suitable motive of his boat. Apparently the boy was killed later in the war. It does not like the flash, sorry, its sort of in two bits. Jock
    10. ehrentitle, Thankyou for the ID of the badge. Bernhard, No, I did not know that, I knew German troops were used on land to clear their own minefields but never thought of the Navy, you learn something everyday! I kind of liked the lads posing with the helmets on and the rifles as I have similar shots in WW2 albums, boys will be boys! Jock
    11. Guys, I have started to pick this sort of stuff since there seems to be an interest in it, I suppose its all history better than being burned? The badge was amongst it, I couldn't find anything older then 1949 date wise. I think it may be a mine sweeper as the one picture that did not come out well due to the flash is of a large explosion, perhaps they have destroyed an old floating mine? Jock
    12. Eric, Perhaps he can find you something MG with which to trade? I think it is better than money to have more eyes out there focused on what you want since it is all starting to become quite dificult to find, particularly specific items, unless you go to dealers. Just a thought! Jock
    13. Bernhard, Thanks for the detail, as ever, I thought wrongly that it was a radar range finder, if not, is it a 'stadiarmetric' (spelling) rangefinder? I find it facinating you can remember the 'window' being dropped, saying that I remember the propaganda fliers from Op Granby (Iraq). It may not be your 'Tinsel' but I was wondering why would some-one keep a bit of tin foil? I suppose I can research the dimentions as it was cut to a specific size to interfere with a particular wave length, I will let you know what I find! Thanks Again Jock
    14. Paul, Catching up my admin, as stated all three together. I also did a bit of reading in Angolia/Schlicht, Die Deutsche Wehrmacht band 1, p484 covers the signalhorn with quotes from period paperwork. There is no mention of maker markings or military markings on them? There is however mention of markings on the Pfeife mit Huelle (p485) being 1.2cm bellow the mouth hole? Hope this helps? Jock
    15. Guys, This is quite unusual? The guy is qualified as a radar tech? The thing that interests me is that in the back of the soldbuch is a bit of silver, what looks like 'fag' paper but it is folded in half and I was wondering if it may be a bit of 'window' that he picked up since he would have been battling against it? Jock
    16. Guys, These are from about a month back but I have just got some time to rake through them as I am on holiday. I know they are very poor condition wise but I can't help myself, I guess I have an issue? I couldn't let them burn! Could the high heel version be RAD or hilferien type shoes? I am certian they are of the period. Regardless one complet pair of jackboots is ok! Jock
    17. Gordon, No probs, let me know where it is to go to? Mervyn, As discussed I can free up some smaller stuff more interesting for the mainstream of the forum. Jock
    18. I found a 'mica' tin which is the WW2 equivilant, I did not know it was an old idea from the first war, cool! Jock
    19. Greg, No probs. I think I can stretch to posting a letter to Austrailia, drop me a pm of where to send it. Jock
    20. Guys, Free to a good home, this rather beat up certificate to above named medal. It would appear that Cpl Younger was not that impressed by it and skipped it (see damage). I know how he feels but maybe in later life he may regert not keeping it. I bought it at the local scrap dealer for cents with some uniform stuff. Jock
    21. Sorry Bernhard, The horse is quite good looking. I prefer the nice looking blonds! I probably could use some glasses though. Jock
    22. Guys, Not sure where these belong so here they are, they pre-date WW1. Jock
    23. Guys, These are from a few weeks back, forgot to post them up, nothing fancy and the women sadly have all the looks of a slapped arse! Jock
    24. Do you think he took his boots as well or are the Russians very similar to the Germans? Jock
    25. Eric, I am fine thanks as I hope you are too! I see what your thinking, the felt could be a WW2 medical or Gebirgs depending on its size, I just spotted the leather loops for the straps at the sides? I don't think WW1 bottles had integral cups so the re-enforcment at the neck is for a WW2 version? Jock
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